The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1016: A Gu Qing's heart-Chu Baiqing hit Gu Jue (one more)

The Coke who was lying innocently at home sneezed twice. Who is scolding me?

A big man was told by another man in front of others that he was the person under him. This is simply...

What a bullying...

Chu Baiqing continued to peel the shrimp, but his hand was visibly trembling, and there was still a smile on his face.

Jason stood up suddenly, "You are a scumbag!"

Jason didn't throw a fist at Gu Jue, because he knew he couldn't beat Gu Jue, this man was too tough.

Furthermore, he didn't want Chu Baiqing to be harmed. The place is small, and if he really starts his hands, he will inevitably get hurt.

Because he knew that Chu Baiqing's body was too weak to bear pain, and he was unwilling to heal the wound.

Chu Baiqing slowly wiped her hands with a wet tissue, the gentle smile on her face has never disappeared.

He slowly stood up, walked in front of Gu Jue, and looked at him Zhan Zhan.

He laughed suddenly, but that laughter was not warm.

He hugged Gu Jue's neck and kissed his mouth with his soft lips...

This kiss came too suddenly, and even Feng Yan, who was pulling Gu Jue's arm, was stunned there. What kind of routine, why did he kiss him?

This is also the first time I have seen two men like this, both of them are his brothers. It is false to say that it is not shocking.

However, he didn't feel sick or anything else at all. He felt that this happened to both of them, it was normal.

Gu Jue turned from passive to active, and he responded fiercely to Chu Baiqing, playing so unscrupulously, as if he was going to eat Chu Baiqing.

Gu Jue hugged Chu Baiqing's waist, but he stood stiff, as if he was enduring something.

Feng Yan also noticed Chu Baiqing's strangeness, but he was still at a loss.

Until Gu Jue covered his mouth and cursed, the blood flowed down the corner of his mouth...

"Gu Jue, I also said that we are no longer brothers, but I am not yours either. I can't beat you, but I am a medical student. I still have the ability to kill you without knowing it. , So don't mess with me anymore!"

This is the first time Feng Yan has seen Chu Baiqing yell at people. This kind of aura and fierceness has really opened his eyes.

I always thought that he was a gentle and introverted temperament, only tolerant, but didn't want this temper to be really explosive.

The corners of Gu Jue's mouth were full of blood, his eyes glaring at Chu Baiqing with anger, and the unconcealed desire was fluttering in his eyes.

Gu Jue felt that he was so utterly useless.

When I was at Chu Yunyi's house during the day, I was slapped by Chu Baiqing, and he would bite his mouth again, but he was still threatened.

However, even so, Chu Baiqing couldn't bear to move his finger.

Some people are the more you tolerate him, the better he can do it. If you fight him fiercely, he will die immediately, just like Gu Jue at this time.

"What do you want me? I beat you, and bit you too. If you still don't get angry, can I ask you to come back?"

Even if the tone is not good, it is obvious that the momentum has fallen.

Because Gu Jue had never seen Chu Baiqing so decisive.

However, he has this temper, and he will not say good things. If he gets angry, he will lose his temper, and then he will not care about anything when he comes up so hard.

Feng Yan caught two pieces of information from this sentence. One was that Chu Baiqing beat Gu Jue. According to his judgment, this beat was definitely not a punch or kick. According to Chu Baiqing's temperament, it should be one. I slapped my face.

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