The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1017: A Gu Qingxin——What are you playing here? (Two more)

The second thing that made him more excited was that Chu Baiqing was suppressed by Gu Jue, still in his reluctant state.

This is really interesting...

"I won't be such a beast like you!"

Chu Baiqing's face flushed, and what he said was extremely angry.

Feng Yan felt that Gu Jue's EQ had reached the point where it made people scratch their heads.

If you have something to whisper in private, you can't talk to each other behind closed doors.

Although he also wanted to listen to gossip...

But if you say so directly, why do you make Chu Baiqing feel so affectionate? After all, you are a big man...

Gu Jue gritted his teeth and got angry again. He knew he was going too far in the car that day.

Without any preparation, he did that to Chu Baiqing, and it was him who was dazzled by anger.

However, what he did, how to apologize, and how to explain, Chu Baiqing treated him coldly, and he didn't know what to do...

When they were together before, there was something wrong with what he did. Chu Baiqing was tolerant of him, and had never given him a face, but this time, it was different...

"Jason, let's eat at another restaurant!"

Chu Baiqing directly passed Gu Jue and walked out.

But Gu Jue grabbed his arm, "Bo Qing, I hurt!"

Gu Jue seldom talked to Chu Baiqing like this, similar to speaking like a baby, but with panic.

In the past, two people quarreled, and Gu Jue accidentally got too strong. Chu Baiqing would smile and say to him, "Jue, I hurt!"

Chu Baiqing's body stiffened, and Yu Guang looked at Gu Jue, wondering if his pain meant that his bitten mouth hurts, or it hurts...

No matter where he hurts, he won't have the pain he has suffered.

"What to do with me!" Chu Baiqing shook off Gu Jue's hand forcefully and left indifferently.

The phrase "what do you do with me" was like a barbed knife, which stabbed into Gu Jue's heart fiercely and was suddenly pulled out.

After Chu Baiqing took Jason and left, the whole hot pot restaurant was quiet.

The two waiters were so shocked that they saw two men kissing...

Feng Yan swept over with cold eyes. Needless to say, the warning meant that it was already obvious, and that was to ask them not to cause trouble.

"Are you still drinking?" Feng Yan felt that the excitement was almost the same today.

Treating this kind of emotion between men and men is useless.

"You can't drink it!" Gu Jue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his finger.

It was so cruel, if he hadn't reacted quickly to this bite, Chu Baiqing would definitely have to bite off a piece of meat.

"Fuck, you have a temper to send to your Chu Baiqing, what are you playing with me?"

Feng Yan felt that he was just full and idle, no matter what they were doing, he was not human inside and out.

"When did you know?" Gu Jue looked at Feng Yan.

"It didn't take long, but the real eye opening is today. Open your eyes again someday to see how you were crushed by Bai Qing!"

Feng Yan's feminine smile was full of playful tone.

"Your uncle!"

"Sansao told you?" Gu Jue thought about it, it was Sansao.

"That's your third sister-in-law, my confidante, she begged me to help you two!"

He would never call Li Beichen the third brother in his life, where's the third sister-in-law.

Gu Jue directly found a table to sit down and drank there without changing places.

He looked at the place where Chu Baiqing had sat just now, and then he did something that made Feng Yan laugh at him for a lifetime.

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