The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1282: A Gu Qingxin——Chu Baiqing, you let other men touch you, right? (Two thousand words)

Without saying a word, his face is very stinky, just to make you see me angry.

Chu Baiqing got up helplessly and moved her shoulders.

Then he sighed, then turned and walked towards the lounge.

When Gu Jue saw that Chu Baiqing ignored her attitude, he was completely annoyed...

"Chu Baiqing, what do you really want to do? What did you do in the office with some fresh meat at night? Huh?"

Gu Jue followed Chu Baiqing into the lounge, looking fierce, as if he had caught the wife who had come out of the wall.

"Massage, didn't you see it!" Chu Baiqing changed her clothes directly, and then went into the bathroom.

When he wants to go home, he has to change back to the bath and change clothes. This habit has not changed for so many years.

"Fuck, you want a massage, I'll give you a press when you go home, you just let other men touch you, look for it?"

Even if Gu Jue was angry, he might call Chu Baiqing loudly as before.

It's just the tone of voice and the bad attitude...

"I'm not afraid that you are tired. These are all free labor. I teach them skills and they honor me. This is called reciprocity."

Chu Baiqing explained to Gu Jue when she closed the door.

"Fuck, Chu Baiqing, that day I said to do it again. You said that you were afraid that I would be tired and would not come anymore. Isn't it because of the future bed matter, you also have to deal with your apprentice Lishang!"

Gu Jue grabbed the doorknob and said angrily.

Chu Baiqing's smiling face was reflected in those deep eyes.

He is so angry here, he is still smiling...

"You laugh so much..." Gu Jue squeezed Chu Baiqing's face severely, disgusting his smile...

It seems that he is an unreasonable kid.

Just like Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu smiled when he made a mistake...

"If you think about these things in one day, you won't be tired."

Chu Baiqing shook his head helplessly. Their Gu Jue is good at everything, just jealous.

"I'm so tired!"

Now Gu Jue hates hearing the word tired...

Either Chu Baiqing went home after working overtime and said he was tired and didn't do it...

Either do it once, but still want to do it, he said that he was afraid that he would be tired and would not do it...

This is because I am afraid that he will be tired, and I will find someone to massage.

"Then you come in!" Chu Baiqing looked at Gu Jue's annoyed and depressed look, and said with a finger at him.

Seeing that Chu Baiqing wears a pair of boxer shorts, she can't bear it long ago...

Although anger is necessary to have aura, how can he say let him in, he will go in!

However, the aura is needed, the backbone is not needed, enter, of course you must enter...

Chu Baiqing's family likes to use beautiful men's tactics, and he also likes this one the most...

Entering the bathroom aggressively, he closed the door easily.

Seeing Chu Baiqing take off his boxer briefs and walk under the shower, Gu Jue did not move either...

Looking at him with straight eyes, how come his figure is so good, fair and well-proportioned...

Although white is not suitable for men, Chu Baiqing of their family is white and born with this physique, and he likes it very much.

Every time you bite or gnaw, you will leave marks.

I'm excited just looking at it...

Chu Baiqing washed her own, and ignored Gu Jue.

Watching the water flow all the way down Chu Baiqing's chest, slid across the waist and abdomen, disappeared along the base of the thigh...

Gu Jue's whole body was hot, and the evil fire ran wild...

This is the case with Chu Baiqing in their family. Every time he talks to him arrogantly, if he doesn't want to continue, he will use beautiful male tricks.

Either the collar of his clothes slipped off his shoulders, and he didn't pull it, just showing his beautiful collarbone hooking himself.

Or take a banana and eat it in small bites...

Don’t lie reclining on the sofa anymore, squinting as if sleeping instead of sleeping, shouting, "Je, it’s so hot, the air conditioner turned on a little bit..."

Anyway, there are many ways to hook people...

A person who was originally shy and shy, now he is a master of flirt.

Every time I sulked him and lost his temper, I didn't know why I was angry just now when I finished it.

Just like now, people who could take a shower soon are still daunting.

Either touch here or touch there...

When Chu Baiqing seemed to inadvertently stroke her finger...

Gu Jue was completely slapped and went crazy...

"Fuck, Chu Baiqing, you can do this trick especially."

Gu Jue rushed to Chu Baiqing in two steps and pressed him directly on the cold tile.

Pinching his chin, raising his head, the fire of desire is in his eyes.

The burning is exuberant...

"This trick will hook you for a lifetime!" Chu Baiqing hooked Gu Jue's neck and his legs wrapped around Gu Jue's waist.

His smile was gentle and gentle, and his voice was very gentle and charming.

The two were very close, and the heat hit each other's face, like a pair of invisible hands, caressing.

Gu Jue squeezed both hands on Chu Baiqing's ass.

Chu Baiqing snorted, because Gu Jue's pinch was so heavy that he was really pinched and thrown away.

"That's what you called it just now!"

What Gu Jue said was that Chu Baiqing was so painful when he was massaged by a small intern.

Holding Chu Baiqing's buttocks with both hands, he lifted him up. When the body was lifted, the back against the tiles felt cold.

Chu Baiqing couldn't help but hugged Gu Jue's neck tightly and moved closer to him.

"You're so jealous, right? My shoulder hurts. Ask him to press me twice. He is younger than the third son."

Chu Baiqing bit on Gu Jue's ear.

"No matter how young he is, he is also a man, so if I find a man to massage me, won't you clean me up?"

When Chu Baiqing bit his ear, he bit his collarbone.

Once before, when I went out to entertain a client, the other party heard that he didn't like women, so he found him two boys of eighteen to nineteen to accompany him.

The long one is very beautiful. He drank a few more glasses at the time. He only saw it when people sat next to him.

Those two boys were very active, and they just had a meal when they came close...

Gu Jue was kicked away...

However, when he returned home, Chu Baiqing still found that he smelled wrong.

He confessed truthfully, repeatedly making sure that he never touched them with a single finger.

However, with such a guarantee, Chu Baiqing did not let him go to bed for three days...

In the end, I still promised again and again that if I go on, if something like this happens again, I just tell them directly, "I'm afraid of my daughter-in-law, you all keep me away!"

Chu Baiqing allowed him to go to bed...

He was so angry that he wanted to throw out the sofa at home...

Their family Chu Baiqing said every day that he was jealous and careful.

But what about him? The jealousy is bigger than anyone else.

At most, I yelled two throats, and every time I felt like I was in a big battle, but in the end, someone could do it with a beautiful man.

When Chu Baiqing gets angry, it's all right. It's just cold and violence, and immediately separates with you to sleep.

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