The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1283: A Gu Qingxin——Gu Jue, you will spoil me (two thousand words)

When you are satisfied with him, he will forgive you, and you have to make sure that you don't make a mistake.

"Are we the same? You are with other men. They want to sleep in your bed."

Gu Jue is now becoming more mature and attractive. Not only are women crazy about him, but there are also many men who like him.

Who should be worried about?

"I have to let them go for that special thing!"

Gu Jue bit Chu Baiqing's lips irritably, and now his mouth is more and more annoying.

"You said that your concentration is so poor, if they use a little trick to hook you, they won't be accurate!


Chu Baiqing looked at Gu Jue's eyes full of desire, deep and deep, and the narrow and long eyes were so charming.

He likes to look at Gu Jue’s eyes the most, because every time he sees it is affectionate...

This man's love for himself has always been consistent.

Having said that, there is no intention to disbelieve him.

In the love between them, there will never be the possibility of one party betraying the other.

It's just that sometimes someone turns around him and is fascinated by him, and he will beat him.

To express his care and jealousy, although he said that he didn't trust him, he was very beautiful in his heart because he liked to be jealous and care about his appearance.

In fact, Gu Jue is like a child, all his emotions are on his face.

I will never hide it for you.

"Fuck, Chu Baiqing, what I do is that I have no stamina in front of you and poor self-control. You don't have to hook me, I have a reaction!"

I rubbed Chu Baiqing's thigh with that place and told him how hot the reaction was.

The two have been together for so many years, but this hot emotion has not become indifferent due to the lengthening of time, but has always been strong.

Gu Jue thought, in this life he will be able to excel at this point. As long as he is in front of Chu Baiqing, he is so persuaded, but he is willing.

Because that person is Chu Baiqing...

"Then what are you waiting for?" Chu Baiqing smiled badly. He now likes this posture of looking down at Gu Jue more and more.

He could see Gu Jue's impatient and eagerness in his seriousness, so clearly...

"Aren't you really tired?" Even though Gu Jue had been undergoing surgery for two days in a row, his family Chu Baiqing always shouted tired, but in his heart he really felt tired of him...

"Not tired, the little apprentice didn't give me a massage just now..."

Chu Baiqing deliberately bit the word massage.

Gu Jue was very annoyed when he saw his bad appearance. This guy, it was clear that he was here to **** him off.

"Chu Baiqing, what you do is looking for a job!"

Regardless of the fact that both of them were wet, Gu Jue walked out of the bathroom directly holding Chu Baiqing.

Compared with Gu Jue, Chu Baiqing was still thinner, so every time he was carried away by Gu Jue, he told himself that he needed to strengthen exercise.

How can he not let him hold so easily, as if he is weak...

He threw Chu Baiqing directly on the bed without being gentle.

Whenever Chu Baiqing ignored him, Gu Jue didn't take it seriously.

Fortunately, Chu Baiqing's body is not so easily injured now, so Gu Jue dared to come like this.

"Can Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu be at home?" Chu Baiqing had no clothes on her body, so she half-supported her head, watching Gu Jue undress.

"The third son is at home!" Gu Jue narrowed his eyes, looking at his anxious look, and then at the indifferent look of Chu Baiqing, he was annoyed.

Such a sharp contrast made him feel like he had never eaten meat every time.

"Are you sure you can rest assured the third son? Last time it was because he watched Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu... and then it happened..."

Chu Baiqing watched Gu Jue unfasten his belt and spoke slowly with a smile.

Last time Gu Jue wanted a field battle, he asked his third son to watch Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu at home. Who knew that the third son watched the child fall asleep, and then Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu were playing crazy...

I played a water gun battle at home, and then forgot to turn off the faucet, which caused the house to be soaked...

Because of this, the third son Xiaoqi Xiaojiu was fined to stand for an hour...

"Fuck..." Gu Jue thought that his third son's current state of being in a state of unwillingness would really cause Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu to get into trouble again.

Last time it was soaking in water, this time he probably burned the house.

Chu Baiqing suffocated a smile. He wanted to look after Gu Jue, and wanted to do it in a hurry, and worried that the children at home would get into trouble...

In fact, after the third son had the experience of being punished for standing last time, he would not fall asleep again if he let him watch the child.

It would be shameful to stop being punished for standing with Xiaoqi Xiaojiu.

Chu Baiqing gently stroked the bed with her fingers, as if she had a scalpel in her hand, her movements were brisk and smooth.

This is Chu Baiqing's usual action...

"Come on!" Chu Baiqing smiled and tapped Gu Jue's leg with his foot. Such a movement was like temptation.

Women's action is temptation, men's action is provocation...

Gu Jue watched the teasing flashes in Chu Baiqing's eyes, and immediately reacted.

"Chu Baiqing, is it fun to tease your husband?"

Gu Jue took off his pants and rushed towards Chu Baiqing. He sometimes itchy teeth with irritation about the stubbornness of Chu Baiqing's family.

A serious teasing him to play, but I will be fooled.

This kind of thing is not done once or twice, he will always come when he wants to carry his gun and go into battle.

Sometimes I say "I seem to forget to turn off the gas..."

Either "it seems like the door is unlocked..."

Nothing else is "Little Seven and Little Nine seem to be fighting..."

Anyway, he always has a reason to let himself out of bed...

Then, when he came back, he fell asleep...

I've been fooled every time, but I don't have a long memory.

"Well, it's fun, I feel good looking at you like that!"

Chu Baiqing hugged Gu Jue's neck, and this time he obeyed his hand to light a fire under him.

It's enough to tease him, or the Lord of their family will really start a fire, it is him who suffers, don't even think about getting out of bed...

"Fuck, you are so happy!" Gu Jue liked that Chu Baiqing was happy, Chu Baiqing was happy...

It doesn't matter what you do, as long as Chu Baiqing is happy.

Xiao Qi knows this truth, "As long as the daughter-in-law is happy"

"Gu Jue, you will spoil me!"

Chu Baiqing kissed Gu Jue's lips. This was a little hypocritical, but Chu Baiqing still said it.

Gu Jue is really good to him...

Okay, nothing to say...

"My master is so happy, Chu Baiqing, I am happy to spoil you, am I happy to know?"

Gu Jue kissed Chu Baiqing back. He liked his cool lips the most. When he kissed him, he became hot and swollen.

Chu Baiqing couldn't resist Gu Jue's kiss. Every time she was kissed, she would be confused with her eyes and look at him with red and swollen lips. It looked like that, Gu Jue would toss him fiercely every time.

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