The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1297: Looking forward to the year-there will be another next time, you know the consequence

Feng Yan is a very evil person. What he says in bed will make you ashamed. Those who listen to you...

Nana has a stubborn temper. When I go to her at this time, she will not open the door to herself, she will definitely say to let her be alone.

Yin Shinian wanted to withdraw his hand, but couldn't, "I'll eat, you let go!" Feng Yan pulled, and let Yin Shinian sit on his lap.

Yin Shinian didn't expect Feng Yan to pull her to sit down. When his back hit his firm chest, he felt pain because Feng Yan pulled her with great force.

"Sit here and eat!" Near Yin Shinian's neck, Feng Yan opened his mouth softly.

Some warm and moist breath hit Yin Shinian's neck, her body stiffened and she did not dare to move.

Because she is sitting on his lap, struggling is nothing more than flirting...

"Feng Yan, don't overdo it, how do you eat like this?"

Although there are no servants here, it is not a private space after all, and people will come in at any time.

Feng Yan is shameless, she wants it in time.

"You should know something more excessive, I can do it too, I have always wanted to try it at the table..."

What Feng Yan said of such ambiguous and blushing words is that he always has a lazy tone, which seems careless, but it makes people feel suffocated.

Yin Shinian is not the kind of person who blushes especially easily, but in front of Feng Yan, she will always blush and heartbeat when he says something.

"It's not convenient for me today... menstruation!" Yin Shinian's voice was very small, but Feng Yan heard clearly.

The body that had reacted was poured with cold water in an instant, but at the same time the fire was even more vigorous, because Yin Shinian's sentence was a response.

"You still have a mouth..."

Feng Yan had already passed Yin Shinian's body when he spoke, and when the voice fell, his thin lips had already kissed heavily.

With a strong and domineering kiss, she broke through Yin Shinian's teeth with tight teasing, sweeping every inch of his territory in her mouth.

Yin Shinian was forced to lean back, and this posture made her breath become urgent.

The more Feng Yan kissed, the more fierce he was. Yin Shinian couldn't bear it and couldn't push him away.

Feng Yan's words echoed in her mind, "You still have a mouth..."

It's not that I have never done it, but I feel very humiliated. She doesn't want to, but in Feng Yan's place, only if he wants it, do you want it if it does not exist...

Feng Yan hugged Yin Shinian, whose aura was chaotic, and left the restaurant eagerly.

"Stop eating, go back to the room!" Feng Yan said with a burning breath.

When I go up the stairs, I take two stairs at a time...

In the past few days of staying at the door, Yin Shinian understood a truth, that is, really don't provoke Fengyan, or the life is really difficult.

He was in bed, completely like Satan from hell, evil and dangerous.

He will always do this, let himself completely let go of his self-esteem, and beg for mercy and cry every time...

He will stop...

"I will come back for dinner from now on!"

Feng Yan was lying on Yin Shinian's body with a full face. No matter how cold this woman was, he would always be in bed, driving her hot...

Feng Yan was even thinking about the feeling of being wrapped in the slippery mouth...

Yin Shinian's entire face was pretty red, and his full lips were slightly red and swollen...

She heard Feng Yan's words, but didn't answer, she didn't want to make it for him.

She also doesn't want to eat with him...

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Without waiting for Yin Shinian's response, Feng Yan squeezed her chin in a deep voice.

"Got it!" At this moment, Yin Shinian really didn't have the energy to deal with Feng Yan.

She didn't want to do that for him again...

Ever since he had eaten Yin Shinian's meals, no matter how busy Feng Yan was, he would come home on time and on time.

Seeing the three sets of bowls and chopsticks on the table, he felt comfortable in his heart.

The mood will also be very good, Han Bing found out, and the young master laughed more and more.

this day

When Feng Yan came back, Yin Shinian hadn't cooked yet, and she was a little restless.

Today she received a call, a strange phone number.

When she picked it up, a man's faint, hoarse voice came over there, that "little girl..."

Yin Shinian dropped the phone to the ground because of his shaking hands...

After five years, when I heard these three words again, Yin Shinian's blood flowed back...

She didn't expect Baek Hyuk Hoon to call her...

Is he back? The number is local to Yuncheng, is he allowed to come back?

When Feng Yan encircled Yin Shinian's waist, the knife in her hand fell on the chopping board...

The familiar masculine breath made her body stiff.

Although the two would do very intimate things every day, sharing the same bed, Yin Shinian was still not used to the touch of Feng Yan.

"What are you thinking?" Feng Yan's brows frowned slightly, and she felt very unhappy with her stiff body every time she touched her.

"It's nothing, it'll be fine soon, go to the restaurant and wait!"

Yin Shinian once again picked up the knife, the voice was very calm...

Compared with the previous two people having nothing to say, now Yin Shinian will respond to his words, Feng Yan is still satisfied.

After kissing Yin Shinian on the cheek, Feng Yan walked out of the kitchen.

Yin Shinian breathed a sigh of relief. She wondered when this day would end.

Although she lives here, her heart has been thinking about leaving.

Leaving with Nana...

Gu Jue was here and wanted Feng Yan to accompany him to go out for a drink. Chu Baiqing returned to China but brought back a man. This made Gu Jue very unhappy.

When Feng Yan was about to leave, he hesitated and decided to tell Yin Shinian.

When Feng Yan returned to the master bedroom, Yin Shinian hung up the phone when he heard the door opening.

This was an obvious action, and Feng Yan could see clearly.

He walked to the bed and grabbed Yin Shinian's mobile phone directly.

When I clicked on the call log and saw Feng Xi's name, the corner of Feng Yan's mouth showed a soft smile.

A cold color passed through the enchanting eyes.

Yin Shinian's small white hands held on to the bed sheet tightly, lowered his head and said nothing.

Feng Yan threw Yin Shinian's phone directly onto the bed, pinching Yin Shinian's chin with clean and slender fingers, forcing her to look at her, and opening her mouth softly.

"What Feng Yan I told you is not allowed. I never say it a second time. There will be the next time. You know the consequences!"

Yin Shinian bit his lip and closed his eyes, not wanting to look at him more.

"I will come back later and take care of the child!"

In the past two days, Feng Yan has become accustomed to such silent confrontation in Yin Shinian, and now it depends on which of them is not patient enough.

I don't know why Feng Yan felt strange after saying this.

It's like a husband who is going to go out and say to his wife, "I will be back later and take care of the children!"

This weird feeling made him suddenly loosen Yin Shinian's hand.

Yin Shinian looked away, still silent.

Yin Shinian is actually used to this silent mode.

When Feng Xi had been put under house arrest as a year ago, she was able to pretend to be dumb, because she was used to not speaking.

Feng Yan couldn't see Yin Shinian like this the most, because when he was under him, no matter how he forced her, she could not scream out.

When Feng Yan turned away indifferently, Yin Shinian's body trembled slightly...

Yin Shinian's ears echoed what he had just heard. After dinner, Li Beichen came and had something to discuss with Feng Yan.

Yin Shinian also overheard the conversation between the two of them accidentally. It turned out that someone in Feng Yan's heart was...

He would never take good care of himself in his entire life, and the person he wanted to care for turned out to be Qingge...

She never knew that the person in his heart was Qingge...

Feng Xi called again, and Yin Shinian hung up. He kept asking about his male time.

At this moment, Yin Shinian wanted to tell him the truth, and didn't want to hide it anymore.

Whether it hurt Feng Xi, it still angered him.

She has to say it...

She sent a message to Feng Xi, "My name is Yin Shinian, which is Shinian..."

After sending the message, Yin Shinian turned off the phone.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself, and her mood seemed to suddenly become restless.

What is it for? What does he care about again, Yin Shinian dared not think deeply...

Yin Shinian had just sent away the customer, packed his things, and walked out of the bridal shop.

She was going back to prepare dinner, Feng Yan called and said that she would go back for dinner.

People’s adaptability is always very strong. From the beginning they were unwilling, but now they can face Feng Yan’s phone call and say that he obediently said that...

Yin Shinian walked towards the main street and felt a car following him all the time.

She glanced back, and the car stopped.

Then, the window was lowered...

A three-dimensional carved face of facial features appeared in front of Yin Shinian with the landing of the car window...

"I'm still thinking about when you will find me, the little girl hasn't seen me for a long time..."

Bai Hexun smiled and looked at the surprised Yin Shinian...

The indifferent smile at the corner of the mouth is calm...

Yin Shinian's heart seemed to have suddenly stopped, and she did not expect to see Bai Hexun again.

This man exiled abroad...

He really came back...

That year, in the closed compound, Yin Shinian, who was lost, saw Bai Hexun for the first time...

He said, "Little girl, are you lost?"

Goodbye, it's at the airport. He was being held as a soldier, very reluctant...

He grabbed Yin Shinian, who was giving away, "The lost little girl, remember me?"

Yin Shinian nodded, she remembered this big brother, remembered...

"Little girl is so beautiful..." At that time, Yin Shinian was already fourteen years old...

Later, she actually received a letter from Baek Hyuk Hoon...

In the ignorant years of youth, the two communicated like this.

The love that grew slowly, by the time he was eighteen years old, could no longer be restrained.

She made the boldest decision in her life. She went abroad to find Baek Hyuk Hoon...

However, because of this decision, she unexpectedly went to the wrong room... and went to Feng Yan's bed.

This is how fate is arranged...

Caught you off guard...

When Yin Shinian got in Bai Hexun's car, she was in a trance, she didn't even speak to him.

Because I can't open my mouth...

Bai Hexun gently held Yin Shinian's hand.

She is habitually trying to break free, she is not used to anyone's touch, but Bai Hexun tightened her strength.

"Does the little girl miss me?"

Bai Hexun's eyes have deep affection that is not hidden.

Yin Shinian looked at him in a panic...

Thinking, how could she not think about him every day...

But, think about her current situation, how can she say that word...

She can only be silent...

I can see you again,'s good...

This man is as calm and wise as she saw five years ago.

She didn't know why he was banished and was not allowed to return to China...

She only knew that this man was lonely and distressed.

He always said to her, "Little girl, I miss home, I miss you..."

Those words, when they dreamed back at midnight, echoed in Yin Shinian's mind...

Keep her awake at night...

Yin Shinian didn't speak, but Bai Hexun spoke, "Little girl, I miss you so much, so I'm back..."

Yin Shinian's body stiffened...

Five years ago, she said to Baek Hyuk Hoon, "Baek Hyuk Hoon, I don't want you anymore..."

When Yin Shinian said this, she knew that she must have hurt Bai Hexun severely.

Because Baek Hyuk Hoon said that everyone doesn't want him...

At that time, Yin Shinian said to him, "Even if everyone doesn't want you, you still have me, and I will stay with you forever..."

At that time, she really thought she would be with him forever.

Their emotions are not as vigorous as those of others, but they are watery.

Yin Shinian is stubborn, she likes is like, love is love...

Therefore, when she knew that she was pregnant with Feng Yan's child, she said such cruel words to Baek Hyuk Hoon, "Baek Hyuk Hoon, I don't want you..."

She thought that Baek Hyuk Hoon would hate her so that he would not feel uncomfortable...

But I don't want to, goodbye, but he still treats her the same way...

Call her little girl so affectionately...

It seems that five years have never been missing between them...

"My daughter is five years old, and her dad is waiting for me to go home to cook..."

The tone was trembling, Yin Shinian did not know why he said this...

"Young Master Feng Yan, isn't the person he loves Huo Qingge!"

Although it was a questioning tone, it was a positive tone...

Yin Shinian looked at Bai Hexun in astonishment, he just touched her head indifferently...

"Little girl, I know everything about you, how can I rest assured that you are alone..."

Bai Hexun leaned forward and hugged Yin Shinian, who was a little confused.

"You..." Yin Shinian didn't know what to say, he actually knew all about her.

"Do you know how hard you have been, how distressed I am!"

Bai Hexun has always known about Yin Shinian's affairs. He has people to protect her, but he doesn't interfere with her.

However, this time was different, she lived in the closed door...

He had to come back...

As soon as Yin Shinian was about to speak, her cell phone rang. She took it out and saw that it was Feng Yan.

She answered the phone without hesitation. She didn't want to upset him. Then, there was a reason to toss her on the bed.

Feng Yan said that if she didn't answer his phone, she would not get out of bed...

"Where are you?" Feng Yan's cold voice came as soon as the call was connected.

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