The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1298: Expecting a few years-I still think you are dirty (four more merged)

Yin Shinian could hear that Feng Yan's voice was unhappy...

And she didn't know why he was upset...

"Bridal shop, ready to go!"

Bai Hexun held his hand tightly, and Yin Shinian didn't draw it twice.

Bai Hexun looked very gentle, but he was really domineering in his bones.

His gentleness is the result of his exile over the years.

But his domineering is born in his bones...

The Bai family, who was once awe-inspired by everyone in the military district compound, was the true pride of heaven, but was forced to expel because of a life...

"Wait, I will pick you up!" Feng Yan hung up after speaking.

Yin Shinian looked at the mobile phone in his hand, his eyes were quiet and his mood was extremely complicated.

She accompanies Feng Yan to sleep for Nana, but she is not his subsidiary, she doesn't need to listen to him.

Yin Shinian was surprised that Bai Hyuk-hoon knew all about him, and all that was left was bitterness...

It turned out that he always knew he had a daughter...

"Little girl, accompany me to the cemetery!" Bai Hexun looked out the car window and spoke lightly.

Yin Shinian knew that the person Bai Hexun cared about the most had died, and he had told her more than once before.

He missed this dead man very much, and missed...

I can't cry even thinking of crying...

She also promised him that if he returns home, he will accompany him...

"Okay!" Yin Shinian spoke lightly, although his tone was light, but he was extremely sour.

The man she loved was sitting next to him. For so many nights, she huddled in the quilt and couldn't breathe because of his heartache...

But she did not dare to call him, she did not want him, she did not want him...

When he was so lonely and difficult, she abandoned him...

After getting off the car, Yin Shinian's hand was always held by Bai Hexun...

When Baek Hyuk Hoon got out of the car, he was already wearing sunglasses...

I saw a picture of a woman on the tombstone. It was very beautiful. I don’t know why Yin Shinian thought this woman was familiar...

Bai Yusu...

Also named Bai...

"This is my sister, little girl, say hello..."

Bai Hexun is wearing sunglasses and can't see clearly, the look in his eyes...

Yin Shinian only bowed slightly, she didn't know what identity she would use to greet her.

"My sister burned herself to death..." Bai Hexun said tragic things in a calm tone.

Yin Shinian's body became stiff, what exactly happened that would make this woman who looked so gentle and choose such a tragic way to end her life?

"Do you know why I was banished? Just because I killed my brother-in-law..."

Bai Hexun looked at Yin Shinian and spoke word by word.

"I burned to death with my sister, and my brother-in-law's mistress. It is ridiculous that my brother-in-law and mistress's son are only two years younger than my nephew..."

Yin Shinian's eyes were not shocked or panicked, but distressed, because she knew that Bai Hyukxun cared much about his sister...

"It's all over..." Yin Shi young and lightly embraced Bai Hexun. She knew that this omnipotent man was actually very fragile...

What makes her feel more distressed than fragility is his loneliness...

"Little girl, what you said, will stay with me forever, you can't speak for nothing!"

Bai Hexun looked at Yin Shinian and lifted her jaw...

Yin Shinian's heart trembled, she had indeed said this.

She also said that she will love him forever...

However, she is the woman of Feng Yan...

As early as five years ago, she had already lost the qualification to love him...

"I have..." Yin Shinian wanted to say, I have a daughter...

However, her words were sealed by Baek Hyuk Hoon's kiss...

Yin Shinian stunned and forgot to react. They had fallen in love with each other. In her youth and ignorant years, the love of moths to the fire was so pure and persistent.

But that kind of love is limited by distance...

There has never been an act of intimacy...

Yin Shinian is completely passive, her lips are entangled by Bai Hexun, sucking...

The body was also tightly held in his arms...

Can't escape completely.

There was a vibrating sound from the mobile phone, and Yin Shinian didn't need to look at it, knowing that the call must be Feng Yan.

He must have gone to the bridal shop, but he is not here...

His breath was robbed, and Yin Shinian's blush seemed to bleed.

The base of the tongue was numb from the kiss, and Bai Hexun did not end the kiss until Yin Shinian's breathing was not smooth.

Yin Shinian blushed and looked at him, this man she loved so much...

The heart is bleeding...

"Not only do I have a daughter, but I'm also a woman of Feng Yan. You haven't come back for many years, Feng Yan is the door...

Yin Shinian is not a person who is good at talking and communicating. She wants Bai Hexun to know her current situation, and hopes that he can understand that it is impossible between them...

"Little girl, for five years, I know what you are doing every day, and I know how hard you have been. I let you grow up..."

"But, you are with him. I don't allow it. You should know that I was exiled forever. When I came back this time, I was risking a great deal, so you have to listen to me!"

Bai Hexun gently rubbed Yin Shinian's red face...

Yin Shinian is strong at all times, but in front of Bai Hexun, she really looks like a little girl.

She leaned on him, looked up at him...

When Bai Hexun said, "So you have to listen to me obediently." A thread in Yin Shinian's heart broke, and that root was broken for many years...

He didn't allow himself to be with Feng Yan, how could she want to be with Feng Yan, if it weren't for Nana, how could she be entangled with Feng Yan, she knew how dangerous he was.

Yin Shinian’s cell phone vibrated again. With such a buzzing vibration, Yin Shinian’s whole body seemed to be overcharged.

Feng Yan's evil and feminine face suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Little girl, tell me, will you listen to me?" Bai Hexun pinched Yin Shinian's jaw again and asked softly.

Yin Shinian looked at Bai Hexun and followed the voice in her heart, she nodded...

She will only show all her fragility in front of him, and she naturally knows what this obedient means means.

"Hey, get ready to take away things, we will leave in two days! As for Feng Yan, give it to me!"

A petting smile appeared at the corner of Bai Hexun's mouth, and he knew that his little girl would nod.

He has a lot of money, but he doesn't care about it.

The only thing he cared about was the woman in front of him.

This woman he watched her slowly grow up...

"I..." Yin Shinian wanted to say that she would take Nana with her.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Baek Hyuk Hoon...

"I prepared a children's room for Nana. I wonder if she will like it..."

Yin Shinian's eyes turned red after hearing what Bai Hexun said...

Yin Shinian didn't ask Bai Hexun to send her back to seal the door, but took a taxi back.

When I walked into the closed door, my heart was depressed for no reason.

When I entered the living room, I didn't see Nana, only Feng Yan was sitting on the sofa and smoking.

Yin Shinian thought of several calls he had made, but he didn't answer them.

He has such a temper, I am afraid that he will get angry.

"Where did you go?" Just when Yin Shinian was about to go straight upstairs ignoring Feng Yan.

Feng Yan opened her mouth softly...

There were already several cigarette butts in the ashtray. After Nana came back, Feng Yan didn't smoke much.

If I want to smoke, I will go to the side hall to smoke, or on the balcony...

"Meet a friend!" Yin Shinian walked upstairs after speaking.

But Feng Yan, who walked a few steps, grabbed his arm?

"Did I tell you to wait for me in the store?" Feng Yan's tone was aggressive, his eyes filled with anger.

Today Feng Xi actually came to him and said that he wanted to meet Yin Shinian.

This woman actually told Feng Xi that she was a man...

He wanted to tease Feng Xi, but she ruined it all.

He called and asked her to wait in the bridal shop, but she left...

For this disobedient woman, Feng Yan really wanted to tear her apart.

"I didn't say to wait for you!" Yin Shinian was torn his arm, his face was cold, and his tone was cold.

She didn't understand why when she saw Feng Yan, she would think that the person he loved was a matter of Qingge...

When she thinks of this, her heart hurts slightly. She doesn't like this feeling, she doesn't like it very much...

She also hates herself who cares about feudal affairs like this, which is not what she should care about in Yin Shinian.

The feminine smile at the corners of Feng Yan's mouth gradually widened. Since Yin Shinian moved to live here, she has always looked like a beating.

That cold posture made him very annoyed.

"Yin Shinian, who do you think you are? You show me the face, who gives you the courage?"

Feng Yan was angry, he pinched Yin Shinian's chin and said sharply.

However, when he saw Yin Shinian's lips unusually red and swollen, he suddenly pulled her body closer to him.

Perfume that belongs to men also smells of tobacco, clearly smelling...

Feng Yan's feminine eyes turned scarlet in an instant, like an angry lion...

Yin Shinian was really frightened by this kind of Feng Yan. She wanted to break free of his imprisonment, but she couldn't...

"Yin Shinian, who did you see?" Feng Yan roared.

His chest was filled with anger in an instant. Although he has a bad temper, he is not an irritable person, let alone getting angry when he is so good.

Yin Shinian's jaw was pinched tightly by Feng Yan. She could not speak, but felt that if Feng Yan used more strength, her jaw would be crushed by him.

Naturally, she would not say who she went to see. Bai Hexun came back secretly. If he was discovered, he would be in great trouble.

Besides, who does she see has anything to do with him?

She was just sleeping with him, and he had no right to take care of her private affairs.

Yin Shinian don't look away, don't talk...

His attitude completely angered Feng Yan.

"Han Bing, check it out for me to see which wild man she has seen!"

Feng Yan usually doesn't speak foul language. Obviously, he is really angry...

"Yes, Young Master!" The ice hiding in the dark replied respectfully.

Finally secretly retreated.

Fortunately, he let Ms. Nana go out to play, if she sees this situation, I am afraid it will be even more chaotic...

Yin Shinian heard that Feng Yan asked Hanbing to check it out, no matter the pain, he opened his mouth, "Don't..."

It only takes minutes to check things out...

Bai Hexun had killed someone, and this time he came back stealthily. If he is found out, she doesn't know what the consequences will be. She can't put him in danger.

"Shut up for me!"

Feng Yan almost dragged Yin Shinian upstairs.

A man in a rage naturally strikes at everything.

When Yin Shinian was thrown into the bathtub by Feng Yan, her back hit the edge of the bathtub heavily.

She shed tears from the pain, but did not cry out for pain, still watching the menacing Feng Yan stubbornly.

Feng Yan opened the shower and turned to get the toothbrush and toothpaste...

Then he put the toothbrush with toothpaste into Yin Shinian's mouth.

Yin Shinian retched, but Feng Yan brushed her arrogantly.

How could he allow his woman to kiss another man.

Yin Shinian was forced out of tears, and she was soaked...

Extremely embarrassed...

When the clothes were torn apart, the body was turned over, kneeling on the edge of the bathtub.

Yin Shinian felt the humiliation he had never had before...

"Feng Yan, you make me feel sick..." Yin Shinian whispered in a broken throat when he was entered without foreplay.

"I think you are dirty!"

In the end, Yin Shinian didn't even have the strength to shout pain.

Like a broken baby, let Feng Yan vent on her.

Traces of blue and purple on her body can be seen everywhere, and the most severely injured place is her knee...

"From today, you will stay at home and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

When Feng Yan stepped out of the bathtub, Yin Shinian didn't even have the strength to grasp the edge of the bathtub.

"Feng Yan, you have the fire to come to me alone, don't look for him..."

Yin Shinian's voice was dumb, and at this time, she still thought that Bai Hexun could not be in danger.

"You dare to say so!" Feng Yanyang was about to slap Yin Shinian.

However, when she was about to hit her in the face, she closed her hand.

No matter how angry he is, he is still sensible. He can punish her in any way, but he cannot beat her.

When he was doing it just now, he repeatedly asked her, apart from kissing, did she do anything else with that man...

Yin Shinian said no...

Perhaps it was really afraid that Feng Yan would kill Bai Hexun, and Yin Shinian finally swore that nothing happened.

She should be thankful that she did not have a substantial relationship with that man, otherwise, Feng Yan would not guarantee that he would kill her directly...

Feng Yan turned and left the bathroom. He was afraid that he could not control it and would really hit her...

When Feng Yan went downstairs, Han Bing was already there.

"Who is that savage man?" Feng Yan wore a black suit, the color of the dark night, the most suitable for him, evil charm and danger.

Han Bing looked at the gun in Feng Yan's hand, and his eyes flashed with complexity.

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