The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1299: Looking forward to years-why can't I touch you? (Four more merged)

Feng Yan, who was in anger, looked at the appearance of Han Bing hesitating to speak, and became even more angry.

"Could it be Feng Xi?" After speaking, Feng Yan immediately denied what he said.

"Feng Xite doesn't have the guts!"

Yes, don't look at Feng Xi's usual willfulness and recklessness, but he is very clear that Yin Shinian is now a Feng Yan woman, he can pester her, but he will never touch her.

Give him the courage, he dare not, because he knows Feng Yan's possessiveness best.

"Young Master, I didn't find out, the car didn't take pictures, and it seems to have been deliberately hidden away!"

Han Bing said half of the truth, and half of what he did not say.

That is, he received an order from the old man of the Bai family, and he could not investigate!

Although the old man of the Bai family has now lived in seclusion, he no longer cares about the affairs of the world.

However, his status lies there. It is important to know that closing the door has today's social status, mostly relying on the support of the Bai family.

Back then, Feng Yan's father fell in love with Bai Yusu because of his background.

He called him suddenly and refused to check...

It proved that the man in the car was the one that Mr. Bai wanted to protect.

Who is it and who is it?

Hanbing didn't know this, but he also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he didn't tell the truth with Feng Yan.

Because he knew that once he said that, the young master would definitely go to the old man Bai, that is, his grandfather, and ask him to understand...

So many things may become tricky...

"What does it mean to be unable to find it?" Feng Yan was completely on fire.

He wanted to know who this savage man was, and even dared to move his woman.

In fact, the most important thing is that he wants to know who the man that Yin Shinian likes is.

He would irritate himself again and again for a man, even dare to intercede for him...

"Young Master, I really can't find it. Obviously, the other party is someone with a background and the ability to hide whereabouts."

Hanbing is not suitable for lying, so when he speaks, he always keeps his head down.

At this time, it should be fortunate that Feng Yan was in anger, otherwise, he would tell it at a glance.

"Continue to investigate!" Feng Yan didn't believe that there were people in Yuncheng who he could not find out.

Yin Shinian is ill and has a high fever...

She wrapped herself in the quilt, shivering coldly, her delicate and pretty face flushed abnormally.

She wondered whether Nana had eaten, but she didn't have the strength to move at all.

She thought Feng Yan wouldn't care about Nana... She was like this, Nana would definitely cry when she saw it.

The place should be swollen, very painful, Feng Yan's fierce and unrestrained impact, she thought she would die...

At this moment, she was thankful that she had agreed to Bai Hexun and followed him.

Yin Shinian thought, if she does not leave, she is afraid that Feng Yan will kill her...

There is no part of her body that is not painful. She almost crawled out of the bathroom, because she was kneeling in the bathtub, and the violent impact made her knees become red and swollen, and she couldn't stand straight...

Thinking of the humiliation in the bathroom, Yin Shinian thought, if it weren't for Nana, she wouldn't want to live.

Feng Yan is not a human being, how could he treat himself that way...

How can I humiliate myself like that...

Why does he...

When Feng Yan returned to the bedroom, he saw Yin Shinian lying there wrapped in a quilt, not sure if he was asleep.

His current anger has not subsided, and when he thinks of Yin Shinian kissing that wild man, he wants to kill her.

When going to bed, Feng Yan directly tore off the quilt covering Yin Shinian's body.

One of Yin Shinian's body was trembling because of fever inside and cold outside, and the other was also trembling because of anger.

When Feng Yan put his hand on her and was about to pull her over, Yin Shinian spoke.

"Don't touch me..." The hoarse and dry voice made people feel very distressed.

After saying this, Yin Shinian shrank tightly, very cold...

"Why can't I touch you?" Feng Yan directly pulled Yin Yin Shinian's body angrily.

What she said was very hot, but when she saw her flushing face, she immediately touched her forehead.

"Damn it!" Feng Yan cursed fiercely when he touched his hot forehead.

He directly pressed the inside line and asked Han Bing to call the family doctor over.

"I don't know if I have a fever?" Feng Yan roared even more aggressively than just now.

Touching Yin Shinian's body again is no different from the stove.

Yin Shinian bit her lip and didn't speak. In fact, she wanted to yell as well.

Who is the reason for her fever?

Does it need him to be hypocritical here, looking worried about himself?

"Cold?" Looking at Yin Shinian shivering there, Feng Yan lay down and hugged her.

Yin Shinian struggled not to let him hold her. She didn't want to see him now, let alone feel his breath...

"Don't mess, you want me to get you?" Feng Yan's self-control here in Yin Shinian is negative.

Even if she looked cold, he couldn't restrain the urge to want her when he saw her.

He is not a lustful person, but as long as she is under him, he will become intemperate.

"Shameless!" Yin Shi Nian's body trembled, and this man was simply not human.

When the family doctor came, Yin Shinian was already asleep in Feng Yan's arms.

Perhaps she was too tired to be tossed by Feng Yan before, or perhaps Feng Yan's arms were too comfortable.

In short, she slept very heavily, and even the doctor gave her an injection, but she did not respond.

In the early morning, Yin Shinian's fever subsided, and Feng Yan let out a sigh of relief.

Pulling out his aching arms, he got out of bed and went to the balcony to smoke.

In the smoke, he looked at Yin Shinian who was lying on the bed and squinted slightly...

Yin Shinian's health is good, and she will be fine the next day, but she is even more indifferent to Feng Yan.

Sometimes it's completely when he is transparent, and the anger makes his teeth itchy.

But because of Nana's presence, he always endures it.

After returning to the room, Yin Shinian tossed to death...

She gritted her teeth, and the more he asked her to call, she just didn't call...

And this vicious circle makes Yin Shinian's legs feel weak every time he gets out of bed...

One more thing, that is, Yin Shinian was banned by Feng Yan and was not allowed to go out...

Yin Shinian called Bai Hexun, but it was turned off and she couldn't find him...

My heart became more and more restless, and after that day, Feng Yan did not mention her being kissed forcibly.

The more he didn't mention it, the more worried Yin Shinian was, fearing that Bai Hexun would be in danger, and now that she could not contact him, she became even more confused...

Close the door

Today is Nana’s birthday.

Nana happily stood at the door of the kitchen, watching her mother make a cake for her.

Celebrating her birthday is her happiest time because her mother will meet all her requirements. You can also eat as many cakes as you want, and you can go to bed later.

She especially likes birthdays, even though the birthday she remembered was last year, after all, she was still very young and has no memory.

However, this year's birthday is still a little different. She is looking forward to spending time with her parents, but it is still her and her mother, without the presence of her father, it is still very uncomfortable.

I have expectations in my heart, and the greater the expectation and the greater the disappointment, it will inevitably be more disappointed.

However, when facing her mother, Nana still behaved as usual, with smiles all over her face, and her words crisp.

Yin Shinian saw Nana's loss. She didn't want Feng Yan to come back before. She hoped that he would be busy, so that he would not have to meet and be tossed by him.

However, today, she hopes that he will come back and come back to spend a birthday with Nana.

After hesitating again and again, Yin Shinian walked out of the kitchen and told Nana that she was going to the bathroom. For the first time, she took the initiative to call Feng Yan.

Listening to the waiting tone after another on the phone, Yin Shinian rubbed the corners of his clothes, very nervous.

As soon as Feng Yan's car entered the closed door, the phone rang. He saw that it was from Yin Shinian, which was quite surprised.

In her memory, she has never actively called herself...

Let Hanbing drive the car in, he got out of the car and answered the phone.

Feng Yan did not speak when the phone was connected, but waited for Yin Shinian to speak.

Yin Shinian on the phone paused for a few seconds before speaking, "Are you coming back tonight?"

Perhaps it was not so used to calling Feng Yan so actively, perhaps because he was resisting talking to him in his heart. In short, Yin Shinian's voice trembled a little, and this kind of trembled sound was a bit coquettish.

"Miss me?" Feng Yan's voice was soft and playful.

The lazy voice is low and deep, and people will be led into the whirlpool.

Yin Shinian bit her lip and didn't speak. What she didn't like most was Feng Yan. She talked to her in this ambiguous tone as if they were lovers, but they had no relationship at all.

"Today is... Nana's birthday!"

Thinking of Nana's expectations, she didn't want her child to be too uncomfortable.

Nana looked very cheerful, but in fact, she was more sensitive than any child.

"I asked you if you missed me?" Feng Yan spoke again, this time his tone was much clearer to ask.

Yin Shinian felt that Feng Yan was a bit too much...

She felt that with Feng Yan's love for Nana, if she said it was Nana's birthday, Feng Yan would agree to come back.

"I told you, do you want to come back and decide for yourself!" Yin Shinian had to hang up.

"If you say you miss me, I'll come back. Don't tell me, I can give Nana a birthday anytime!"

Feng Yan's voice came from the phone, blocking Yin Shinian from hanging up.

Yin Shinian knew how much Nana was looking forward to celebrating her birthday with Feng Yan.

After all, it was his father. Nana's birthday wish was to be able to celebrate his birthday with his parents.

Yin Shinian didn't want Nana to celebrate her birthday and even forced a smile.

Biting his lip, Yin Shinian closed his eyes slightly, miss him?

It stands to reason that the answer that can be given in an instant is no, but when she asks herself, the answer is not available...

Yin Shinian felt that he was probably ill...

The little white hand held the phone tightly, opened his mouth and finally said, "I thought..."

These two simple words seemed to exhaust Yin Shinian's entire body.

"Tell me everything!"

The words Feng Yan on the other side of the phone said were a little bit rougher, and they were repeatedly picked up and gone, and there were any emotions that needed to be vented.

Yin Shinian wanted to hang up the phone right away, but he had already spoken and said as soon as he thought about it, he couldn't just leave it without results!

She knew what Feng Yan wanted her to say...

Yin Shinian told herself that this was all for Nana, not that she really missed him...

She Yin Shinian would not think of a man with another woman in her heart, she would not...

"Wait for me, Yin Shinian, you wait for me!"

Something seems to explode all at once, just because of the sentence, "I miss you, can you come back?"

Feng Yan hung up the phone and walked quickly to the villa without any delay.

Yin Shinian listened to the busy tone on the phone with a blank face, how did he feel that Feng Yan wanted her to wait for him to come back to kill her...

When I left the bathroom, I turned into the living room. Yin Shinian was stunned. Someone came home...

Hanbing is directing people to deliver things to the dining room, and others are decorating the living room, all related to birthday decorations.

Mu Mu and Tangtang are playing with Nana...

And Feng Xi... is here too?

And he was walking towards him, to be exact, running towards him.

Yin Shinian didn't respond at all, she just went to the bathroom and made a phone call, so how come there are so many people in the house...

These people will not come here by the way, they know it is Nana’s birthday...

So how did they know, then only Feng Yan...

He knew that today was Nana’s birthday, but he forced himself to say that he missed him, begging him to come back...

Is this man too hateful? How could there be such a person? He is a jerk.

It wasn't until he was taken into his arms and felt the man's strong heartbeat that Yin Shinian suddenly withdrew his thoughts.

"Feng Xi, what are you doing?" Yin Shinian struggled, in front of the child, is Feng Xi crazy?

"Don't move, let me hug, I miss you so much!"

In the past, Yin Shinian always liked to hug her when Feng Xi was under house arrest.

Do nothing, just like to hug her and hug her, very much.

He really likes the light and fresh smell on his body during the years, which makes people smell very comfortable.

"Feng Xi, don't do this, let me go, my daughter is here, we have something to say, don't do this?"

Yin Shinian was anxious. One of her was worried that Nana would not see it well, and the other she wondered whether Feng Yan would show up and let him see it. She was the one who suffered. He would definitely toss her to death. .

"Yin Shinian, your voice is so nice!" Feng Xi was nestled in Yin Shinian's neck, dragging.

Yin Shinian struggled to free herself. What she didn't expect was that Feng Xi would take the initiative to release her...

However, when she saw Feng Yan's face, she realized that Feng Xi had been pulled away by him.

Before Feng Xi could react, Feng Yan had already pushed him away.

The restrained fist was not thrown out because there was a child.

Feng Xi stared at Feng Yan angrily, he was holding him comfortably!

"Feng Xi, this is my woman, if you know something about people, you should know, she is your sister-in-law!"

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