The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1309: Looking forward to the time-Yin Shinian, you give me a point of peace (four more merg

Actually sleeps with the Bai family...

Han Bing looked at the young master behind him. Since his wife passed away and Bai Hexun killed her husband, the young master and Mr. Bai have never met...

Because there are two lives between them, and because of the young master’s name...

Yin Shinian didn't know Mr. Bai, but from Feng Yan's gloomy face, it seemed that he didn't want to see this old man.

For some reason, Yin Shinian felt that the old man looked like a person, but he couldn't remember who he was.

Han Bing saw that Young Master didn't mean to get off the car.

No matter how old Mr. Bai is his grandfather, the old people get off the car first, no matter how strange they are, there is no lack of courtesy.

Hanbing opened the door and got out of the car, and said hello respectfully, "Mr. Bai!"

Han Bing knew very well that Mr. Bai's appearance here must be related to Yin Shinian.

He now wants to know more and more, who is the man related to Yin Shinian and why Mr. Bai will protect him like this.

And he would go out in person. Is the child in Yin Shinian's belly really that man?

When he knew Yin Shinian was pregnant, he had been expecting that the child would belong to the young master.

"I want to see that Yin Shinian!" Father Bai narrowed his eyes, his voice was deep.

Han Bing looked back, really embarrassed.

"Mr. Bai, let me ask Miss Yin..."

At this time, naturally, it is impossible to ask the young master.

"Tell her down!" The old man Bai directly interrupted Han Bing's words, his tone a little angry.

The old man wanted to come to Bai founded the predecessor of Fengmen, Zhongyitang, which was also a tyrant.

Later, after Feng Yan's father married Bai Yusu, Zhongyitang was closed.

As he got bigger and bigger, Mr. Bai was also satisfied. Who knew there was a woman problem later.

Later, Baek Hyuk Hoon killed him, and a good home was destroyed.

"Yes, old man Bai!" Han Bing knew, it would be useless to say more.

Obviously, Mr. Bai is aiming at Yin Shinian today.

Standing at the car door, "Young Master, Old Man Bai...I want to see Miss Yin!"

Han Bing looked at Feng Yan's face, not good.

Yin Shinian was a little surprised, why should I see her?

She looked at Feng Yan blankly, and his jaw was clenched tightly, unable to distinguish his emotions.

Feng Yan didn't speak, and Han Bing didn't know what to do. It's been three minutes, so it's hard for Mr. Bai to wait any longer.

"Little Lord……"

There was a slight sweat on Hanbing's forehead, he knew the temper of Old Man Bai, it was very bad.

Don't quarrel with the young master for a while.

Feng Yan opened the door and got out of the car...

Han Bing exhaled, and his spirit was a little tense, don't quarrel again.

Standing in front of Old Man Bai, Feng Yan looked at his grandfather with a complicated look in his eyes.

Grandpa is getting older...

Elder Bai looked at Feng Yan's eyes, and there was a clear flash of brilliance. After a certain age, people are eager for family affection.

He lived alone all these years, very lonely...

"Growing up..." Some trembling voices were full of vicissitudes.

After so many years, that young man has reached his age, but he hasn't grown up.

Feng Yan's hands hung beside him, clenched into fists tightly. After the fire that year, he lost his mother... lost his father...

He also lost his favorite little uncle...

And grandpa...

Back then, the old man Bai wanted to dissolve the closure because he hated Feng Yan's father.

Elder Bai wanted him to join Huo Zhongrao into the army, but he didn't want to.

He had always followed his father to fight and kill before, and he couldn't leave them behind.

However, Feng Yan did not allow it, because there were many people who had no way out without closing the door.

Therefore, Feng Yan insisted on taking over the sealing...

Father Bai wanted to change Feng Yan's surname to Bai, but Feng Yan did not agree.

Because of these two incidents, the two were very stiff. The old man Bai said that Feng Yan Baiyanlang had the surname of the man who killed his mother.

Said that if Feng Yan did not change his surname, he would not recognize him as a grandson.

At that time, the old man Bai just lost his daughter, and his son was shot again.

Therefore, the whole person's mood is very low, and Feng Yan's disobedience, many people say that he may not live for a few days.

"Grandpa..." Feng Yan opened his mouth and called out Grandpa, but he looked very strange.

Elder Bai didn't say anything for a long time, and looked at Feng Yan and nodded tremblingly.

"I... Grandpa wants to see that Yin Shinian!"

It's not as cold and domineering as the one I spoke to Han Bing just now, because of Feng Yan's grandpa, his tone became softer.

"What does Grandpa want to see my woman for?"

This is something that Feng Yan didn't understand. He hadn't seen each other for so many years.

Grandpa appeared suddenly to meet Yin Shinian. Why?

"I met her and I will tell you why!"

Old man Bai sighed slightly, why would uncle and nephew entangle the same woman.

Do you think their house is not messy enough?

"Grandpa tell me why first, then I will decide whether to let her see you!"

Feng Yan's attitude was also very determined. Some things appeared in his mind that he felt impossible.

However, I think this is the most likely...

"Xiaoyan, don't you listen to Grandpa?"

The old man Bai looked at his grown-up grandson, and his tone was a little higher.

The picture of him arguing with himself more than ten years ago appeared in his mind.

That stubborn energy really followed his father.

"Grandpa, you haven't asked me about anything these years, why are you interested in my woman now?"

Feng Yan's face was not very good, and some words were right on his lips, but he didn't ask for it, and thought it was impossible...


"Xiaoyan, grandpa just asks, doesn't it mean that she doesn't know or care, this Yin Shinian she..."

Father Bai said only half of his words, and then stopped.

"What's wrong with her? Because of my uncle?"

Feng Yan opened his mouth suddenly, and he said what he thought was the most impossible.

His little uncle...

Except for his uncle, he couldn't think of a second person except for his uncle.

A person who has died...

Now think about it, it's very possible that grandpa wants to save my uncle's life by sending him abroad.

If this man appeared in Yuncheng, it would be impossible for him to find the trace, but Grandpa's power was enough to hide the trace.

Although this is his guess, but now the more I think about it, the more I feel that this is the case.

That night Yin Shinian called out Brother Xun...

And his younger uncle is called Baek Hyuk Hoon...

"Your uncle has been dead for so many years, why are you mentioning him?"

Elder Bai looked at Feng Yan and said sharply.

"Grandpa, my uncle is not dead!"

He could see the slight surprise that flashed in Grandpa's eyes just now.

Uncle is not dead, not dead...

He is the man that Yin Shinian loves...

So in other words, on the night five years ago, Yin Shinian was supposed to be in his uncle's bed, but went to his bed by accident and gave him Nana...

Such a **** thing happened unexpectedly, and it happened to him.

His favorite uncle, for his mother, killed his father and killed his uncle, is still alive...

"Xiaoyan!" The old man squeezed his crutches tightly.

"Grandpa, do you need me to check it out?"

Feng Yan's voice was high again, because he wanted to die because of the death of his mother and uncle.

He hated his father, so he didn't feel much about his death.

However, his mother and his uncle are different. They are his family. Their departure made him very uncomfortable. During that period, he was really better off than life.

However, there are so many people waiting for his leadership in the closed door, he still hates Li Beichen, he can't die...

Just survived. After many years, his brother-in-law survived and wanted to steal women from him. How ironic...

"Xiaoyan, whether your uncle is alive or dead, you just need to remember that he is only for your mother..."

Elder Bai didn't say the following words.

In fact, whether to say or not, there is only one conclusion, and that is that Baek Hyuk Hoon is alive.

Although Feng Yan's face didn't look happy, his heart was happy, especially happy.

His uncle is still alive...

However, the problem after being alive is that he wants to compete with him.

Obviously, grandpa knew Yin Shinian, so the younger uncle naturally knew her own woman.

However, he still met her, and more than once, kissed and went to bed, all done...

Yin Shinian was in the car and couldn't hear their conversation. However, looking at the two of them, their faces were not good and they were obviously arguing.

She hesitated to get out of the car, and she also wanted to know why the old gentleman wanted to see her.

Feng Yan turned his back to the car, so he didn't know that Yin Shinian got out of the car.

From his grandfather's eyes, he turned around and saw Yin Shinian.

"Who let you get off?"

Feng Yan didn't know why he was a little flustered, he even wanted to hide Yin Shinian.

He didn't want her to know that he was Baek Hyuk Hoon's nephew, he didn't want to...

"If you have something to say, don't make a noise!"

Yin Shinian saw that the old man Bai's face was not good, and he was worried. Feng Yan quarreled with him, and another accident happened to the old man.

Yin Shinian's words seemed to have a soothing effect, making Feng Yan's irritable heart gradually calm down.

He held Yin Shinian's hand tightly.

Yin Shinian frowned slightly because of the pain, but didn't say anything.

The old man Bai looked at Yin Shinian, his eyes stopped on her stomach again.

Feng Yan would definitely not know that his phone was monitored. Although Mr. Bai did not see him, he knew all about him.

In the past it was because he was young and uneasy, so he supervised, and then it became a habit.

Therefore, he would know about Yin Shinian's pregnancy.

From that phone call, he heard that the child in Yin Shinian's stomach was probably also Bai Hyukxun's.

If it is really Baek Hyuk Hoon’s child, then they will have a daughter in the Bai family.

Over the years, there has been no woman around his son, and he is also anxious that he can give birth to the Bai family.

He has been alive in a few years, and he wants to see his grandson or granddaughter before he dies, preferably grandson...

Therefore, after knowing that Yin Shinian was pregnant, he couldn't sit still, so he found it directly.

I know something is wrong, but people who are getting older, just like this, can't control it.

Because I want to know if this child belongs to the Bai family...

"I'm Xiaoyan's grandfather!" The old man Bai kept looking at Yin Shinian's belly.

Feng Yan pulled Yin Shinian into his arms with his strength, his face was ugly to the extreme.

Grandpa actually knew that Yin Shinian was pregnant?

Did your uncle tell him?

How did the uncle know?

Did Yin Shinian tell him?

When she was pregnant, the first person she told her was not him, but her uncle.

It is conceivable that the child in her belly belongs to...

"Hello!" Yin Shinian was somewhat detained, and she seldom dealt with her elders.

This is Feng Yan's grandpa...

"Nana is very cute, you educated her very well!"

The old man Bai has seen Nana's photo, that is Xiaoyan's daughter...

Thinking of this, I looked at Yin Shinian's belly again.

If she was born with her own son’s child, wouldn’t it be a mess of generations?

However, he doesn't care about so much now, he just wants to confirm whether this child is from their Bai family.

"Thank you..." Yin Shinian was surprised and would mention Nana. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only say thank you blankly.

She quietly leaned on Feng Yan, and she could feel that he was very upset.

And this anger seems to be related to myself...

"Xiaoyan, let me talk to her alone. There are some things, Grandpa must make sure!"

Before that, it was half clear, Father Bai, knowing that he said that, Feng Yan knew what it meant.

In fact, this problem will be faced sooner or later.

Uncle and nephew...


"Grandpa, there is nothing to confirm, you know, I have a bad temper, I can take her to the hospital now!"

After Feng Yan said these words, he directly pulled Yin Shinian and left.

His anger is no longer under his control.

The thought that the child in her belly might belong to her younger uncle, he was going crazy.

No, grandpa is yours, this child belongs to the younger uncle...

When Yin Shinian heard about the hospital, he had to get rid of Feng Yan's hand. Why did he go to the hospital?

"Feng Yan, you let me go..." Yin Shinian shouted to Feng Yan.

"Yin Shinian, give me peace of mind, don't let me kill you now!"

Feng Yan was really angry.

"Xiaoyan, dare you!"

The old man Bai shouted anxiously.

"Grandpa, this is my woman, do you dare to say me?" Feng Yan yelled back politely.

"Xiaoyan, listen to Grandpa..."

Han Bing held on to Old Man Bai's body to prevent him from falling.

The emotions are too emotional, after all, it is prone to accidents at the age.

He knew it was going to be a fight...

But I didn't expect that Young Master Bai was still alive and still with Miss Yin...

"I won't listen!" Feng Yan directly hugged Yin Shinian.

"Feng Shao!" Just as Feng Yan was about to get in the car, a man's faint voice came from behind him.

When Yin Shinian heard this sound, his body became stiff, and he turned his head in astonishment.

Feng Yan froze there...

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