The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1310: Looking forward to the years-DNA comparison between Nana and your younger uncle (four

Even if I haven't heard my uncle's voice for many years, people's voice will change.

However, even if he didn't look back, he knew it was Baek Hyuk Hoon, his younger uncle...

Feng Yan smiled. In a cold smile, there was joy and bitterness, and many emotions were mixed together.

His uncle is alive, he is happy...

However, that "Feng Shao"

It's really ironic, he doesn't want Yin Shinian to know their relationship, right?

Because they all know Yin Shinian, if she knew that they were the relationship between uncle and nephew, she would definitely stay away from them.

Yin Shinian didn't expect that Bai Hexun would appear. Feng Yan went around checking him. Why did he send him to the door by himself.

And how did he know Feng Yan?

How confused I am, when I first saw him, wasn't it just closing the door...

They should know...

And he had also told himself before that she would not be happy with Feng Yan, he had known it, everything.

The only one who doesn’t know all this is Feng Yan...

Feng Yan felt the stiffness of Yin Shinian's body in his arms...

Even though he had guessed the man she loved, Feng Yan still felt quite ironic when the three of them were there.

If you say something like this, who would believe that a person who everyone thinks is dead, actually appeared in front of him like this...

They also became rivals...

No wonder Grandpa would look for Yin Shinian, he was for the child in her stomach...

She didn't show up while she was alive, and didn't let him know that when she showed up for Yin Shinian and the child in her belly, Feng Yan felt very sad.

He and his uncle have always had a good relationship, but what about now?

Looking back at the man in front of him, the appearance in the memory was more mature and domineering.

Even with a gentle face, but the domineering in his bones was particularly obvious.

He was naturally domineering. He could hold a gun when he was a teenager, but killed his father. Such Bai Hexun is a wolf in his bones, so fierce.

Yin Shinian met Bai Hexun's indifferent gaze, and his eyes suddenly turned red, because she knew that he only appeared for her.

I tried to hide my whereabouts before, but now I have exposed myself like this.

Yin Shinian wanted to get out of Feng Yan's arms, but he held it tighter.

Although Yin Shinian is very thin, he is an adult after all.

Yin Shinian's face was very red, completely red...

"What should I call him?"

Feng Yan asked the old man Bai for this, his cool tone was slightly mocking.

Because Baek Hyuk Hoon called him Feng Shao...

Mr. Bai looked at his son and grandson...

Sighed, looked at Yin Shinian in his arms again, turned and left.

Although he is an elder, he can't control either of these two, and he won't listen to him.

Hanbing let out a sigh of relief when he put the old man Bai into the car.

After thinking about it, he still called the commander and gave a general overview of the situation here.

He felt that the Grand Commander had to come forward, after all, he had a very good relationship with Bai Hexun before.

Now that people are alive, if such a big thing is spread, it will be very troublesome.

If the young master gets into trouble again, regardless of it, if the trouble gets bigger, there will be no way to end it.

The ice was also hidden in the dark, and Bai Hexun's entourage also retreated.

Now there are only three of them left...

Looking at each other like this seems a bit awkward...

"The little girl is used to calling me Brother Xun, so let her call it that way!" It was Bai Hexun who spoke first.

He has changed his status abroad, but for Yin Shinian, she has become accustomed to calling him Brother Xun, so he did not tell her his new name.

A soft smile appeared at the corner of Feng Yan's mouth, Brother Xun...

Little girl, such an intimate name, look at the little red-faced woman in her arms.

She really looks like a little girl. If you say she is the mother of a five-year-old child, no one will really believe it...

"I don't know why Brother Xun is looking for me?" The shout of Brother Xun had no affection.

Obviously Bai Hexun is much calmer than Feng Yan, "I'm looking for her!"

The slender fingers pointed at Yin Shinian in Feng Yan's arms, with a calm tone.

Yin Shinian lowered her head, she knew that Baek Hyuk Hoon came for her...

"Grandpa also looked for her just now, now Brother Xun is also looking for her, are you looking for her or for the child in her stomach..."

Feng Yan's words were extremely feminine, with gritted teeth.

Yin Shinian's red face was originally red, and this will instantly turn pale.

Feng Yan knew she was pregnant...

She retched, did he know?

She was tested for pregnancy only today, how could he be so sure, that tone, there is no doubt that...

"How did you know?"

Yin Shinian looked at Feng Yan, the anger on his face, the look in his eyes that he could not wait to tear her apart.

He thinks this child is not his...

He thinks this child is Baek Hyuk Hoon?

Heh... they haven't been together for more than a month and didn't do that...

In the car, he said that Nana wanted her younger siblings and was also testing her reaction.

And he suddenly came to the bridal shop and knew that because she was pregnant...

Feng Yan didn't believe that the child in her belly belonged to him...

She didn't want to give him another baby, but Yin Shinian felt very sore and uncomfortable when she thought of his doubts.

The feeling of fullness and pain made her feel painful in her breathing...

"If I don't know, what do you want to do? Huh?"

Feng Yan looked at Yin Shinian's panic, she was a guilty conscience in Feng Yan's eyes.

"I also tested it this morning. I ask how you know?"

Jiang Fei's name flashed in Yin Shinian's mind...

Only Jiang Fei knew that she was pregnant, but it didn't make sense.

Jiang Fei is so worried about herself, she must think too much, Jiang Fei is not such a person.

However, only she knew that she didn't want to blame one person.

However, she also absolutely does not allow people who claim to be her good friends to stab her in the back.

"How did Brother Xun know?" Feng Yan ignored Yin Shinian, but turned to ask Bai Hexun.

How did Baek Hyuk Hoon know?

Yin Shinian went to the pharmacy, and after the people who followed her reported, he knew that she had bought test strips.

The garbage bag thrown out from the bridal shop also confirmed that Yin Shinian was pregnant.

He wanted to wait for the right opportunity to ask Yin Shinian about her decision, but he didn't expect his father to be found.

He didn't know how he knew Yin Shinian was pregnant.

However, from the housekeeper, he knew that he had come to determine if the child in Yin Shinian's stomach was his.

And just now, from Feng Yan's words, he can already tell that he also thinks that the child in Yin Shinian’s stomach belongs to him...

Looking at Yin Shinian's eyes looking at Feng Yan, that kind of painful and tangled eyes.

He knew that his little girl had fallen in love with Feng Yan, but she didn't know it...

Little girl, do you know that I can't live without you...


Only you have been with me these years, even if you are not by my side, but I can only breathe when I think of you.

Therefore, Baek Hyuk Hoon made a decision, a decision that his little girl would hate him.

"Because the child in her belly is mine!"

Bai Hexun spoke indifferently.

"Brother Hun, what are you talking about? We..."

Yin Shinian looked at Bai Hexun in shock at what happened at the hotel that night.

She asked Baek Hyuk Hoon before, and he said that they did nothing and he asked her to give her an injection.

Feng Yansu's killing face was covered with dark clouds before the storm, and he wished to tear Yin Shinian apart now.

"Little girl, that kind of medicine can only be solved in the most primitive way!"

Once a lie begins, it must be kept on.

Yin Shinian's mouth opened, and he wanted to say something, only to feel like a blade stuck in his throat.

It hurts, I can’t speak...

She really did it with Baek Hyuk Hoon that night, the child in her belly belonged to him?

Yin Shinian only feels that the sky is falling apart, why is this happening, why...

Feng Yan put Yin Shinian down, she almost fell down without standing still, but Feng Yan tied her waist.

"Yin Shinian, you are really good, this green hat for me is so high!"

Feng Yan pinched Yin Shinian's chin, and the powerful Yin Shinian's mouth couldn't move at all.

Yin Shinian cried, and she didn't want to, and she didn't know why it was like this.

Obviously, Hexun told her that nothing happened to them that night.

Bai Hexun stepped forward and grabbed Feng Yan's arm, "Let go of her!"

Bai Hexun's voice was cold, he couldn't see his baby being treated like this.

"Do you know she is my woman? My daughter's mother, why do you sleep with her?"

Feng Yan returned his hand and hit Bai Hexun's face with a strong punch.

Feng Yan's eyes were scarlet. This is the little uncle he likes.

He concealed the fact that he was still alive, and knew that Yin Shinian was his woman, still sleeping...

Bai Hexun did not hide, his entourage tried to step forward, but he stopped it.

"To be precise, she is my woman!" Bai Hexun was right, because he and Yin Shinian were together earlier than Feng Yan.

Only later Yin Shinian became pregnant and stopped contacting him, but they did not break up.

Feng Yan sneered and punched again, this time Bai Hexun still didn't escape.

This is regarded as his debt to Feng Yan, because he lied, and the child in Yin Shinian’s stomach belongs to him...

"Don't fight!" Yin Shinian felt cold and painful all over, and the feeling was unspeakable, very uncomfortable.

Looking at the two men in front of her, she felt a headache, and the feeling of retching and suffocation came again.

However, Feng Yan could not hear Yin Shinian's words at all.

The man in front of him is his younger uncle. Since his "death", he has been thinking of him in his heart, and it hurts even thinking about it.

However, he just appeared in front of him, calling himself "Feng Shao" instead of Xiao Yan...

He slept with his woman and said that the child belongs to him...

Feng Yan's heart was overwhelmed with anger, absurd, wronged, angry, entangled...

Various emotions followed, making him confused and unable to think.

"Then what am I special to you? What am I? Baek Hyuk Hoon, tell me what am I special?"

Feng Yan is happy that Bai Hexun is alive, how good, is still alive...

However, the status quo is so ironic, who would think of such a way of meeting?

What a joke God did with him.

Bai Hexun looked at Feng Yan, "Xiao Yan..."

He didn't feel good in his heart, but he couldn't let go of Yin Shinian, he couldn't let go.

He has lived like a walking corpse these years, without Yin Shinian, he would not want to live a long time ago.

Because it's boring, really boring, a foreign country, no matter how good the food is, it is not his root, he hates everything there.

However, he never regretted killing that person.

Because he knew that if he didn't kill, Xiao Yan would kill too, he couldn't let Xiao Yan go on the road of no return.

He is the child of his sister, and he must protect him thoroughly, so he killed that person without hesitation...

I just don't want to get blood on Xiao Yan's hands...

"Don't call me that, don't you call me Feng Shao?"

Feng Yan smiled and looked at Bai Hexun, smiling very coldly.

"Young Master, Miss Yin has passed out!"

The cold ice's voice made Feng Yan suddenly turn his head.

What I saw was Yin Shinian falling into Hanbing's arms.

Bai Hexun rushed over, but was pushed away by Feng Yan.

Feng Yan hugged Yin Shinian and ran to the car.

Han Bing followed without hesitation.

Baek Hyuk Hoon followed closely...


Yin Shinian was indeed pregnant, but she was very weak.

Moreover, the doctor said that her system is relatively weak, she has a fetus easily, and she needs to take good care of her body.

Listening to the doctor's explanation, Feng Yan looked cold.

Bai Hexun's entourage has already told him that the child in Yin Shinian's stomach belongs to their Bai family.

Old man Bai was very happy, and asked the doctor that he needed to take good care of him.

Immediately let the nanny at home stew the soup for a while.

When Feng Yan walked out of the ward, Old Man Bai was about to enter.

"Xiaoyan, grandpa will talk to you!"

The old man Bai looked at his grandson like this, feeling uncomfortable.

However, people are selfish, and he hopes that the Bai family will have a future.

Feng Yan didn't speak, but just looked at the old man Bai and looked at him happy, and couldn't help but smile.

"Xiao Yan, your uncle is not easy, he was forced to go abroad by me..."

"For so many years, there is no woman around him, I am a dying person, I want to see him have a queen, I will die..."

"Xiaoyan, at the beginning, your uncle knew that you also wanted to kill your dad, so he did it. He did it for you..."

"You can fulfill your younger uncle and that Yin Shinian! Your younger uncle has been a woman like her all these years..."

The old man Bai knew that he was a bit cruel to say this to Feng Yan, but he couldn't watch between their uncles and nephews and continue to do this.

"Grandpa, are you trying to force me to use things back then?"

What kind of family affection Feng Yan thinks is so shit.

It's gone, it's already gone...

It's not what it feels like back then, it's not his grandfather or his uncle.

"Xiaoyan, my grandfather had done a comparison of the DNA of Nana and your uncle before..."

When Mr. Bai said this, even the ice in the dark was shocked.

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