The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1326: Expecting a few years-the blood is boiling, crazy (two thousand words)

Yin Shinian blushed and shrank under the quilt. She whispered to Feng Yan, "Get out."

Feng Yan is still in contact with her most direct negative number.

Although now I know that I and Feng Yan are the real husband and wife, and Bai Hexun is a fake.

She and Baek Hyuk Hoon also made it clear before that it was a fake marriage, and their relationship was a friend.

However, in the eyes of many people, they are still married, and they are now in bed with Feng Yan.

Although she was forced, but if someone was hit by someone, no one would care if you were reluctant.

The knock on the door continued, but did not speak, and Feng Yan sneered at the corner of his mouth.

No one could come in. If he did come in, he would castrate Hanbing to see how he stayed with Mo Chen.

In fact, Feng Yan knew that it was Bai Hexun who had knocked on the door, and he finally couldn't sit still.

"You can sleep, if you are not sleepy, go take a bath!"

Feng Yan kissed Yin Shinian's cheek and looked at her red and swollen lips that he had kissed before, and he couldn't help it.

Yin Shinian's entire face was red, and she stared at Feng Yan with some irritation.

There was something strange in my heart. Before today, they were in a state of unconnected strangers, but now they are lying on the bed and doing such intimate things.

And he also told her something she didn't know, and she couldn't tell how she felt.

There is calmness and throbbing, but it is more dazed.

She and Feng Yan are husband and wife, they are real husband and wife, such a big reversal, it is almost impossible for her to accept.

She can't digest this fact.

However, she had to admit that when Feng Yan forced her to ask her, did she miss him...

She thought it was true, she really missed him.

Even if he had previously misunderstood him and knocked out the child and didn't want to see her again, she would still miss him.

She couldn't deceive herself at this time, and could no longer find a reason to deny her own heart.

"What do you think? I didn't say that Nana will be with her mother, and with her father. In those years, we have missed two years and can't miss it again!"

Feng Yan has never been a naive person, but these words are the truest thoughts in his heart.

Before, Gu Jue said that the days he and Chu Baiqing missed were his regrets for a lifetime.

Although he wouldn't talk to Chu Baiqing, what he missed is what hurts him most.

Now that I think about it, I regret it. Feng Yan also wants to say that after all the truth is known, he regrets it.

I regret that I didn't have a long mind at the time, and I didn't ask for proof.

Just believe it...

In fact, how did Feng Yan know that the person he loves is like this, and he will always be blinded. It is only after realizing that he is in love...

Yin Shinian bit her lip and couldn't say a word. She was brave, but she was not brave.

She felt that she was a little impulsive now, and there was an urgent knock on the door.

It might be Bai Hexun, but she wants to ask Feng Yan if she loves her at this moment...

He married himself and came again at this time. Is it because of love?

However, she thought again that the night she and Baek Hyuk Hoon spent in the hotel, she felt that she was not qualified to ask this sentence.

"Nothing happened to you that night at the hotel, you can also ask Baek Hyuk Hoon about this!"

As if he had a sense of induction, Feng Yan followed Yin Shinian's thoughts and said this.

What I thought before was that Yin Shinian had to verify everything himself, but seeing her like this, he said everything.

The problem between him and Baek Hyuk Hoon was resolved by him and Baek Hyuk Hoon.

And this time, he will let her solve the problem between Yin Shinian and Bai Hexun.

After all, that was the person she once trusted, or she wouldn't be stupid to follow him abroad.

After all, they are both smart people, but in the face of feelings, they are both stupid.

Yin Shinian listened to Feng Yan's words and directly encircled his neck.

She is clean, always clean...

My heart suddenly opened up, this feeling is really good.

It was as if she was in the clouds, but her blood was boiling. She looked at Feng Yan shyly and timidly, her red lips opened and closed, she wanted to ask what was in her heart.

However, I am afraid that Feng Yan said, I have not fallen in love with you yet, we still have a lot of time to slowly fall in love with each other...

She was afraid to hear such words, very scared...

She once expressed her intentions with Feng Yan, but the exchange was not what she wanted.

Feng Yan looked at Yin Shinian and her tangled look, knocking on the door in her ears.

However, he didn't care at all.

He now wants to know what Yin Shinian is thinking.

Feng Yan naturally would not have thought of indifference, and Yin Shinian would also have crazy sealing times.

She will also want to know whether to love or not...

"Feng Yan, do you love me?" In the end, Yin Shinian gritted his teeth and asked.

Feng Yan was stunned when he heard her words, and then he kissed her lips.

This woman, seeing you this time, really gave him too many surprises.

She would actually ask him if he loves her...

Yin Shinian could hardly breathe after being kissed by him, and with her lips and tongue entangled, she could only bear it.

She clearly felt that Xiao Feng Yan was raising the flag again...

"Yin Shinian, I am very self-righteous. The things I believe will rarely change. I thought I didn't love you. I only love... Qingge..."

Feng Yan's breath was a bit unstable, but his eyes were burning with a serious expression.

Yin Shinian's eyes dimmed when he heard Qingge's name.

"But, that's just my self-righteousness. I have fallen in love with you since I forced you to be by my side, but I don't know!"

"When I applied for the marriage certificate with you behind my back, I loved you..."

"After we were separated, I found out that I loved you deeply!"

If you asked Feng Yan to say this before, he would definitely feel that he was numb to death, and he wouldn't say it even if he was killed, but he would say it naturally.

This is the state of falling in love with someone...

Yin Shinian's whole body was trembling, she cried, it turns out that she is also loved by someone, and she loves him.

Just when Yin Shinian wanted to speak, I love you too.

There was another violent slam on the door.

Obviously the people outside the door are already impatient, and this force can open the door.

Then came the man's shouting, waiting for Feng Yan to hear who the voice was.

He cursed fiercely, "Fuck it!"

And thinking in my heart, why did he come?

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