The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1327: Expected time year-the first

This is the voice of a strange man for Yin Shinian. She looked at Feng Yan. Although she didn't speak, her eyes were asking, who is this?

"The president's son, Ji Chenzhou, fucked..."

Feng Yan didn't know how Ji Chenzhou appeared here. Later, he thought that he knew Bai Hexun, and he said they were friends.

He really didn't expect Bai Hexun and Ji Shenzhou to become friends.

Ji Chenzhou’s friends are all their age. Is he too precocious, or is he too old?

"Feng Shao, if you don't open the door anymore, I can go in directly, one two three two three one three two one..."

Ji Chenzhou's unsound voice came from outside the door again.

"I'll go out and see!"

Feng Yan believed that even if the person outside was Bai Hexun, he would not be able to enter.

One is that Hanbing will not allow it, and the other is that Baek Hyuk-hoon will not slap himself.

However, Ji Chenzhou is different, his temperament is more evil than himself.

This is generally accepted, his person has no bottom line in doing things.

You never know what he will do next.

But for him, as a friend of Chu Baiqing, Feng Yan knew that he should thank Ji Chenzhou.

Because whether it was Chu Baiqing's operation or his eyes, if there were no Ji Chenzhou, the shameless persistence might not have a miracle.

Just at this point, he couldn't ignore him.

Yin Shinian nodded, and she took Feng Yan's shirt and handed it to him.

After she finished such a natural movement, she was also taken aback.

Such actions seem to be a couple who have lived together for many years, and everything they do is so tacit understanding.

Looking at Yin Shinian's blush, Feng Yan pinched her cheek.

"Don't be embarrassed, you have to accept the fact that we are husband and wife as soon as possible!"

After eating, Feng Yan's face is full, although not very full, but compared to two years of vegetarianism.

This will be satisfying, anyway, the rest of the day will be long, so you can eat whatever you want.

Feng Yan got off the bed and put on his clothes, and then went out. Yin Shinian also went to the bathroom wrapped in a thin blanket.

When she was alone, she realized that everything tonight seemed like a dream. Her feet were soft at this time, and the feeling was like stepping on cotton.

Soft and weak, it feels very unreal...

However, looking at the traces on the body, everything is true, Feng Yan really came, they just fell asleep...

And most importantly, they are husband and wife...

Bai Hexun's gentle face appeared in her mind, and she felt a little pain in her heart.

She trusted him so much, but he lied to her again and again. What made him be like this?


Feng Yanshun closed the door and looked at Ji Chenzhou in front of him.

"Something?" After a few days, Ji Chenzhou seemed to be thin again.

To perfect others, it is yourself that suffers. Feng Yan has a lot of experience in this.

But I saw Ji Chenzhou's hippie smile.

Feng Yan also felt that he was not injured, or how could he have such a beating expression.

"It's okay, just say hello to you!"

Ji Chenzhou leaned against the wall and shook his head evilly.

"Are you sick?" Knocked on the door violently. In the end, nothing happened, just to say hello?

"Heh, Shao Feng also knows to bother others to do shameful things, is it sick?"

Ji Chenzhou's eyes widened suddenly, making an unbelievable expression, and everything he said was surprised.

Feng Yan squinted, thinking of that time in the Sofia parking lot, when he kissed Chu Baiqing forcibly, he was hit by himself...

"How naive and boring you are, how long has it been since?"

Feng Yan gave a fierce slap in his heart. Gu Jue said that Ji Chenzhou's madness was exaggerated. Now, he really has that ability.

"Then you were neither naive nor boring at the time, how did it feel to be disturbed by others?" Ji Chenzhou squinted, the more evil there is, the more evil it is.

"I let you down, when you knocked on the door, it was over!"

If it was a little later, Ji Chenzhou knocked on the door, but he couldn't handle it well, he couldn't feel comfortable, and he would really be frightened.

"Fuck me, Feng Shao, you can't be short, fast?"

What Ji Chenzhou said was quite serious, but the expression of stern smile on his face was very awkward.

The ice on the side was also holding back a smile. This season Xiaosan is really interesting.

Looking at the pig liver color on their young master's face, he was inexplicably in a good mood.

Who made him not believe that he was the one above, and always threatened him, always wanted to sue Mo Chen.

"Heh, don't you like men, do you want to try with me, am I short and fast?"

When Feng Yan said this, he could be regarded as gritted his teeth.

He can now deeply understand that Gu Jue's violent temper, nowhere to vent his anguish.

Ji Chenzhou is really speechless.

He is really sad now that Gu Jue has such a third son.

"Come on! My feelings are missing and my body is empty, but I only do the top one, and I can only do the bottom one if I apologize to Feng Shao..."

Just when Feng Yan's voice just fell, Ji Chenzhou stepped forward and directly circled Feng Yan's neck. The fast-moving and responsive Feng Yan did not react.

I was so hugged and heard such shameless words...

Han Bing thought that he was shameless when he was in front of Mo Chen, but this season Xiaosan was shameless to go to grandma's house, and he really climbed up for a pole...

"Ji Chenzhou, let me loose you so much!"

Compared to Ji Chenzhou's shame, Feng Yan is still more serious.

He has a handsome face of evildoers, and he is blushing at this time. He is not against men, who let him be around so many pairs.

However, when he thinks of the up and down posture of him and Ji Chenzhou, he will feel a chill.

"Hi..." Ji Chenzhou didn't release the hand that encircled Feng Yan's neck, but greeted Yin Shinian, who opened the door behind him.

That shameless look is very awkward.

Yin Shinian had never seen Ji Chenzhou. Seeing him circle Feng Yan's neck so much, almost his whole body was hung on him.

She just stared in a daze, Feng Yan was so intimate with a man?

She hadn't asked him what was going on with that rough woman, he made himself a man again...

Obviously this man is the one who knocked on the door, isn't it the president's son? He came to find Feng Yan on purpose?

What's the mess of all this, women and men, he's big enough, and the president's son also plays?

"The Feng Yan of our family is on the bed, isn't that short, small and fast?"

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