The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1336: Sinking-who gave you the courage, eh? (Two thousand words)

presidential palace

The blindfold on Naren's head was taken off, and he moved his wrist.

He was actually tied here by someone, and the other party said "please" before knocking him out.

The man sitting opposite had a gloomy expression, his eyes looking at Naren were cold.

Naren knows that he is the President, the father of Ji Chenzhou.

His image on TV is not so scary, but very close to the people.

Naren sat there quietly, without first speaking or panicking.

He knows why the president came to him.

Ji Chenzhou wants to marry himself. After he knew he was not dead, he went crazy...

He wanted to tell the world that he was going to marry a man...

"Shen Zhou said he wants to marry you!" The president's voice was solemn, his lips pressed tightly.

Naren still doesn't speak. It has been five years since he and Ji Shenzhou met for the first time to today...

Many people and things have changed, and he has also changed...

He is no longer the little white rabbit in Ji Chenzhou's mouth, and the big boy who will blush nervously when he talks to strangers...

Naren didn't speak, and the president's eyes narrowed. He patted the table heavily.

"I didn't expect him to say he wanted to marry a man!"

Naren looked up at the President at this time. The deep dislike and contempt in his tone made him very uncomfortable, especially the word "marry".

"Your Excellency, what Ji Chenzhou and I said is, if you want to get married, I will marry him!"

Naren's words caused the President to slap again on the table, "Asshole!"

"Ji Chenzhou also said these two words at the time, so we did not reach a consensus!"

Naren was not hurried, and did not feel nervous or uneasy because the person opposite was the President.

"So, Mr. President, it's useless to find me. I don't want to be with him, but he forced me. What can I do? If Mr. President can persuade him to leave me, I am grateful!"

Naren's hand gently covered the armrest of the chair, the kind of action that didn't know if it was grabbing or releasing, or betraying his insincereness.

"Do you want to leave me that way?" The carved domineering door was suddenly pushed open, Ji Chenzhou asked Naren coldly...

The cold eyes shot towards Naren like a knife, stabbing him in pain.

"Well, I never wanted to be with you!"

After Naren said this, Ji Chenzhou's eyes were dark red like a sea of ​​fire.

Naren said this five years ago, and then he disappeared into the sea.

In the end, even the body was not found...

Ji Chenzhou thought that this was the way he was in this life. It must be that his previous life was too smooth, or as Naren said, he did too many bad things, so he was retributed.

And Naren's death was his retribution, but all this was just a means for him to escape from himself.

Since when, the little bunny that would blush if he couldn't stand his teasing became a black-bellied wolf pup?

Naren watched Ji Chenzhou walk towards him step by step, and his thoughts will gradually be released when the two of them first met...

five years ago

Naren returned to the dormitory and glanced at the vacant bed opposite.

This is a double room. The roommate on the opposite side has never been there since we moved in.

I heard from the classmates that this is a sophomore and I have never seen this person.

As soon as I took off my clothes, the phone rang on the table.

He glanced at it, it was Ji Chenzhou calling...

Hanging up directly, the phone rang again before his sleeves were taken off, and Naren's face turned red.

The white fingers curled up, what was thinking in his mind was Ji Chenzhou's overbearing kiss at the entrance.

Finally closed my eyes or hung up...

Naren, was kissed by a man, what do you really want...

Just as he was about to change his pants, the phone rang again, and this time Naren chose to turn it off directly.

Why is this person so annoying?

So arrogant, who does he think he is?

Naren, who is no longer a hacker, does not know that Ji Chenzhou is the son of the president.

If he knew, maybe he wouldn't be so indifferent, and he would not arouse Ji Chenzhou's interest because of his ignorance.

Therefore, the fate between people is really destined.

Naren went to the bathroom, took a comfortable bath, and went for photography today, very tired.

However, he likes his current life very much. Compared with the previous days under Xiuye, he deals with data every day.

He prefers the fulfilling and busy days now. Although he is not used to contacting others, he is also changing a little bit.

This double room dormitory is in good condition, like a two-room apartment.

There is even a kitchen, so the living is very comfortable and Naren feels at home.

If the roommate doesn't show up, it's better. He doesn't like living with strangers.

When Naren walked out of the bathroom wearing a t-shirt and shorts, she was really taken aback.

" did you get in?"

Naren asked Ji Chenzhou who was sitting on his bed.

Every time he came back, he locked the door easily, and how did Ji Chenzhou get in.

He glanced at the door, it was intact...

Ji Chenzhou propped his hands back on the bed, squinting at Naren who had just taken a bath.

His eyes were dull and something resembling a flame, moving slightly.

The man didn't like something that someone touched him. He walked over and pulled Ji Chenzhou's arm, trying to pull him out of his bed, but he smelled a strong smell of alcohol...

And he also saw that the key on the bed was exactly the same as his dormitory key.

"Are you on the bed?"

He looked at Ji Chenzhou in surprise, didn't he? Are they roommates?

How could there be such a sad reminder that Ji Shenzhou is also a college student?

It seems that Sir Alex Ferguson said that Ji Chenzhou is also going to school...

It seems that he needs to tell Master Xiu tomorrow that he will go to another university and he will not share the same school and dormitory with Ji Chenzhou...

"Not the right bed, but the same bed!"

Ji Chenzhou was slightly drunk, and pulled Naren's hand with his backhand.

A single force pushed him onto the bed, and then covered him, the action was done in one go, completely unlike a drunk person.

Naren's head hit the bed hard. He didn't like sleeping on a bed that was too soft, so the mattress was palm-like and a little hard.

"Ji Chenzhou, what are you going to do?" Being so pressed down by a man or peers.

Naren's face turned red in an instant. Although it was not white, it was still clearly visible.

"You are the first person who dared to hang up my phone three times, the first one, even Chu Baiqing didn't dare, who gave you the courage, eh?"

Ji Chenzhou's words were drunk, and they all hit Naren's face.

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