The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1337: Sinking-Ji Chenzhou, you drank too much... (3,000 words)

Naren used the propped leg to hit Ji Shenzhou, but he was forced to the left and pressed it down.

In an instant, the base of the thigh was torn in pain.

Naren was also born and died with Master Xiu for many years, but he and Ji Chenzhou never won.

Naren felt that Ji Chenzhou was a lunatic, and they only met twice.

It's too strange for him to ask himself in such a tone. Isn't this sick?

"Ji Chenzhou, you drank too much, don't let go... I'll call Sir Alex!"

What's the matter with being so crushed, and Naren clearly feels...

Ji Shenzhou...

No... it was Xiao Ji Shenzhou who was actually holding him...

Naren's entire face seemed to be on fire at the time, "Ji Chenzhou, go down!"

Because he hasn't been in contact with people for a long time, that Ren's temperament is actually that kind of shy.

However, he happened to run into the shameless Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou did not drink less, there were some ghosts in his eyes, and he could only see that Ren's lips were moving together.

Naren's lips are redder than ordinary men's, especially when he is nervous, it is more prominent.

Although Ji Chenzhou was a little drunk and unconscious, his mind was full of the scene of him kissing this lip that day.

In fact, at this time, his consciousness is a bit vague.

It can even be said that he only knows this lip, not who his master is...

He didn't want to hear what he didn't like to hear from this mouth.

Therefore, he squeezed Naren's chin and kissed it fiercely.

Naren wanted to struggle and turned him away, but was fixed by Ji Chenzhou's domineering one hand.

The man who drank alcohol was not weak, and Ji Chenzhou was born with a domineering temperament, so naturally he would not allow others to resist him.

The sky was instantly filled with a strong smell of alcohol, and Naren didn't drink much.

In the past, Master Xiu didn't allow him to drink, saying that he was stupid when he was drinking.

Therefore, Naren is very obedient and hardly drinks, unless he is more happy, he will drink so little.

Ji Chenzhou drank spirits, so the taste was rather strong, Naren resisted.

With his lips and tongue entangled, Naren bit Ji Chenzhou's tongue without hesitation.

The smell of blood mixed with the smell of wine, instantly hitting a strong wildness.

On the contrary, Ji Shenzhou was even more stimulated...

"Enough taste!" Ji Chenzhou grabbed Naren's sports shorts, tugged fiercely, laughing evilly.

This night is destined to sink...

Next day

When Naren woke up, she felt pain all over her body, like a fight with someone, especially in that place.

His eyes were obviously bloodshot, haggard and tired.

Scenes after scenes passed through his mind...

It’s not that dreams are true, he is really strengthened by Ji Chenzhou...

The bite corners of the mouth are scabs, and Naren's mouth hurts.

There are also traces of blue and purple on his body, "Rely on..."

Naren hit the bed fiercely.

Ji Chenzhou didn't know when he left, Naren's last impression was before he passed out.

Ji Chenzhou is still like a lunatic, going in and out...

Taking the phone conveniently, Naren turned on the phone and clicked on the address book, but he didn't click on the finger...

He wanted to call Master Xiu and let him directly kill Ji Chenzhou.

Such a thing, as long as he speaks, Master Xiu will definitely do it.

However, Master Xiu will also know what happened last night.

Then it is very likely that my free life will be gone now.

Because he is not protected, he is no longer involved in hackers, this is all he won.

He likes his life very much, if Master Xiu knew he was treated like this.

Maybe he will be taken back home, he doesn't want to.

He was all bitten by a dog, so he just walked around the dog.

Naren took a shower and changed clothes.

Just go to apply for a change of dormitory first, he just wants to transfer, and he won't be able to contact him within a few days.

He doesn't want to live in this dormitory anymore.

Actually, Master Xiu bought him a house in Yuncheng, but he felt that there was too much space.

Therefore, I still prefer to live in the dormitory, which is convenient.

However, I didn't expect to be roommates with Ji Shenzhou...

Then, what Naren didn't expect was that the school said that all the dormitories are now full.

Even changing the dormitory is impossible...

Naren had never been to school before, and this was chosen by Huo Qingge for him.

Therefore, he did not understand many things about the school.

People say that there is no vacant bedroom and cannot be changed, and they think it is true.

How did he know that this was Ji Chenzhou getting off his bed in the morning, and he had already expected that he would do this, and said hello in advance.

Naren thought, then went to live in the apartment that Master Xiu bought for him.

However, I never thought that as soon as I arrived at the community, I was told by the guard that there was a problem with the water in their building and it was being repaired.

Naren didn't think so much, and eventually returned to the dormitory.

He wanted Ji Chenzhou to leave early in the morning, but he realized that what happened last night was ridiculous, after all, it was two men.

I stayed temporarily for two days, and when a new school was found, I moved out.

I will never meet again if I want to.

Indeed, as Naren thought, Ji Chenzhou did not appear again.

Never called him again.

However, the search for Naren School did not go well. He was not good at anything except hackers.

I am interested in photography, or just learning.

He thought that he would not find Master Xiu and Huo Qingge as a last resort.

Now Naren feels that it is really difficult to have no one to do things.

Ji Chenzhou didn't appear either, but Naren gradually forgot about the night.

Chu Baiqing came back. He went to Gu Jue's house, but didn't want Ji Chenzhou to be there. He couldn't leave as soon as he came, but could only bite the bullet and walk in.

They hadn't seen each other for a long time since that night, and Ji Chenzhou hadn't called him again.

Naren is really curious about Chu Baiqing...

Because he wanted to know what kind of person Gu Jue loved.

Can make him love so heartbroken, so heartbreaking...

Chu Baiqing looks good...

Chu Baiqing's voice is very nice...

Chu Baiqing's smile is very gentle...

Everything about Chu Baiqing was spoken from others.

Now this person is sitting in front of him, much better than what he heard.

No wonder Gu Jue loves him so much...

However, as soon as he sat down, Naren discovered that Chu Baiqing's eyes... can't see...

This discovery made him very surprised. How could he lose sight of such beautiful eyes...

Naren had doubts in his heart, but he did not ask...

Still talking with Chu Baiqing, he found that he liked chatting with Chu Baiqing very much.

"You are also from that university? Then you and Shen Zhou are alumni, and he is also from your school."

Chu Baiqing smiled and said to Naren, her eyes faint.

Naren just said, he naturally knew that Ji Chenzhou belonged to their school, and that they were still in a dormitory...

Naren looked at Chu Baiqing with a braille book beside him, and it was very dazzling.

I think this book doesn't match him...

"I don't like Sir Alex now..." There was nothing to say, Naren, didn't know what he thought.

Suddenly there was such a sentence...

Gu Jue glanced at Naren, his eyes were like, "What are you doing with this?"

The faint smile at the corner of Chu Baiqing's mouth became deep.

"I know, in fact, you may not like him, you just have a good impression!"

Chu Baiqing doesn't know if she is right to say this, because you can't understand the feelings of others firsthand.

However, he thought that at this time, when Naren didn't want to misunderstand him, he would be best to say so.

"Yeah, I just have a good impression. I think Sir Alex is very interesting..."

The benevolent head nodded like a rattle, no wonder they all said that Chu Baiqing was good, and just talked to him for a while and thought he was good.

Compassionate, so gentle, people feel really comfortable.

Naren said to Gu Jue, "Lord Sir, you are so lucky..."

Gu Jue looked at Naren and thought, Nima, won't you empathize with him so soon, right?

Look at the look in the eyes of this kid looking at their Chu Baiqing. Isn't that what admiration is?

That look is simply...

How could Naren's eyes look like admiration, he was obviously very appreciative.

I don’t know, how could Sir Alex see such a serious appreciation as a serious love...

And their family Chu Baiqing and Naren talked quite vigorously, with so many words and so gentle...

How can I go on like this, absolutely not.

Looking at Ji Chenzhou, who was playing with Xiao Qi Xiaojiu over there, he had to let his third son play at a critical time.

"Third son, you are not going back to school, just to take that little black back, it's not easy to take a taxi here!"

In fact, Gu Jue had no bottom in his heart. If the third son's bottomless temperament really didn't cooperate with him, wouldn't it be a shame.

Who knows, Ji Chenzhou came out of the guardrail very cooperatively.

"Okay, father!"

Ji Chenzhou said this to Gu Jue, without even looking at Naren.

It seems that two people are very strange...

Naren stared at Gu Jue angrily, "I won't go back to school today, I will go to my sister's place soon!"

Then, Naren, who was more straightforward and honest, said again, "What are you doing against me?"

Just such a sentence made Gu Jue extremely embarrassed.

Is what he did so obvious? Isn't it just for his third son to send him back to school by the way.

Isn't that kind...

"Fuck, what am I supposed to do to prevent you as a kid."

Gu Jue glared at Naren and then winked at his third son.

Let him quickly get people away...

"Naren, let's go! I will see you wherever you go, don't disturb my parents to sleep and cultivate feelings!"

Ji Chenzhou hugged Naren's shoulders like a good buddy, and forced him to stand up.

Naren just felt that his shoulders were about to fall apart.

He can faintly feel the anger on Ji Chenzhou, why is he crazy?

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