The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1345: Sinking——Naren, I just play with you (2,000 words)

Think about how he said such a sour thing.

Such a dull tone, with a sense of grievance, he really hadn't thought about why.

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren pursing his lips and stuffing clothes into the box.

Just want to kiss him, Naren’s lips are not the thin lips that men are accustomed to, but a bit fleshy. It feels special when kissed...

Ji Chenzhou walked over and grabbed the hand of Renzhuang's clothes.

Naren wanted to throw it away, but he grabbed it tighter.

Naren raised his leg to kick him, but was pushed onto the bed by Ji Chenzhou.

"Jealous?" Ji Chenzhou looked at Ren Ren's sullen and angry face. If he was whiter, he would be more handsome.

It's a pity, it's so dark...

"Are you supposed to take medicine?" Naren moved vigorously, trying to break free, but Ji Chenzhou's imprisonment was in vain.

Naren didn't know what was wrong with him, so he wanted to go back to the island in particular.

I felt a special grievance, this kind of grievance was bullied by Ji Chenzhou, and he was still unable to resist, it was particularly uncomfortable.

Ji Chenzhou saw the slightly moist stubbornness in Naren's eyes and the flushed eye sockets, and the irritability in his heart became more obvious.

He knows that Ren's simplicity, he also knows his shamelessness, Ji Chenzhou, you should be a good person, don't ruin that Xiaohei.

"Naren, my Ji Chenzhou is not a good person, so don't like me, I just play with you..."

When Ji Chenzhou spoke, his fingers were still touching Naren's face.

The tone was frivolous and ambiguous, as if the person under him was not a man of his age, but a little woman.

Naren's head banged, and it was blank for a moment.

Just to play with you...

This sentence pierced Naren's heart like a knife.

However, apart from the pain, he was still extremely humiliated. That night, he was put on him in various poses by Ji Chenzhou...

Then, like a big girl, I looked at my phone for several days.

People just leave after eating, you still care...

Naren, you are really cheap. You wasted a whole morning of class. You didn't listen to it and didn't talk about it, and you actually wanted to date other girls with anger.

At this moment, Naren finally admitted in his heart that he agreed to date Song Ke, with the element of anger with Ji Chenzhou.

This will, all of this is so ironic, people are just playing with you.

"Go..." Naren finally failed to control his red eyes, and eventually tears slipped from there.

Na Ren bit his lip and said such a rolling word, which made Ji Chenzhou's body slightly stiff.

This is the first time he has seen a man crying so close.

When he was crying, he was upset and at a loss...

Ji Chenzhou wanted to wipe the tears with his fingers. He knocked him over on the bed as soon as he touched him.

"Ji Chenzhou, don't touch me so much!"

Naren's body was trembling, and he had only one feeling now, and that was humiliation.

He is also a man, and his sister said that he is the most handsome man, but Ji Chenzhou pressed him under her body, forcing him to say so many unbearable things, so he begged him for mercy in disregard of shame...

Ji Chenzhou said emotionally in his ear, "Naren, you are so comfortable..."

And all this, what is special is to play with him...

"Well, I won't touch you, calm down!"

Ji Chenzhou sat up from the bed, he also knew he was a bit of a bastard.

However, looking at Naren's reaction now, he was actually quite fortunate that he made it clear to him.

Lest he would fall into it, he could see his attitude towards the little demon this morning, and Naren was a little concerned about him.

This is not a good thing, he felt a little apologetic when he got on him.

If I let Naren have feelings for him again, and I can't give him any response.

Naren got out of bed and stuffed everything into the suitcase indiscriminately.

Keeping his head down, the tear marks on his face are still clearly visible.

Ji Chenzhou watched his movements silently, and his irritability became more serious.

"You don't have to move out, I won't come back to live in the future, and I won't look for you again."

Ji Chenzhou guessed that Naren was going to move out, but he felt unnecessary.

He will never come back here again.

Naren really wanted to plug his ears. He didn't want to listen to what Ji Chenzhou said.

Naren, being humiliated by him is not enough, you haven't been crying, you really have lived for so many years.

Naren buttoned the suitcase, turned and walked out of the bedroom.

When Ji Chenzhou heard the door being closed heavily, he fell on Naren's bed.

Inexplicably empty in my heart...

Naren and Song Ke get along pretty well, although they have no clear relationship.

However, they are all talking in school, they are together.

Song Ke was naturally happy and cared about Naren.

Song Keti wanted to visit Naren's rented house twice, but Naren didn't take her there.

Qin Nan said that he really has a low EQ, and if a woman takes the initiative to go to the place where he lives, it doesn't mean it is obvious that she wants to happen to him.

It's not that Naren doesn't understand, but that he and Song Ke have not yet determined the relationship, if he is not such an open person.

You can do anything like that, which is not good for you or girls.

And he was somewhat resistant to this kind of thing in his heart.

When school was over, Song Ke came to Naren and said that he had bought two small pots of plants and kept them in his rented house to add some greenery.

Naren wanted to take it home by himself, but Song Ke said that he wanted to see what his place was like.

When it comes to this, it's really hard for Ren to refuse.

Song Ke wore a very cool skirt today, very short, not much fabric...

Naren walked side by side with her, and could feel that the students were talking about them.

His face was a little red, and he was not used to being talked about like this.

Song Ke's shoes were a little high, and one of them was unstable, and almost fell. Na Renshun helped him.

Then, Song Ke took Naren's arm and moved naturally.

Naren couldn't get rid of the other girl, so Song Ke could only hold it.

"Naren, is this your girlfriend?" Lu Xiaoyao's lazy voice came from behind Naren.

Naren turned around instinctively, and saw Lu Xiaoyao and Ji Chenzhou holding her...

The moment he saw Ji Chenzhou, Naren felt like something stuck in his throat.

They haven't seen each other for half a month, more than half a month after that day...

No, seventeen days to be exact, Naren, you still remember so clearly.

"Well, my girlfriend, what are you doing?"

After a brief stupefaction, Naren took Song Ke's waist and hugged her in his arms.

Looking at Lu Xiaoyao, his tone was the same as in the cafeteria that day.

Ji Chenzhou looked at the hand that benevolent on Song Ke's waist, his eyes darkened a little frightening.

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