The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1346: Sinking-your boyfriend is outside, is it appropriate for you to enter my bedroom? (Tw

Lu Xiaoyao can be said to be the person who knows Ji Chenzhou best in the world, because they are all the same.

Do everything you want to do, never open your mouth to explain.

Ji Shenzhou said that he was just playing with Naren, but she knew that he really didn't play with him, he cared.

As for the degree of concern, something really needs to be proved.

But she was only in the cafeteria that day to probe Naren's reaction, and the result really surprised her, Naren was also very concerned about Ji Chenzhou.

This is interesting. The two people who care about it are so awkward. If she doesn't disturb her, is she still Lu Xiaoyao?

When Song Ke saw that it was the school grass, his face blushed. The school grass in their school was like a girl.

Look at the man next to the school grass, right?

This man is also so handsome, and that kind of evil temperament, nasty, looks frivolous when looking at people.

It makes people blush involuntarily and the heartbeat, the feeling that the heartbeat is about to suffocate, always makes people involuntary.

Lu Xiaoyao looked at Song Ke, and the woman's instinct told her that Song Ke looked at Ji Chenzhou's eyes full of love.

Empathizing so easily, but a superficial woman looking at her appearance.

And she also saw this woman just now, how scheming to pretend to fall, taking the opportunity to take Naren's arm.

Naren looked like a relatively innocent person. When he was with such a scheming woman, he was wearing a green hat and there was no bones left. He himself would not know what was going on.

"The girlfriend is very beautiful!" Lu Xiaoyao smiled at Song Kexie.

"Thank you!" Song Ke replied generously, thank you.

"Naren and I are going back to him, let's have lunch together!"

Song Ke went on to say again, completely mistress attitude.

In fact, Naren embraced Song Ke's waist with a false embrace. Hearing her invitation, he was about to refuse.

But I didn't expect Lu Xiaoyao to say something directly...

Song Ke was the happiest group of four walking on campus.

The three most handsome and most influential boys in their university are all by her side. Not everyone can have this kind of attention.

Song Ke was always talking all the way, but Lu Xiaoyao cooperated with her and would respond to her.

Ji Chenzhou and Naren were speechless along the way, exceptionally silent.

After arriving at Naren's rental house, Song Ke greeted everyone like a hostess.

There is a kind of Naren that this house belongs to Song Ke, and they are all guests.

Naren went straight back to the bedroom. He was used to changing home clothes when he returned home when he went out. His habit has never changed.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, the door was pushed open before he could close...

Naren saw that it was Ji Chenzhou, so he pushed the door hard to prevent him from entering.

However, his strength has always been weaker in front of Ji Chenzhou.

When the door was closed by Ji Chenzhou and locked, the benevolent wanted to shout.

He was extremely angry about Ji Chenzhou's strong and silent entanglement.

Why is Ji Chenzhou silent? Because he doesn't know what to say.

Sluggishness is not his Ji Chenzhou temperament, but today, seeing Naren and that woman together, he became irritable...

He was sending the little demon back today, but in fact, it should have been delivered to the gate.

In the end, he walked in with her all the way.

I still wondered if I would see Naren, such a big school, even if I deliberately wanted to see it, I might not be able to see it.

Ji Chenzhou didn’t know why he wanted to meet, but he missed Naren these days and wanted to miss it very much...

Isn't it just for fun, Ji Chenzhou, are you serious?

Your feelings for Chu Baiqing are nothing more than that, isn't it also so fast that you can think of others?

The door was locked, and Naren turned to go to the bathroom, not wanting to stay in the same space with Ji Chenzhou, not wanting...

He was a little better these two days, but Ji Chenzhou reappeared.

Ji Chenzhou grabbed Naren's arm, "That woman is not for you!"

That is to say, a simple-minded person like Ren could not see how deep Song Ke's city was.

"She really likes me and wants to be with me. What's wrong?"

Naren himself knew that he and Song Ke were not suitable because he had no feelings for her.

During the time spent together, he felt that they were only suitable for being friends.

Especially with Song Ke’s self-assertive invitation today, Ji Chenzhou and Lu Xiaoyao came to his house, which he felt was not appropriate.

"Naren, you are too innocent..."

Ji Chenzhou tried to talk to Naren calmly.

In fact, he is very angry now. As for why he is angry, it's probably because Naren hugged the woman...

Such an intimate posture made him very annoyed.

"I'm not innocent, can I be played by you?"

Naren interrupted Ji Chenzhou directly.

Jun Yi's face was red with irritation, and the blue veins in his neck were violent, making him extra sexy.

When he left the island, Master Xiu said, "You are so innocent, you will be deceived when you go out!"

Naren also knew his shortcoming, but what to do? Since the day he was rescued by Master Xiu, he has lived on the island, he is the youngest.

Everyone knew that Master Xiu cared about him and treated him well, so everyone let him.

He knows nothing but computers, and he has no interest.

Eating and sleeping procedures, or swimming in the sea, catching fish, this is all he lives...

It has always been so simple, so he is simple.

He was the same age as Ji Chenzhou, but in front of him, as he said, he was like a little white rabbit waiting for a big bad wolf to eat.

I don’t have the ability to resist, I’m so stupid...

"Ji Chenzhou, your boyfriend is outside, is it appropriate for you to enter my bedroom?"

Naren actually wanted to ask Ji Chenzhou how he managed to keep his face from being flushed between himself and his boyfriend.

However, when he thought about how stupid he was, Ji Chenzhou didn't take his benevolence seriously.

Everyone said, just for fun...

Ji Chenzhou saw the grievance in Naren's eyes again, and the caring was more obvious than last time.

Ji Chenzhou, what are you doing?

"It's inappropriate..." In the end, Ji Chenzhou opened the door and said such a bland sentence from his mouth.

The bedroom is facing the living room, and when the door is opened, all the sights of the living room will come into view.

Naren saw the scene that slapped him in the face. Song Ke had a cool skirt with his back wide open.

The two of them turned their backs to Naren's bedroom...

Xiaoyao Lu half hugged Song Ke behind, his hand holding the zipper still pulling down.

And the other hand, touching Song Ke's thigh...

Ji Chenzhou turned his head to look at Naren, his eyes seemed to say, "This is the woman you said seriously likes you and wants to be with you?"

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