The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1347: Sinking-Ji Chenzhou, didn't I tell you to go away? (Two thousand words)

Naren returned one to Ji Chenzhou, "Your man is playing ambiguously with other women in front of you. Are you comfortable wearing this green hat?"

Naren really didn't expect Song Ke to be such a person. Obviously she was not forced, and she enjoyed it.

Song Nan said that nowadays women are very casual, and sometimes it is men who can't afford to play.

He didn't have too much feelings for Song Ke. He just ate a few times and watched movies together. They had no other close contact except that she took his arm today.

So, apart from being a little embarrassed, Naren now feels nothing.

"Naren, your girlfriend is really good!"

Ji Chenzhou just leaned on the door frame. Although he said so, his eyes were looking elsewhere.

A woman like Song Ke really couldn't get Ji Chenzhou's eyes.

Ji Chenzhou's words caused Song Ke to turn around in a panic.

"Um... my zipper is stuck, the schoolmaster help me... help!"

It didn't explain who it was said to.

It stands to reason that she should have explained to Naren, but her eyes were on Ji Chenzhou.

"It feels good too!" Lu Xiaoyao said this, and pulled the zipper of Song Ke's dress up.

There is no sign of getting stuck at all, it's easy to pull!

Besides, I really don’t understand, what are you doing with the zipper during the day.

Song Ke smiled shyly, Naren really didn't understand that she was taken advantage of by Xiaoyao Lu.

Besides, what Lu Xiaoyao said was obviously frivolous.

How could Song Ke smile so shyly?

Does she not know what is dangerous?

There are three men in this room...

(How did Naren know that, in fact, it was just two men, Xiaoyao Lu was a woman, a pure woman...)

If you really want to do anything to her, she is a dumb loss.

However, looking at her eyes that hooked Ji Chenzhou, how could it be that he wanted Ji Chenzhou to do something to her.

Just now Ji Shenzhou said that she is in good shape...

Qin Nan also said that Song Ke's figure is very good, and a man will miss her when he sees it.

Naren is a little irritable, he wants to drive away these irrelevant people.

The air is polluted in their homes.

"Naren, I just saw that you have noodles and eggs in your refrigerator. Let me cook some noodles for you!"

Song Ke glanced at Lu Xiaoyao, then at Ji Chenzhou, who was leaning against the door frame by Xie Si, and said with a smile.

She is very confident in her cooking skills, nowadays girls can cook too little.

Her culinary skills will surely capture the hearts of school grasses and men with ears.

As for Naren, who is handsome and has no interest at all, she doubted whether he was a man, she always wears very revealing and sexy, but he did not respond at all.

In such a dark place in the cinema, she put her hands on his place, and he even took it away for her...

Now her goal is to win the school grass or the ear drill guy, which is much better than being with Naren.

Especially the man with ear drills, at first glance, he has the physique of a bed.

"Song Ke, you go back first! No, let's all go! I'm not feeling well, I want to rest!"

Naren directly issued the order to evict the guests, and he could see it even no matter how innocent, Song Ke had seen Ji Shenzhou.

His eyes were so obvious, and he didn't hide it at all.

"What's uncomfortable, let me see, wasn't it all right just now!"

Song Ke also noticed that Naren was upset, she thought he was a wood.

I don't know that I'm jealous. It seems that I care about myself too much and see myself having an ambiguity with other men.

He wasn't happy. The key to being handsome and handsome is that he looks good at a glance. If he can understand the fun, it would be good to be with him.

The beauty that Song Ke thought in his heart came towards Naren.

"If you feel uncomfortable, go to bed, I will entertain them, they are all here, how can I drive the guests away like this!"

Song Ke naturally didn't want to lose the chance to eat with the school grass-sama and the man with ears.

She wants to take them down in one fell swoop!

Just as Song Ke passed by Ji Shenzhou, her heel was unstable again.

The body just turned sideways to Ji Chenzhou, and the whole person fell into his arms.

Accompanied by the falling direction of her body, and her exclamation, the tingling voice is really a bit confusing.

As Song Ke expected, Ji Chenzhou reached out and caught her body.

He hugged her in his arms, "Why don't you be careful? If this falls, it hurts so much!"

Ji Chenzhou's voice is born with a kind of magnetic force, which makes people feel comfortable all over.

Song Ke hugged Ji Chenzhou's waist tightly with a frightened expression on his face.

Na Ren really couldn't stand it anymore. What he couldn't stand it was not Song Ke's initiative to give in.

Instead, Ji Chenzhou hugged other women...

He walked over, pushed the two of them, and directly closed the door.

And the sound of closing the door was loud, "Ji Chenzhou, get out of my house!"

Naren didn't know what was wrong with him, and when he came, he yelled at the door.

There were three people outside, and he only called Ji Chenzhou's name.

Song Ke said something outside, but he did not listen anymore.

He felt that he was sick, and Ji Chenzhou made it clear to him that he was playing with him.

And he also thinks he hates Ji Chenzhou very much, but he cares about everything he has.

The boyfriend who cares about him, cares about him holding Song Ke, cares about his attitude towards himself...

He felt that everything he cared about was abnormal.

However, he couldn't help but care.

Naren still sat on the side of the bed and didn't move until the sound of closing the door came.

When the mood calmed down, Naren stood up.

Open the door, walk directly to the sofa, and remove the sofa cover.

They have sat here just now, he is a bit clean.

It's actually very tired to take things apart with anger.

Moreover, the dismantling was very uncomfortable, so he was anxious and threw the pillow on the sofa.

"Aren't you throwing me like a pillow?"

Suddenly behind him came Ji Chenzhou's deep and pleasant voice.

Naren's body just about to sit down suddenly stiffened.

When I looked up, I saw Ji Chenzhou standing at the door of the kitchen, holding a pair of chopsticks...

"Ji Chenzhou, didn't I tell you to go away?"

The moment Naren saw Ji Chenzhou, he couldn't tell what it was like, but felt a blank in his head.

"When you were under me, you told me to roll, but your legs didn't wrap me so tightly..."

Ji Chenzhou leaned on the door frame of the kitchen, his lazy posture and evil eyes all revealed a charming temperament.

I have to say that a man like Ji Chenzhou is really born to make everyone envy and hate.

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