The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1349: Sinking-don't you dare to play? Still afraid your boyfriend will know? (Two thou

Ren Junyi's handsome face was dull red, and his eyes were green but stubborn.

"Ji Chenzhou, are you afraid to play? Or are you afraid your boyfriend will know?"

Naren didn't know what he was saying, and he didn't know how sore it sounded.

"Are there any things that Ji Chenzhou didn't dare to? You only want me to think about it!"

Naren's actions, Naren's words, are undoubtedly the most explosive fuel, Ji Chenzhou buckled his head and was about to kiss Naren's lips fiercely, but he avoided it.

"Ji Chenzhou, if you want to play, I'll accompany you, but this time, it's me who will be on you..."

Naren's eyes looking at Ji Chenzhou were hot, there was some burning desire there, but it was also decadent, as if he was self-willing to fall.

Naren was doing something he would regret, but at this moment, he thought, just this time, indulge this time.

Then, he will forget Ji Chenzhou and drive him out of his world forever.

There was a flash of Yin Wu in Ji Chenzhou's eyes. He didn't expect Naren to have the courage to say this to him.

Fuck him?

How dare he say it...

There was a thin smile at the corner of his mouth, "You...fuck me? Naren, you dare to say it."

The question is like, do you want to go to the moon to eat?

It's so funny...

Ji Chenzhou's smile was obviously mocking.

Who is he Ji Chenzhou? He has always played how he wants to play, and do whatever he wants.

It is rare for him to be kind enough to not let this stupid boy fall in love with him and get hurt.

However, he doesn't know the sky and the earth still want to get on him? It's really stupid.

How could he Ji Chenzhou tilt his **** and let others do whatever they want.

Naren's face turned from dull red to pale, his mouth was not as good as Ji Shenzhou, and his face was not thicker, nor was he shameless, and not as bad as him...

So when Ji Chenzhou said so, he didn't know how to go back.

"Why don't you... If you can do that to me, I can't get on you?"

"Ji Chenzhou, you really... make me sick."

Some people say certain things, and they have a natural aura. Obviously, Naren doesn't have the characteristics of being cruel.

"Naren, if I were you, I shouldn't even think about this kind of thought, because you are born to be fucked!"

Ji Chenzhou's bad temper is notorious, and Naren's sentence to hit him completely angered him.

Therefore, his actions to tear Naren's clothes were rough.

"Ji Chenzhou, stop it... if you don't let me... don't touch..."

Naren's words were intermittent, and it was really impossible to say a complete sentence.

From the sofa to the carpet, to the bathroom on the bed, and finally back to the bed...

Naren's whole figure seemed to be fished out of the water, softly curled on the bed, trembling all over, that is the joy that has not subsided...

The tight and strong legs even shivered slightly...

Naren couldn't open his eyes, he was also a man, but he was tortured over and over again by Ji Chenzhou.

He thought he was going to die, but he was still alive. This time the humiliation was heavier than the last time.

Naren's lips are a little swollen and slightly numb, as if there is the kind of touch that keeps coming and going...

Naren's body was forcibly pulled up, and his face hit Ji Chenzhou's lower abdomen.

He was so forced to look up at Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou was looking down high, pinching Naren's chin.

"Naren, my father said that I am not a thing, and there is no one worse than me in the world, so I advise you, take care of your heart, and don't fall in love with me, because I only want you in the future. Will come to you, understand?"

Even if the body is satisfied, but Ji Chenzhou's face is gloomy and terrible.

Because no matter how he persecuted Naren and did so many times, he just didn't scream and didn't make a sound. That feeling was quite irritating.

Naren didn't say a word, just looked at Ji Chenzhou who was a little irritable.

He knew that angering him would only make himself more painful, and he really couldn't bear it anymore.

However, he would not be soft to Ji Chenzhou...

Ji Chenzhou threw away Naren irritably, got out of bed, took a simple shower, changed his clothes and left.

I didn't even look at Naren who curled up on the bed, his face flushed abnormally...

Naren had a fever, and when Qin Nan came to knock on the door, Naren reluctantly took up the sheets and rolled them into the washing machine, opened the window, and dissipated the pleasant smell of the room.

"Why do you still have a fever? Hurry up, this is an anti-fever medicine. If I don't call you, you won't have a fever!"

Qin Nan hurriedly ran to the kitchen to get water, and ran over all the way, sweating.

"How to eat it?" Naren looked at the boxes of medicine on the table and looked at Qin Nan blankly.

Because of the high fever, his eyes were a little red, and Ji Chenzhou was tossed up all night without sleeping.

The whole person is very weak, leaning on the sofa lazily, falling down at any time.

Naren rarely gets sick. Even if he is sick, Master Xiu will not let him take medicine, saying that the medicine is three-point poison. Generally, the pure natural plants on the island will work after eating.

"My ancestor!" Qin Nan quickly dispenses good medicine to Naren according to the instructions.

Send it directly to his mouth, let him eat it, and feed it all the water into his mouth.

Na Ren is really powerless, and there is no hypocrisy.

"Are you fighting with someone? How did you do it?"

Qin Nan saw that there were marks on Naren's mouth and neck.

Na Renben's face was red, and it was even more red at this time.

He pulled the thin quilt over his body, not only on his mouth and neck, but also on the roots of his thighs, and on his waist and chest were traces left by Ji Chenzhou...

When thinking of Ji Chenzhou, Naren closed his eyes.

"Fuck, if you haven't eaten here, I'll take medicine for you. I'm sure to prevent stomach pain in a while."

Qin Nan's temperament was stern. When he packed the medicine box, he remembered that Naren didn't eat anything, so he gave him a lot of medicine.

Naren glanced at Qin Nan, and then, his eyelids gradually sank. He was really too sleepy and tired. With the effect of the medicine, Naren soon fell asleep.

Qin Nan covered Naren with a quilt and went to cook some porridge for him.

Then he kept playing with his cell phone, looking at Naren.

"Don't touch me...get hurts..." Naren murmured while clutching the quilt, his expression very painful.

"Naren, Naren, what's the matter? I have a nightmare..."

Qin Nan patted Naren like a child, still thinking, "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid... I won't be scared by touching my hair..."

Touched Naren's hair to comfort him, and touched his head by the way. The fever was gone and the fever subsided.

"Ji Chenzhou, I want to... kill you..."

Naren bit her lip and said in a daze.

Qin Nan was so scared that he slid off the sofa...

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