The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1350: Sinking—Are you begging or ordering me? (Two thousand words)

"I was scared to death. How good is this to kill someone? You can't kill him. I have to chase Ji Shenzhou..."

Qin Nan sat back again, just as Naren was talking nonsense.

After Naren woke up, he felt that no part of his body was painless, and he didn't want to move.

"Hurry up and drink the porridge, and then take the medicine!"

Qin Nan kicked the table with his foot, staring at the screen of the phone, his hands kept moving, and the sky fell when playing games, and he wouldn't blink.

Naren looked at the bowl of white porridge, really had no appetite, but was hungry...

I drank it in a few sips...

"Let Song Ke take care of you. I don't know how to cook. By the way, the pot of noodles Song Ke made in your kitchen, although you can't eat it, but it looks delicious!"

Qin Nan said while playing.

Naren put down the porridge bowl, it should be Ji Chenzhou's noodles...

"I have nothing to do with her, you can go back soon! I am hungry and do it myself!"

Naren and Qin Nan were not polite either. At school, he and Qin Nan were the best.

"What's the matter? Isn't Song Ke coming to you yesterday?"

Qin Nan just finished the game, put down his phone, and asked gossiping.

"My relationship with her is a classmate, it's inappropriate."

As for Song Ke's behavior yesterday, Naren didn't want to say.

It was her own choice, and he didn't think he had any position to talk about a girl's affairs.

"Then who are you right? You said you are in your junior year. You don't have a girlfriend. You don't like women. You can find a boyfriend? You can't be so single, right? I don't know. I thought you were sick!"

Qin Nan was anxious. He wanted to say that his family was handsome and good-looking, but he just didn't call people.

Finally got closer to Song Ke, but said it was inappropriate...

He was really anxious to death, and he had two girlfriends.

Now I am going all out to pursue Ji Chenzhou, life is to keep trying and forging ahead in order to live a good life.

It's boring to be alone every day.

"I don't like men!" After the man said this, he didn't have the confidence, don't you like it?

Anyway, he never liked women, at least, he still liked Ferguson.

"Well, don't like men. Just like you, even a man won't like you, just like wood."

All Qin Nan had in mind was Ji Chenzhou, he must catch such a bad and stylish man.

"Naren, can you help me chase Ji Chenzhou? If he doesn't go to school, how long can I catch up with him?"

Qin Nan was full of confidence to chase people, but he had to be able to see talents as well!

"Qin Nan, Ji Chenzhou is not a good person, what are you doing after him?"

When it comes to Ji Chenzhou, Naren's whole body trembles slightly, and every pore screams pain.

"The worse a man is, the more loving it is. I don't want to give him a good citizen award. It doesn't matter whether he is a good person or not."

Qin Nan smiled indifferently, he just liked Ji Chenzhou, and he really liked it.

"He has a boyfriend, even the school grass, which is not a good thing..."

Naren had some nasal sounds, as if he was about to catch a cold, and he felt his body was getting hot.

It may be that he took a shower in the morning, and the water temperature was a little lower...

"What's wrong with a boyfriend? I'll just grab it, let's talk about which man is not stealing fishy outside!"

Qin Nan touched Naren's forehead, "Fuck, it's hot again, take medicine quickly, can't you go to the hospital?"

Why did it burn again after a while.

Qin Nan's words echoed in Naren's mind, which man would not steal fishy.

Ji Shenzhou obviously has a boyfriend, but he also ate and did whatever he wanted last night.

He is just one of his many games.

I remembered the last sentence Ji Chenzhou said, "Naren, my father said that I am not a thing, and there is no one worse than me in the world, so I advise you, take care of your heart, and don’t fall in love with me. Because I will come to you if I want you in the future, understand?"

What does Ji Chenzhou take him for? Does he really think that Naren is so bullying?

"Qin Nan, can you listen to me? Don't provoke Ji Shenzhou..."

Naren didn't know how to convince someone that Qin Nan was his friend and he didn't want him to be hurt.

He likes Ji Chenzhou now. If Ji Chenzhou really slept with him and dumped him later, then Qin Nan would be injured.

He could see that Qin Nan really liked Ji Shenzhou.

"What's wrong with you, Naren, he is not a scourge, I just like him, I want to be with him, there is nothing to worry about."

Qin Nan delivered another handful of medicine to Naren's mouth, fed water and let him eat it.

It's useless for Naren to be anxious, and Qin Nan doesn't listen to him.

"Naren, just ask him for me, and I met him and said to him."

Qin Nan said with her arms around Naren's neck coquettishly.

"I can't find him either. I'm not familiar with him. If you like men, can I introduce others to you?"

Naren was thinking about how to prevent Qin Nan from thinking about Ji Shenzhou.

Qin Nan treats him well, and he has an obligation to protect him.

As soon as Naren told Qin Nan that he and Ji Chenzhou were not familiar, the door of his house was opened by the key.

The two sitting on the sofa with their arms around their necks looked up together, and saw Ji Chenzhou pulling out the key and preparing to close the door.

"Aren't you unfamiliar? Why does he have your house key?" Qin Nan asked Naren with his elbow in a low voice.

Naren didn't react, he naturally didn't know how Ji Chenzhou had the key to his house.

But Ji Chenzhou's sight fell on Qin Nan's arm around Naren's hand, and Naren was intimately leaning on his shoulder.

In fact, it was not Na Renjiao, but Qin Nanlou.

Qin Nan was very nervous, he saw Ji Chenzhou walk in.

I also forgot how he had the key to Naren's house, and how did he know that Naren lives here.

Say hello to him proactively, "Hi, Ji Chenzhou, do you remember me?"

Naren knew that Qin Nan would definitely confess to Ji Chenzhou, and how could he not eat the meat that Ji Chenzhou was so scumbag?

"Ji Chenzhou, you come in, I have something to tell you."

Na Renqiang stood up while supporting his body, and after speaking to Ji Chenzhou, he walked into the bedroom.

Ji Chenzhou's face was dark, but Qin Nan was confused.

"Qin Nan, I remember!" Ji Shenzhou smiled and finished speaking to Qin Nan, then followed Naren into the bedroom and closed the door.

"Qin Nan likes you, but I ask you to reject him, don't provoke him, he can't play your game." Naren turned his back to Ji Chenzhou and didn't want to look at him.

"Are you begging me, or ordering me?" Ji Chenzhou pulled Naren's arm and pressed him against the wall, whispering evilly.

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