The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1365: Sinking-Naren, if you are obedient...

Ji Chenzhou has never explained to Naren that the little demon is a woman, but he really enjoys this feeling.

It was as if Naren was jealous.

"He won't mind, you don't have to care!" Ji Chenzhou drove his army green Hummer, just like him.

Naren didn't know what Ji Chenzhou did. He should have money in his family, or he would buy such a good villa.

Naren also has money. All these years, his money has been saved by Master Xiu, and he doesn't know how much it is.

Even if he had money, he bought an apartment in the first place.

Naren never asked about Ji Chenzhou.

"I won't care!" These words seemed to be addressed to Ji Chenzhou, as well as to himself.

How could he care about him and others.

"Ji Chenzhou, let's say that one year, one year later..." Naren is counting the days now, so he wants to end it sooner.

"Naren, if you are obedient, I'm tired of it, maybe it won't take a year, if you keep **** with me like this, I will always want to conquer you, maybe for a lifetime."

Ji Chenzhou interrupted Naren's words directly, as long as he heard him say for a year, he would be irritable.

Inexplicably like treating Naren in rage, the feeling could not be suppressed.

How dare Naren screw him up? Just like tonight, if he didn't come, Ji Chenzhou actually opened the video and stripped clothes to him...

Naren knew that Ji Chenzhou was a lunatic, and if he didn't listen to him, he would really broadcast it live.

Let everyone around him know that his benevolence belongs to Ji Chenzhou.

When the car got to Lu Xiaoyao downstairs, Ji Chenzhou got out of the car to pick her up.

Naren was sitting in the passenger seat, so he got out of the car and sat in the back seat.

When Naren came out to pick up the little demon, he saw Naren sitting in the back, and the co-pilot's door was open.

Ji Chenzhou's face was gloomy, "Sit in front!"

Ji Chenzhou directly ordered Naren.

The little demon did not speak while eating a lollipop in his mouth.

She heard from her friend that Ji Chenzhou had brought his young wife tonight, so he was not surprised to see Naren.

In the previous season, Shenzhou said that it was just for fun. If you play, how can you bring it out for everyone to see.

Naren bit her lip and didn't move, and looked at Lu Xiaoyao.

I thought to myself, why don't you sit? Why don't you care about your boyfriend?

The little demon looked back with an innocent look, and the look clearly said, "What are you looking at me for?"

Naren remembered the embarrassing term again, and really didn't understand the strangeness of these two people.

Obviously they are a pair, and they don't care about the other party's mischief.

"I said sit in front, Naren, be obedient!"

The little demon is obviously watching a good show, Ji Chenzhou still doesn't know her stomach is bad.

Naren finally got out of the car and returned to the position of co-pilot. Ji Chenzhou fastened his seat belt.

Ji Chenzhou opened the door for the little demon again, raised his hand to invite her into the car.

The little demon has always been wearing a handsome and flamboyant enchanting fan.

Naren knew that he was called the Little Demon, and always thought he was called the Little Demon because he looked like a monster.

Naren could see that Ji Chenzhou cares about the little demon, and the tacit understanding between them is even a bit enviable.

He looked out the window and didn't speak. They didn't feel awkward, he still felt embarrassed.

The meeting place was a membership bar. Naren didn't like the bar because it was dark and noisy.

Ji Chenzhou held his hands tightly all the way, but Ji Chenzhou's other hand was hugging Lu Xiao Yao's shoulder.

It really complied with that sentence.

And as Ji Chenzhou said, Lu Xiaoyao didn't mind at all.

There was no announcement in the cafeteria that day that this was the kind of domineering of my man.

However, Naren was blushing along the way, and he gripped the hand that tried to break away from Ji Chenzhou several times.

Along the way, many people greeted Ji Chenzhou, smiling and looking at the people he was holding and the people he was hugging.

That smile made Naren want to die.

They entered the box, and there were already many people in it.

As soon as I saw Ji Chenzhou and the little demon, they both yelled, "You two are late together, how to punish you?"

"Let these two guys have a drink."

"It's boring to have a glass of wine, let's have a French kiss!"

"Simply they can do a one-to-one performance. I just want to know who is the one of them?"

Naren listened to these people's words, feeling a blank in his brain, buzzing.

"Are you all blind? I didn't see anyone around him!"

The little demon took Ji Chenzhou away and put his arm around him, sitting on the sofa with a lollipop in his mouth.

Everyone felt that Ji Chenzhou was the smartest, but in the eyes of the little demon, he was the stupidest.

He treated Naren in such a coercive way, and one day he would regret it.

Naren's temper looked shy and shy, but the little demon could see that his stubbornness was now compromised. One day, Ji Chenzhou forced him into a hurry, and he would definitely break out completely.

At that time, no matter what method Ji Chenzhou used to persecute or coax, it was useless.

Naren was in the position behind Ji Chenzhou, he wanted to withdraw his hand, he wanted to leave here.

Everyone was watching him, and he was uncomfortable watching him.

Ji Chenzhou put his arms around Naren's waist and pulled to the front with force.

"My family, Naren, don't scare him!" Ji Chenzhou put his arm around Naren's waist, rubbing his side waist.

Naren moved his body, not wanting him to touch it again.

Ji Chenzhou kissed his face, "No one is an outsider, relax!"

Ji Chenzhou thought Naren was shy and whispered with a smile.

"Shen Zhou, you are so good at guarding!" a buddy joked.

Everyone has always been uncertain about Ji Chenzhou's sexual orientation. He used to think he and Lu Xiaoyao were a pair.

But the two are close, but they don't call.

Now I have finally brought this, handsome and blushing man, how can everyone let him go.

"My people I naturally guard, spoil, and hurt!"

What Ji Chenzhou said was like a joke, which made people unable to tell how true or false what he said.

Naren kept his head down, he was restraining himself as much as possible, enduring this humiliation.

"That also has people willing to let you guard, spoil, and hurt!"

At this time, a man walked out of the box bathroom, wiping his hands with a tissue.

"none of your business?"

When Ji Chenzhou saw this man, his face sank immediately.

"Remember me? That Xiao Hei!" the man asked Naren with a flick on the head.

Naren held his head, raised his head blankly, looked at the man, and then a surprise appeared in his eyes.

"It's you……"

Looking at the sparkling in Naren's eyes, Ji Chenzhou squeezed his waist severely.

Naren snorted, the joy in his eyes disappeared, his handsome face flushed, and he bit his lip in embarrassment.

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