The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1366: Sinking-He pointed to the wine and said, "Feed me, use your mouth!" (2,000

Lu Xiaoyao slammed into Fan Bin next to him, who is today's birthday star, and asked, "When will Ji Jiu come back?"

"Just yesterday, knowing my birthday today, I came back specially!" Fan Bin looked at Ji Jiu and Ji Chenzhou, just wanting to hit the wall.

They were all his buddies, but water and fire were incompatible, and he was caught in the middle to die in embarrassment.

"You are dead, let's see how Shen Zhou fixes you tonight!"

Lu Xiaoyao laughed in a negative test, and hadn't seen the two of them pinch in two years, so I thought about it.

Fan Bin wants to cry without tears...

"Ji Jiu, right? Thank you for me fix the camera!"

Naren went out to take pictures a few months ago, but he didn't know how to use the newly bought camera.

The scenery in the deep mountains is very beautiful. It is a pity to miss it. It happened to be Ji Jiu who was climbing at this time and helped him adjust the camera so that he did not miss the shot.

However, the time was too late that day, and I didn't have time to thank him. Naren was very happy to see him today.

However, such a meeting was also quite embarrassing, because he and Ji Chenzhou knew each other.

"A simple thank you is not good, I lost the game to help you that day!"

Ji Jiu said with a smile as he watched Ji Chenzhou hooped Naren's waist hand.

Ji Jiu is four or five years older than Ji Shenzhou, mature, stable and wise. Such a man is undoubtedly charming.

"Then...then I invite eat!"

When Naren heard that he had lost the game, Junsu's face showed apology.

What he disliked most was to cause trouble to others. This time he was still a stranger, and he was really sorry.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Ji Jiu answered indifferently.

Surprisingly, Ji Chenzhou did not interrupt their conversation.

He was listening with a sullen face and a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

However, only Naren could feel that the hand placed on his side waist was always pinching.

Naren has been enduring it as if it was all right, but his forehead was already suffering from cold sweat.

But still stubbornly not telling Ji Shenzhou to let go.

Now he knows Ji Chenzhou somewhat, as long as you speak, he will force you to beg for mercy, plus say some unclean words.

Ji Chenzhou seemed to have pinched enough, and his hand followed Naren's side waist all the way up and across his neck. Then, touching his face, his feminine voice was playful.

"Naren, call it Uncle!"

Lu Xiaoyao quickly ate another lollipop, knowing that Ji Chenzhou would be like this.

He is like a poisonous tongue, and will always give you a bite quietly when you relax your guard.

"What?" Naren didn't react for a while and asked blankly.

"I said, call him uncle..." Ji Chenzhou's slender finger pointed to Ji Jiu, smiling thinly.

Naren looked at Ji Shenzhou in shock, Ji Jiu...Ji Shenzhou...all surnamed Ji...

Ji Jiu is Ji Shenzhou's uncle?

"Then Xiaohei, you have nothing to do with him, so you don't need to call him uncle!"

Ji Jiu looked at Ji Chenzhou's hand touching that benevolent face, his eyes darkened.

"Call!" What Ji Chenzhou hates most is the three words "It's okay."

Naren knows Ji Chenzhou too well, if he doesn’t call this "little uncle," today

Ji Chenzhou went crazy, he would never imagine what kind of crazy it was.

He has now deeply understood his madness, and called a little uncle, it was nothing, besides, Ji Jiu was indeed older than him.

However, Naren also knew that when he called Xiaoshu, he admitted that he had something to do with Ji Chenzhou.

He is his person...

"Naren, don't need..." Ji Jiu saw Naren's struggle and helplessness, but before finishing speaking, he was interrupted by Naren's reluctant "little uncle".

"Uncle..." These two words slipped out of Naren's throat, as if he had brought out a knife, hurting.

Ji Chenzhou squeezed Naren's face, and said dozingly, "Goodbye!"

Such actions, such a tone, and the word "behave" made him feel ashamed and angry.

Ji Chenzhou treats himself like a pet lover.

Treated completely like a woman, in front of so many people...

Ji Jiu's calm expression also changed a bit.

"Then Xiaohei, I'm not your uncle, you don't need to call..." Ji Jiu said softly again. He didn't like Naren calling him uncle, and he didn't like it very much.

"Naren, if you don't want to call him brother-in-law, you can also call him eldest brother. Our Ji family is very messy, so I don't know who is whose species!

Before Ji Jiu had finished speaking, Ji Shenzhou interrupted him directly.

"Ji Chenzhou, shut up!" Ji Jiu looked at Ji Shenzhou, the blue veins on his forehead bursting out.

Enough to see how angry he is now.

No matter how simple Naren was, he could still hear what Ji Chenzhou meant...

Ji Chenzhou and Ji Jiu seem to be uncles and nephews to outsiders, but, in fact, they may also be brothers...

Such things are nothing new in the rich.

"Everyone here knows the bad things, and Naren in my family should know, I dare not hide anything from him."

Ji Chenzhou would look innocent again, but his tone was cool.

I don't know why when Naren heard "My Family Naren", his heart throbbed slightly.

The feeling was like being clicked, and then awakened, my heart was slightly numb, and there was still pain.

"Don't... don't stand up anymore, sit down... sit, come... sit, fuck, why are you stuttering!"

Fan Bin hurriedly got up to make a round, but what he said turned out to be stammering, and he drew his own mouth fiercely before speaking sharply.

Fan Bin is a personal spirit. After this mouth is drawn, Ji Chenzhou wants to give him some face, birthday star.

Ji Chenzhou glanced at Ji Jiu, put his arm around Naren's waist, and led him to sit on the sofa.

Naren could feel that his heart was a little chaotic, and his mind was also chaotic.

As long as things get involved with Ji Chenzhou, they are messy.

Whether he is good with Lu Xiaoyao or Ji Jiu, they are all messed up.

Ji Chenzhou kept his arms around Naren, his strength was not light.

"You said let me show up and you can leave!"

When Ji Chenzhou was at home, what he said to Naren was that he showed his face to show his buddies and took him away.

The main reason is that Ji Chenzhou is not at ease Xiaoqi Xiaojiu.

However, he had to come for Fan Bin's birthday.

Ji Chenzhou ignored Naren, now Ji Jiu is here, can he go?

After leaving, he would avoid Ji Jiu, and Ji Shenzhou would not do that kind of thing.

Look at Ji Jiu's look at their family's benevolent eyes, Chi Guoguo's love, without concealing it, really is a charming fairy.

Just now he pinched him like that, he still smiled and invited Ji Jiu to eat together, chatting with him and reminiscing about the past, when he Ji Shenzhou was private?

Ji Chenzhou took a glass of wine, stuffed it into Naren's hand, raised his jaw and ordered.

"Feed me, use your mouth!"

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