The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1386: Sinking-27 needles on the waist, 9 needles on the chest, no anaesthetic

Except for sticking to Ji Chenzhou in those few days, Naren almost never actively called Ji Shenzhou.

Chang Qing lowered his head and followed behind Naren, avoiding Master Xiu's eyes.

He felt that since Commander Huo had come forward, it would be difficult to handle this matter. The army...

Naren didn't know if Ji Chenzhou would answer the phone. After all, the injury was serious, so he might be stitched in the operating room...

"Naren, get on the plane!" Master Xiu watched as Naren was on the phone, he could guess without asking, he was calling Ji Chenzhou.

Naren looked at Master Xiu with guilt, how could he let Master Xiu be treated like this.

Master Xiu in his family has always been the strongest, and no one can detain him.

At the fifth sound, it passed...

"I... Naren..."

Naren didn't expect to be connected so soon.

A low laugh came from the phone, "Twenty-seven needles on the side of the waist, nine needles on the chest, no anesthetics."

Ji Chenzhou's voice was as soft as the night breeze in the cemetery, making Naren's stiff back cool.

"Ji can use a knife to hit my waist twice, and you can also make two strokes on my chest until you are let Master Xiu go."

Naren knew that Ji Chenzhou would not let go, he would definitely come back with revenge.

Naren thought, it didn't matter if he died, as long as Master Xiu and Brother Chang were fine.

He didn't expect that Ji Shenzhou could mobilize Commander Huo.

"Then how am I willing? What I like most is your body, which ruined my play."

Ji Shenzhou sneered, "Naren, what did you call me just now? Ji Shenzhou..."

Naren's hand holding the phone seemed to be cramped, and he was almost unable to hold it.

Naren's face was pale to bloodless, and he saw Master Xiu running towards him.

"I promise you everything, you call Huosling, please!"

Soldiers are all around, so when Master Xiu was surrounded by so many people, it was because of him.

Naren hung up the call when Master Xiu came to grab the phone.

He looked up at Master Xiu, "Master Xiu, I really like him..."

"I'm not afraid of him, but you...I'm afraid you will be disappointed in me...because I like men..."

Naren didn't know if he could solve the matter in front of him, because he had never dealt with it.

All his things were arranged by Master Xiu for him.

Only coming to Yuncheng was his own idea. It was for Sir Alex, but he didn't want to get entangled with Ji Chenzhou.

This is fate, his benevolent fate.

However, he can't implicate Master Xiu and the brothers, can't...

"Ji Chenzhou is a bit bad, but's not bad for me...I accidentally...drinking milk, all red spots on his body, he wiped me with a cold towel all night!"

"Master Xiu, I can't live without him...I want to be with him!"

Naren's eyes were eager, and Master Xiu's body was tight, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know... Master Xiu doesn't want to go back to the island... I just want to be with him, I really can't live without him."

It's not that you can't leave, but you can't leave...

Naren knelt down slowly, "Master Xiu, I treat you like a father. I'm afraid you will be disappointed in me. When I was a child, I was afraid of everything. I was afraid of all the red things..."

"I don't even dare to eat an apple, because all the red color reminds me of my parents lying in blood..."

"It's Master Xiu that you took me out of the darkness a little bit, so that I no longer be afraid, and I can get in touch with people..."

"I am grateful to Master Xiu, I just want to be by your side forever, but... I grow up and I am curious about the outside world, I am out... I know you are thinking about me and worrying about me every day..."

"So I told myself to be good and not to worry Master Xiu, but I fell in love with men..."

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that Master Xiu will be upset because of me... and even more afraid that you will be disappointed in me."

Master Xiu listened to Naren's words, he squatted down, "I won't be disappointed in you because you like men. You can like anyone, but Ji Chenzhou can't do it. That person is too evil, so he can do everything. ."

Master Xiu touched Naren's head, this is the child he looked at growing up.

Simple, kind and introverted, he can't let him suffer any kind of grievance.

He also has the ability to protect him, love him...

"He caused all these injuries on your body. If you like him, does he like you?"

Master Xiu opened Naren's collar and pointed at those traces, and said angrily.

Seeing these traces, Master Xiu became angry.

He didn't want to kill Ji Chenzhou in front of Naren, and he didn't want to give him a shadow anymore.

"Master Xiu, don't blame him... it was me who drank with other men, got drunk, and almost had an accident. He was so angry that he wouldn't be like this..."

It was too shame to tell Master Xiu these things, but Naren couldn't help it.

Naren didn't say, "Ji Chenzhou likes me..."

He couldn't tell because he knew that Ji Chenzhou didn't like him.


"Master Xiu, he didn't stop you, he didn't want to let me go...I don't want to leave either, just let me be with him!"

Naren cried, he had never made Master Xiu angry, or he had not seen such a distressed look in Master Xiu's eyes.

His life was given by Master Xiu, and he vowed to be an obedient child and not let Master Xiu worry about him.

Master Xiu could tell from Naren's eyes that he was determined to be with Ji Chenzhou.

"Are you forcing me to tie you back?" How could Master Xiu allow that benevolence.

He likes men, and he will not force him not to like them.

Like Ferguson and Young Master Chu, they are very good together, and they don't make people feel awkward and uncomfortable.

They love each other, but Ji Chenzhou will not love Naren.

He knelt down for Chu Baiqing and did so many things for him.

It must be Chu Baiqing's miserable love. How could he love Naren again if he loves someone so deeply.

"Master Xiu, I will die without him...Really, I tried it, and I can't live without... Please, Master Xiu, let me be with him!"

Naren has tried, but Ji Chenzhou forbids him to leave.

If he and Master Xiu leave today, Ji Chenzhou will not let go. If something happens to Master Xiu, he really won’t survive...

"Naren, do you not listen to me anymore!" Master Xiu got angry, and shouted at Naren.

Naren is completely obsessed now.

Naren shuddered, Master Xiu had never yelled at him like this.

"I want to be with him..." The crying sight was blurred, and he didn't know what else he could say except this sentence.

Huo Zhongrao hung up the phone and looked at Master Xiu and Naren who was kneeling on the ground, his eyebrows furrowed.

He finally knew what Xiuye's personal grudges were.

"Ji Chenzhou is here..."

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