The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1387: Sinking-if you yell at him, I will feel distressed and want to kill

Naren suddenly raised his head, Ji Chenzhou is here?

He was hurt so badly, how come...

Naren saw that Master Xiu gave Awen a look. That was the most common command-kill.

Awen's knife is fast and cruel, and it will kill you unsuspectingly.

Killing Ji Chenzhou in front of Commander Huo, no one can go, so many soldiers surrounded.

The roaring off-road vehicle drove over, and Ji Shenzhou got out of the car as soon as the car stopped.

The clothes on his body have been changed, except for the injury on his face, it is almost invisible. He is the one who has just been stitched.

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren kneel on the ground and walked towards him step by step.

Ignoring everyone's gaze, Ji Chenzhou walked to Naren.

Standing opposite to Master Xiu, he commanded Naren with a calm face, "Get up!"

Chang Qing took out his gun and pointed it at Ji Chenzhou's head. Immediately, all the soldiers raised their guns and pointed them at Xiuye.

Ji Chenzhou didn't even look at the gun in front of him, "Get up!"

He ordered Naren again, his tone a little heavier than before.

Naren feels that there are people around, all holding guns, facing Master Xiu...

Just a word from Ji Chenzhou would kill Master Xiu.

Even if Master Xiu Changqing is so powerful, they can't match so many guns.

Seeing Awen's arm move, Naren quickly got up and stood in front of Ji Chenzhou.

"Brother Chang put down the gun... You and Brother Wen are protecting Master Xiu, not putting him in danger..."

Naren's lips were shaking.

Chang Qing slowly put down the gun, they are all passionate men, but the current situation is indeed not good for them.

"You let them... put down their guns too!" Naren turned around and grabbed Ji Chenzhou's arm, his eyes full of pleading.

A man was forced to be like this abruptly.

Begged with red eyes, the other man.

What shame and humiliation are there, those are not important anymore.

Ji Chenzhou smiled and waved his hand, and the soldiers put down their guns.

"Master Xiu, let me be with him! I really can't live without him, I really like him..."

Naren's hand fell down, intersected with Ji Chenzhou's ten fingers, and held it tightly.

The fingers intersect...

This is an action that only people who truly love each other will have.

Ji Chenzhou's mouth sneered, so cool.

He almost thought that Naren really liked him just now, and wanted to be with him, he couldn't do without him.

How can I forget, his Naren is the one who likes acting most.

The performance of the previous play was so good that he deceived him and played for fun.

"Shut up and come here." Master Xiu looked at Ji Chenzhou's nonchalant face and Naren's caring face.

He was completely on the initiative. He used to know that Naren was innocent, but now he thought he was stupid.

Naren's eyes are red, and his heart is being cut by a blunt knife, and the one cut can't cut it through, making you hurt and not dying.

"I just want to be with him!" Naren's tone was willful and persistent.

No matter what you look like, your teeth are itchy.

Master Xiu raised his hand to hit Naren, but Ji Chenzhou stopped his arm.

Evergreen raised the gun again, and the soldier who had just put down the gun raised the gun again, aimed, and prepared...

"Master Xiu, Naren is now my person, but you can't fight if you say you can hit him. If you yell at him, I will feel distressed. I want to kill someone so badly, let alone hit him!

Who is Ji Chenzhou? When Zhongxing Pengyue grew up, how could he tolerate others in front of him.

Even if this person is Master Xiu, it won't work.

Naren belonged to Ji Chenzhou, no one could touch him, and only Ji Chenzhou was the only one who wanted to beat or scold him.

Who is Master Xiu and when has he been threatened like this?

However, Naren is so obsessed with his mind that he has to be with others.

It's like, my girl loves a scum, and has to go with them life and death.

The scum does not respect his father-in-law, and speaks rudely.

However, there is nothing to do with him, because girls like people...

This is the mood of Master Xiu now, very bad.

Seeing Master Xiu being treated like this by Ji Chenzhou, his benevolence was all twisted together.

"Master Xiu, I am willing to be with him..."

At this time, Naren was still in a posture of life and death together.

Both Awen and Chang Qing were staring at him.

For a man, so hurting Master Xiu's heart, this child really disappointed them.

Naren felt that his breathing hurts, it really hurts.

"Go!" Master Xiu staggered around, suffocating a breath and just spit out such a word.

"Then Xiao Hei, you kid...I'm so angry."

Awen yelled at Naren in disappointment and left angrily.

Changqing didn't say anything.

"Take care of... Master Xiu!" Naren murmured such a sentence, like a farewell.

As long as Master Xiu leaves and returns to the island, it will be safe, that's it...

Too tired, too painful...

The sneer at the corner of Ji Chenzhou's mouth kept hanging, and the sound of the airplane's propeller hummed in his ears.

However, there seems to be no sound in Naren's world...

Master Xiu knows, Brother Huo knows, so he can't let his sister know...


Naren walked towards Huo Zhongrao blankly, opened his mouth, and found that he could not speak.

"Don't let my sister know... OK?" Naren finally said it.

"Yeah!" Huo Zhongrao looked at Naren's appearance, his eyes dull.

He is called Sister Qingge Yisheng, who is also his half younger brother.

Huo Zhongrao also likes the simple and kind-hearted Naren.

But how could this kid be with Ji Chenzhou, how could he like him...

This is not asking for sin...

Naren lowered his head, as if the eyes of the people around him fell on him.

Would they think that this man is really shameless, he actually likes men, yet he is so proactive, shamelessly falling out with his family for a man...

You should think so?

He's all like this, do you still have a face?

No more...

"Let's go back! You still have injuries..."

Naren kept his head down and his voice was low, he wanted to leave here.

Master Xiu is gone, he is happy, so happy...

As long as Master Xiu is fine, it's fine, that's it!

It doesn't matter what he is, it really doesn't matter, the big deal is death.

Ji Chenzhou squinted at Naren, where the stitches felt painful...

How could he let go of the person who beat him, the person who slapped him, the person who wanted his life...

In the car, Naren sat next to the door, looking out the window with empty eyes.

"You said how should I punish you?" Ji Chenzhou leaned on the seat, squinted, and said in a lazy tone, "What gift do you want?"

Naren's hand on her knees clenched tightly, "You can kill me..."

Death, now for Naren, I can't ask for it.

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