The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1411: Sinking-you say you are jealous, am I wronged?

Ji Chenzhou's voice was slow, as if he was too lazy to speak.

As soon as Naren heard what Ji Chenzhou said, he immediately stood up, "Why don't I have any money anymore, my money is with Master Xiu."

Although Ji Chenzhou didn't say anything else, anyone who listened to it would think that Ren was raised by him.

Qin Nan looked at the clothes on Naren. It was indeed not the style he had worn before.

In the past, Naren only wore a black t-shirt and jeans and sneakers...

Although he is still wearing sneakers today, the pants and clothes are obviously one size larger, not his style.

In fact, they are Ji Chenzhou's shoes. Naren wears big clothes, not like clothes can be worn out.

Therefore, he always wears his own sneakers. It is not that he is lazy not to brush, but that he has no shoes to wear after brushing.

Ji Chenzhou glanced at Lu Xiaoyao, winked at him, the meaning was obvious, asking her to fan the flames.

Lu Xiaoyao really wanted to give Ji Chenzhou the title of "Demon King".

Why do you like to toss so well, so that you have to coax you, and not too tired.

"Shen Zhou, haven't you been very generous! Why don't you buy some good clothes for Naren, why let him wear your old clothes, you don't hurt people! I care if you want a car, you But you just buy it."

The Little Demon's tone should be kept to the mocking tone as much as possible, she felt that what she said was quite good.

Qin Nan stood up suddenly, "Naren, let's go!"

Qin Nan took Naren and was about to leave, so he couldn't see that Naren was being bullied.

The dishes are all ordered, anyway, as long as there are people in the box, the restaurant people will not stop him and Naren from leaving.

Ji Chenzhou will give the money to him, and he will come here to eat.

"Qin Nan, sit down!"

Naren forced Qin Nan to sit down.

He glanced at Little Demon Lu, he didn't hate Little Demon, but he was very concerned about the relationship between him and Ji Chenzhou. He didn't care about it before.

However, now he is with Ji Chenzhou, and Ji Chenzhou is still like Xiao Yao, what is his benevolence?

He is shy, but that is not really weak.

He just doesn't want to care about it, but now he cares, his heart is blocked.

Although he will not cry and make noises like a woman.

However, the relationship between Ji Chenzhou and Lu Xiaoyao was ambiguous, and he did not give any explanation.

No way!

"Ji Chenzhou, did you buy him a car?" Naren asked Ji Chenzhou, pointing to the little demon Lu.

The smile in Ji Chenzhou's eyes was very strong. He squinted, like a drunk person, his eyes were very attractive.

"Well, not just buying a car, I will buy him everything he likes!"

Ji Chenzhou really liked Naren's aggressive look.

Lu Xiaoyao sneered, thinking, "Smelly shameless, buy a bicycle, it's a car..."

Naren bit her lip, breathing very fast, and her eyes were a little red.

He was with Ji Chenzhou. He had never bought anything for him, so he destroyed his things.

It's ridiculous to say that he loves him.

"What is your relationship with him?" Naren actually didn't want to ask this. He felt that what was the relationship before was nothing to do with him.

It doesn't make sense to ask now, if Ji Chenzhou really cared about his benevolence, how could he say such hurtful things.

Ji Chenzhou is not a good person, Naren, you will always be deceived by him, how could he be sincere to you.

You are not as handsome as a schoolgirl, and you would be likable without him.

He can be so ambiguous even the school grass, how can he really like you.

"Our relationship is not easy to say...a bit complicated."

Ji Chenzhou frowned in distress, as if this question was really difficult to answer.

"It's hard to say, then what do you think we are!"

Naren had never been so aggressive before, but he would ignore it.

Because it is too bully.

"You are my girlfriend!" Ji Chenzhou still sat there, smilingly replied.

This is talking about more owes and more owes.

"Ji Chenzhou, why are you doing this, can you speak!"

Qin Nan stood up again, and he was angry at hearing such humiliating words, let alone Naren.

Lu Xiaoyao was a little uncertain about what Ji Chenzhou was going to do.

The play was a little bigger, Naren's eyes were red, and he was crying when he saw that posture.

"That he always said that I was his girlfriend before, don't care!"

Lu Xiaoyao just wanted to comfort Naren, it was absolutely kind.

Ji Chenzhou always joked with her before, he was dressed as a man, but he called her a girlfriend, and he was also in the public.

It can be said that his face has been trained by Ji Chenzhou.

Practice it...

Lu Xiaoyao seemed to understand why Ji Chenzhou did this.

He didn't want Na Ren to care too much about the eyes of others. Today at school, facing the eyes of classmates and still talking, she could see that the uncomfortable benevolence and the look that can't wait to disappear immediately.

He wants to be with Ji Chenzhou, so he has to endure far more than these strange eyes.

They have to bear more, because of Ji Chenzhou's identity, they are destined to bear more than ordinary people.

Now that Ren was in the face of his friend, he couldn't bear Ji Chenzhou's talk about this topic.

How can I bear the rumors and saliva in the future.

In fact, man and man, or man and woman, boyfriend and girlfriend are just a title.

Ji Chenzhou gave Lu Xiaoyao one. After the look of "You are really a slasher", the little demon realized that it would be easy for Naren to misunderstand that he had something to do with Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou just said it was hard to say, and did not say what their relationship is.

Their relationship is really hard to say, buddy? She is still a woman...

Friends, they are far closer than friends.

It's really hard to say...

After Lu Xiaoyao gave Ji Chenzhou a sorry look, he lowered his head.

At this time, the boxes opened, and the waiters began to serve dishes one after another.

Naren was still standing there, just staring at Ji Chenzhou.

Naren didn't speak until the waiter walked out.

"Eat, my girlfriend invited you!"

Naren took the chopsticks apart and placed it in front of Ji Chenzhou.

Then he sat down, Naren's reaction surprised everyone.

Even Ji Chenzhou didn't expect that he would only say such a sentence.

"Qin Nan, sit down and eat, their food is very delicious."

Naren took Qin Nan and sat down.

However, Qin Nan could feel that Naren was very angry because his hands were shaking while holding him.

"Little demon, let's have a drink! You are his ex-girlfriend, and I am his current girlfriend. Why do you have to drink one?"

The first thing was said to the little demon, but the latter thing turned his head and asked Ji Chenzhou.

"You can't drink her, you can't drink enough, so don't drink it!"

Ji Chenzhou was telling the truth, the little demon had a good drinker, and most people were not her opponents.

Naren was flushed by Ji Chenzhou's handsome and handsome face.

"I can't drink him, don't you still have you!"

Naren never knew that he was angry, and he was also quite capable of making troubles unreasonably and hypocritically.

The petting smile in Ji Chenzhou's eyes became deeper and deeper.

"This is very embarrassing for me, I am not willing to perfuse her! I am really not willing to..."

Ji Chenzhou felt that the heat was almost there, looking at Naren's red eyes, he felt that it was almost time.

"Ji Chenzhou, you are so deceiving!"

Na Ren Teng stood up immediately and threw the plate in front of him directly.

Qin Nan was taken aback by him. This was the first time he heard Naren curse.

With such a big temper, he always thought that Naren was a person with no temper, and he would actually be so angry...

This momentum is really scary.

"You are not willing to him, so you are willing to treat me this way?" All of Naren's emotions burst out.

Ji Chenzhou cared about the little demon everywhere, and didn't conceal the slightest care in front of him.

Then what is his benevolence?

He kept saying that he wanted to be with him for a lifetime, and that he was the one who loved him.

His love is so cheap, can anyone get his love...

"Have you ever thought about how I feel? You said you want to be with me, okay, I'm with you, don't care about how you treated me before, I'm so cheap!"

Naren forced himself to stop crying, and he felt that he was too hopeless.

It is really hopeless to cry for Ji Chenzhou, crying in front of Qin Nan and his ex-girlfriend.

However, he felt uncomfortable in his heart, his emotions could not be controlled, and he was really uncomfortable.

If he doesn't vent, he is afraid he will go crazy.

It turns out that Shao Chu said that the feeling of falling in love with someone will become unlike yourself and out of control...

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren who was out of control. He wanted to hold him in his arms and kiss him to comfort him, but it was not enough. He hadn't heard what he wanted to hear.

The reason why he did this, couldn't just want to hear that sentence from Naren's mouth.

He wanted to confirm Naren's feelings towards him.

That benevolent temperament is so shy, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to speak out, and he must be forced.

"It's really bad, you treat me so, I will still fall in love with you, I hate myself..."

Naren exhaled, feeling that all his strength was drained, he didn't know what he said.

Na Ren didn't know what he said, but Ji Chenzhou heard it really, Na Ren fell in love with him.

I really fell in love...

He knew it would be like this, and he knew Naren must also love him.

My heart seemed to be lit by fireworks, gorgeous...

Qin Nan looked at Naren blankly, he loved Ji Shenzhou...

Is it love or not...

He thought Naren hated Ji Chenzhou, so he fell in love with...

Ji Chenzhou hugged Naren in his arms and restrained him from struggling...

"You said she's a girl, why would I be willing to drink her wine? If I was told by Huo Commander, she wouldn't have to kill me. She is Huo Commander's beloved baby. You said you were jealous. Am I wronged?

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