The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1412: Sinking—"Have you enough?" Ji Chenzhou's voice was angry (2,000 words)

Ji Chenzhou's chin rested against Naren's shoulder, saying this slowly.

The first person to react was Qin Nan. He looked at Lu Xiaoyao in horror, then stretched out his finger and pointed at her, his mouth widened and could not say a word...

Lu Xiaoyao squinted at Ji Chenzhou, pursing her blushing lips, giving Ji Chenzhou a dead look.

Naren's reaction is always half a beat, "You said... she is a female?"

There was unbelief in Naren's eyes, how could it be a woman.

Although the little demon looks very seductive, he would never look like a woman.

You can't really listen to what Ji Chenzhou said.

"Well, woman."

Ji Chenzhou rubbed Naren's neck and said vaguely.

Naren looked at the little demon, Qin Nan looked at the little demon, and the little demon looked at Ji Chenzhou...

At the end of this meal, Naren and Qin Nan didn’t know what they had eaten...

The final account was paid by Ji Shenzhou, because Naren had been in shock that Xiaoyao Lu was a woman, and had forgotten to pay.

When he went downstairs, Lu Xiaoyao was really annoyed by Naren.

"Would you like to see if I am a woman!"

The little demon directly forced Naren to the corner and asked demonly.

Naren's face turned red at once, because the little demon leaned too close to him.

He turned away, "Don't lean on close, if you have something to say, please...speak!"

Except for his sister, Naren is not used to being too close to women.

What's more, the little demon is now a man in his eyes. It is a bit too difficult for him to force himself to accept the fact that he is a woman.

"You only need to know that I am a woman, you can still treat me as a man, I don't care, but you don't always stare at me, I will think you like me, that will make me very distressed!"

Lu Xiaoyao looked at the benevolent face, and understood more and more why Ji Chenzhou fell in love with him.

It’s hard to get along with someone like him.

"I don', I'm not talking about the kind of dislike, no, I'm not talking about the kind of dislike..."

Naren realized that he couldn't understand at all, he was a little anxious, he didn't hate the little demon, he liked his casual and free temper.

"Just don't hate you!" In the end, Naren didn't hate it.

"You are... so cute!" Lu Xiaoyao was tricked by Naren, and she couldn't bear to continue teasing him.

She actually admired Ji Shenzhou, and she was able to bully so easily.

"..." A lot of people will be Naren and cute, but Naren feels strange when said by the little demon.

Ji Chenzhou talked about Naren who was at a loss, "Okay, you can retreat, nothing is wrong with you, go back!"

Ji Chenzhou waved at the little demon, indicating that she could leave.

"I said you have no conscience, you still feel wronged!"

Lu Xiaoyao punched Ji Chenzhou in the chest.

Then he smiled and said to Naren, "Lovely Naren, I will play with you when I have time."

The little demon is handsome, but Naren messed up again with a loud sister.

He can only smile awkwardly, he really needs time to accept.

He really admired Ji Shenzhou, how he got along with Xiaoyao Lu so freely...

Lu Xiaoyao left by himself, leaving the three of them.

When Ji Chenzhou went to drive, Qin Nan looked at Naren and had a lot to say, and also a lot to ask.

"Qin Nan, you will accompany me to buy some clothes!" Before Qin Nan could speak, Naren spoke first.

He wears the big clothes of Ji Shenzhou, and it is time to change his clothes when he changes the season.

There is a commercial street near their school, and the clothes sold there are suitable for them to wear.

He and Qin Nan always went there to buy clothes before.

A few hundred yuan is enough for the whole body, and there is no need to go shopping, just go to those few stores.

"Ah... OK! I just want to buy clothes too."

"Naren, Ji Shenzhou paid for the meal just now..."

Qin Nan was quite concerned about this, and he couldn't even think of asking him to spend nearly 100,000 to eat.

However, he did say today that he wanted to treat him, but in the end, it became like this.

"I forgot. I will pass the money back to him, Qin Nan, I am really rich."

Naren could see Qin Nan's embarrassment. He could understand that sometimes money hurts people.

"Naren, I used to think that I know you very well. I think we are the same people, but now I think we are like people from two worlds. I don't mean rich and no money, just that kind of feeling. Unclear...I don't think why you want to be with Ji Chenzhou, his person makes people feel insecure!"

Qin Nan had a pretty good temper, and he couldn't hide things. He just thought something was wrong.

It was much larger than the kind of distance between the two after I told Naren I liked him before.

"You mean we are strange, right? Qin Nan, I'm still me, or the previous Naren, me and Ji Chenzhou's affairs. I used to escape, but now I am serious."

"I used to think that I only liked black...programs, but then I discovered that I was even more obsessed with photography. Then, I devoted myself to photography, and I felt very happy."

"Qin Nan, my parents died right before my eyes, and I felt that people were too fragile, and that life would be gone. Therefore, I cherish every day, I am afraid that I am dead and there are many things left to do. "

"So, once I get serious, I will be very persistent. Therefore, I will do the same with Ji Chenzhou, unless one day I feel that I can't go on with him, I will let go."

"Ji Chenzhou, I don’t think he is a good person, too bad, but I just like him and I can’t control it. Therefore, when he says that he loves me, I know I’m over, because I can’t refuse. To love persistently."

"So, Qin Nan, let us not be unfamiliar, because I cherish you brother very much, you are my only brother here, I don't want to lose!"

What Naren fears most is to have it and then lose it. That kind of feeling will hurt people.

And what he fears most is pain...

Qin Nan looked at Naren, looked at the sparkle in his eyes, as clear as before, but it was a little bit sweeter, and that was what people in love would have.

Qin Nan smiled and his eyes turned red, and patted Naren on the shoulder, "A good brother for a lifetime!"

The dull voice was choked with a trace.

"Next time you invite him to eat sliced ​​noodles in the cafeteria, I think Xiaojiangnan's sliced ​​noodles are not as delicious as our cafeteria!"

Naren hugged Qin Nan. He didn't know how deep Qin Nan felt for him, but he knew how much he hurt him.

"Have enough?" Ji Chenzhou's voice sounded behind Naren, with anger.

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