The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1440: Sinking—Ji Chenzhou, your boyfriend is upset, don’t let go?

Naren was a little drunk at first, but when he saw that man kiss last season Shenzhou, he instantly sobered up.

How did Lu Kai know that someone was still standing behind him, just because Ji Chenzhou didn't kick him off, it was simply too surprising to him.

Naren bit her lip and her eyes were slightly red, but her complexion was extremely cold.

Just looking at Ji Chenzhou, when Ji Shenzhou realized that Lu Kai was kissing him, he suddenly pushed him off of him.

"Ah..." Lu Kai fell to the ground embarrassedly, his back hitting the man's leg.

When did Lu Kai suffer such an aggrieved situation, so many people watched him being pushed down by Ji Chenzhou, and naturally it was impossible to face him...

Just as Naren was behind him, he became the hapless man.

"Go away, now both cats and dogs can come in here, bad luck."

Lu Kai was so spoiled, he didn't put anyone in his eyes except Ji Chenzhou.

Naren looked at Lu Kai condescendingly. He remembered this voice and called Ji Chenzhou, saying that he liked the man...

Called Lu Kai...

The length is so beautiful, the skin seems to be able to squeeze water out, and a woman would not have his fair and tender face.

Naren thought, such a little fairy chasing Ji Chenzhou so actively and enthusiastically, why doesn't he like it, he should like it!

They just don't admit it, if they don't show up, what will they do after the kiss.

This man just rubbed him for a long time.

Ji Chenzhou has always had a big appetite, every day...

This week, is he just with Lu Kai?

By the way, he was with Lu Kai when he was injured. At that time, he said there was nothing between them, he believed.

But now I saw them together with my own eyes.

Those words that Ji Chenzhou once vowed to say, reverberated with incomparable irony in his ears.

There was movement here, Qin Nan looked over and saw Ji Chenzhou and Naren, and thought that they would come across.

After another look, the notoriously difficult little wild cat was there, and Qin Nan hurried over.

He thought that it was Naren who pushed Lu Kai to him, and he bent over to help Lu Kai, but was waved away by Lu Kai, "Go away, what are you?"

Lu Kai was spoiled from childhood and had a bad temper.

Originally, their Lu family had always wanted a girl. When Lu Kai **** him, they all said it was a girl, who knew he was still a boy.

However, the things that I prepared were all worn by girls. I don’t know if it’s because I wore girls’ clothes when I was a child. I got Lucky's temperament. I was very squeamish. When I grew up, I also liked men. ...

Qin Nan caught fire, and the most important thing about working here is not to offend guests.

Once offended, no matter what the reason, he will be fired. The part-time job here is very good, and Qin Nan can only bear it.

Naren glanced at Lu Kai coldly, and did not speak, what did he say?

Tell him, it's you who should get rid of, Ji Chenzhou is my man.

Just thinking about it, if he said this, he would find it ridiculous and sad.

They have broken up, what position does he have to say.

Even if he walked over and stood here, it was ridiculous...

"I'll go home first, and bring some supper when you come back!" Naren said this to Qin Nan. Why did you say that, just to tell him that I'm fine, and I want to eat supper, I'm fine...

"You go home directly and wait for me!" Qin Nan wanted to ask for leave and go straight with him, but at this time there is no one to replace him, so he can't be so irresponsible.

If he just leaves like this, no one will work. It's not about money, and can't make it difficult for the foreman.

Naren nodded, turned and left...

Ji Chenzhou rushed towards Naren.

Lu Kai thought he was here to help him up, and smiled and stretched out his hand to Ji Chenzhou.

However, Ji Chenzhou grabbed Naren's arm, and Naren broke free.

"Let go!" Naren yelled at Ji Shenzhou angrily.

All the indifference on his face collapsed because of the moment Ji Chenzhou grabbed his arm.

All emotions are turned into grievances, very grievances.

He can't eat and sleep, but he is making out with other men here. What a good job...

Ji Chenzhou tightened his strength, "Did you drink?"

When Naren spoke, he could smell the wine.

"Just drank a cocktail, just one..."

Qin Nan hurriedly interjected, only one cup was fine.

Ji Shenzhou glared at Qin Nan.

Qin Nan was aggrieved immediately, and his eyes were like, "You have all broken up, and you still care about him drinking, can you manage it!"

However, he just thinks about this, where he dare to say it.

Being ignored and still sitting on the ground, Lu Kai jumped up instantly, "Who is he? What are you doing with his hand?"

Lu Kai pointed to Naren and questioned Ji Chenzhou, that posture was the empress of Zhenggong.

"Your boyfriend is upset, don't you let go?" Naren's tone was cold and mocking.

As soon as Lu Kai heard the three words from her boyfriend, his face immediately showed a happy smile, and he almost said to Naren, "You are quite good at talking."

"What nonsense, stop making trouble!"

Ji Chenzhou was cold at the time, what boyfriend...

"I'm making a fuss. Now it's you holding the other Naren and kissing. What am I making a fuss? Am I yelling or crying and making trouble?"

It is said that he is making trouble again, Naren is completely angry...

All the grievances poured out, he shook off Ji Chenzhou's hand fiercely, and shouted at him.

He didn't say anything, turned around and left. It was he who was holding him and not letting him go. Why did he make trouble? Why did he make trouble...

Qin Nan was shocked by Naren, he had never seen Naren so angry.

It's really scary...

Even Lu Kai looked at Naren dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on.

Then I remembered that there was no one around Ji Chenzhou before, is this?

Lu Kai immediately looked hostile, and just about to step forward, he was stopped by Lu Ming, who had been silent.

"Well, I'm fooling around, let's go home!"

Even though Ji Chenzhou was a little irritated because Naren was drinking, he lost his temper after yelling like this, and he softened his tone and coaxed.

"Ji Chenzhou, are you sick? We broke up. We have been separated for a week. Which home do you want me to go back to? Where do I have a home..."

Ji Chenzhou once promised him a home for him, a home for the two of them, a home that Naren looked forward to so much.

For him, he left Master Xiu and made his sister worry about him. He was abandoning everything to be with him.

He used to live alone in the dormitory or in his own apartment. He also liked it very much. It's good to be alone.

However, after separating from Ji Chenzhou, he couldn't sleep at night, even if he slept on a single bed, he felt space.

"When did I agree to break up?"

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