The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1441: Sinking——When you recruited me, you didn’t ask me whether I agreed

Ji Chenzhou's voice can already be heard clearly, suppressing his anger.

He was going to look for Naren, but a word from his little mother prevented him from looking for Naren these days.

His little mother said, "If you don't give up everything you are doing now, you and Naren will not be able to solve the problem. Think about each other and calm down!"

Let him give up the path he is going to take now, he can't do it.

He will not break up with Naren, absolutely not...

If Lu Ming hadn't called him twice today, he wouldn't have come out.

On his way, among those who helped him follow him, there was Lu Ming...

He didn't think the way he was going would affect the feelings between him and Naren.

However, Naren insisted on breaking up to force him to give up...

"I don't need your consent. When you recruited me, you didn't ask me whether I agreed! Ji Chenzhou is the most important thing for you, and my benevolence is with you. Even if it’s a fart, it’s trivial."

Probably because Jiujin came up, Naren only felt that the headache was not good, and his heart was also not good...

It hurts everywhere.

Naren turned around and left, turning anxiously, staggering, and being supported by Qin Nan behind him.

"Or, if you calm down for a few days, you will also deal with this..."

Qin Nan looked at Lu Kai, who had been blocked by Lu Ming, and said to Ji Shenzhou.

He helped Naren turn around and left. He couldn't take care of it at this time. The responsibilities of the job and not being fired were not as important as Naren.

Ji Chenzhou was about to catch up, but was stopped by Lu Ming, "Shen Zhou, think about the people who are following you, think about Huo Siling, you should be able to distinguish which is lighter and which is heavier, and people can chase it back again, but if the heart is lost , You can't get along anymore!"

Lu Ming's words were like a basin of cold water poured on Ji Chenzhou's body, making him cold and drenched.

The reason why Ji Chenzhou is able to get to this day depends on strategy and personal connections. Now that he has reached this point, it is not only his own business, but also involves many people.

When Naren opened the door and walked out, he still wondered whether Ji Chenzhou would chase him out.

His temper will be chased out, he said that he did not agree to break up, a person like him, did not agree, how could he let him go.

However, until he and Qin Nan got in a taxi, they never saw Ji Chenzhou again...

Naren sniffed with moisture in his eyes, then opened the car window.

Let the cold wind blow on my face, let the tears slip silently.

It's no wonder that Master Xiu said not to fall in love. It will be very painful and painful when you fall in love. Only people who have experienced it will experience that feeling.

Naren closed his eyes, "Master Xiu, I understand it, it really hurts, it hurts..."

Qin Nan's eyes were red because of Naren, and he was quite able to speak at ordinary times. At this time, he found that he was clumsy and could not say anything.

All you can do is to be with you.

Next day

When Qin Nan woke up, he found that Naren was not there and couldn't find it everywhere.

Only then did I see the note left by Naren on the table, saying that he had gone out to take pictures.

Qin Nan called him, and Naren quickly connected.

"Lazy pig, you are awake!" Naren's tone was teasing.

Qin Nan was there for a moment, as if returning to the time when Ji Chenzhou did not appear.

At that time, Naren spoke to him like that, called him a lazy pig, in this tone.

It stands to reason that Qin Nan should be happy, and Naren is in such a good state.

No longer boring at home, no longer eating or drinking, he should be happy, but he is more worried.

"Where do you go to take pictures, I will come to find you now..."

Qin Nan put on clothes while holding the phone.

"It's the activity of the photography team. Tan Meng is also there. Don't worry about me! You and my friend have a word!"

There was the voice of Naren talking with people around him, and Qin Nan stopped putting on his clothes.

Tan Meng knew about it, Naren said, it was one of his blind date.

"Hello, this is Tan Meng. Naren said you don't worry about him coming out alone. Don't worry, I will take care of him and tell him to take medicine."

Tan Meng said to Qin Nan on the phone very politely.

"Ah, that's good, I'll trouble you, then, please remember my phone number and call me if you have something to do. Don't leave him alone, let him take medicine..."

I don't know how Naren told him Tan Meng. He guessed that he was sick, and he was worried about going out because he was afraid that he would not take medicine.

"Okay, don't worry!" Tan Meng on the other side was also taken aback, and he was too concerned about...

Naren hung up the phone and explained to Tan Meng, "This is my classmate, he is very nice and takes good care of me!"

"I can tell, if I didn't tell that he was a man, I would mistake him for your girlfriend."

Tan Meng is a smart girl, she can feel that Naren doesn't mean that to her.

Therefore, she puts herself in a very right position, just being a friend, not the emotion that both parties can give, even if she likes it again, she will not force it.

"Sometimes joking, he will also say that he is my girlfriend, pure joking..."

Naren also saw it in the group last night and said that there was a shooting event today.

That's why he came, and he didn't expect Tan Meng to also come.

Naren wanted to understand, now that Ji Chenzhou had made a choice.

He can play whatever he wants, he doesn't care at all, it's not uncomfortable.

Why should he indulge in pain for such a man who doesn't care about him.

He will live a good life and live better than before.

At the destination, everyone was setting up a tent for rest.

Naren is very familiar with this thing and moves quickly. He first built Tan Meng and then got his own.

"Naren?" A man's voice came from behind.

Naren turned around and saw Ji Jiu holding the camera and took a picture of him the moment he turned back.

"It's really you, I thought I was wrong!"

Ji Jiu smiled and looked down at the camera, very satisfied with the photos he took.

Naren didn't speak, turned his head, and continued the movement in his hand.

It was a pretty good mood, but because of Ji Jiu's appearance, it became a bit annoying.

Last time Ji Chenzhou told himself about Ji Jiu, Naren could only treat him as a stranger, and he prescribed...medicine...

"You kid, depending on your attitude towards me, did Shen Zhou tell you something about me?"

Ji Jiu smiled calmly, as if he didn't care, as if he was used to this situation.

"I'm really his uncle, but Shen Zhou was blinded by hatred. I don't have to say that I am the illegitimate son of my elder brother. Over the years, because of his hatred, I no longer know him. My sister-in-law died of illness, she After leaving, my elder brother committed suicide because he missed her too much. He really loved my sister-in-law, and all the hatred was imagined by Shen Zhou..."

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