The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 580: do my best

(Added on Sunday)

"What's the matter?" A woman's voice came from outside, and then Luo Ziling saw Ling Ruonan's mother, her grandmother Xie Enhua, squeezed in.

After Xie Enhua squeezed into the encirclement, he immediately stood next to Ling Ruonan with a frosty face, took Ling Ruonan's arm, and asked anxiously: "Nannan, what's the matter? Why did they fight? What do they want to do?"

Seeing Xie Enhua also mingled in and guarding Ling Ruonan's side, Ling Mingrui couldn't help frowning.

The people in black who originally wanted to rush over and throw Luo Ziling out, saw Xie Enhua stand up, and hesitated again.

"They call me a wild species," Luo Ziling pointed to the few people he had just beaten: "They called me a wild species, so I started beating people. If I was a wild species, so would my mother who gave birth to me. The person who gave birth to my mother is also a wild species, right? Otherwise, how can I become a wild species with a father and a mother? I am teaching them for my parents and my parents’ parents. Dare to scold us like this."

Luo Ziling's words changed Ling Mingrui's expression, and Xie Enhua's expression also became ugly.

Although Luo Ziling's words were far-fetched, they insisted on pulling on them, and they couldn't help but mind if they said things like this in public.

"You..." Ling Zhengjun was angry. He clutched his swollen face and wanted to scold again, but after seeing Luo Ziling's murderous stare, the word "wild species" was swallowed back subconsciously. I dare not say it anymore.

Luo Ziling's domineering just now really made him a little scared.

This kid didn't want his life, Ling Mingrui came forward, and he dared to do it. Ling Zhengjun was afraid that he would be beaten by Luo Ziling when he blurted out "wild species". Just now Luo Ziling shot too fast, he was slapped without a reaction at all, and he was terrified to death.

The pain on his face was secondary, but he was slapped in the face of so many juniors, and twice, Ling Zhengjun felt that his face was ashamed.

If you get beaten again, it's really better to hit and die on the ground.

Today, he must find the place back. If he does not find the place back today, his status in the Ling family will definitely drop sharply in the future, and no one will take him seriously.

But Ling Mingrui was at the scene, and he still didn't dare to make a mistake.

He also wants to see how the current Ling Family Patriarch handles this matter.

Ling Mingrui was also caught in a dilemma. He hated both parties in the conflict to death. These people actually dared to fight in the courtyard of the old mansion of the old man on the birthday of the old man.

If this happened, the Ling family's face would be lost, and he, the head of the Ling family, would have no face to face the people of several other families.

Of course, he also took a closer look at Luo Ziling's stunned green. In the presence of so many of the Ling family's children, he dared to hit people, and there were many pairs. He beat Ling Haiyang and then Ling Zhengjun, he was really bold enough.

His younger brother, the son of Ling Mingqing who was in a high position, and Ling Zhengjun, who was not in a low position, were actually slapped in the face by Luo Ziling. Even if Ling Mingrui was resourceful, he couldn't think of a good solution. The only way to calm the anger was to take Luo Ziling, so he did not change his mind because of Xie Enhua's appearance and Luo Ziling's sophistry.

"Who was the first to scold Ziling to plant it?" Xie Enhua guarded Luo Ziling and prevented the people in black from doing anything to him, and said angrily: "Why do you say that my daughter's son is a wild species? You call him a wild species, do you want to say that Ruonan is also a wild species? Our daughter is also a wild species? Does that mean?"

Xie Enhua actually protected Luo Ziling, which surprised Ling Ruonan who was anxious, and also surprised the others. Ling Mingrui couldn't help but frowned.

"He is my grandson, my own grandson, and the son of my daughter. Why do you call him a wild species?" Xie Enhua hugged his lonely and helpless daughter, and shouted angrily: "You punished my second daughter. Ten years, now she has finally seen her son, and you are actually bullying their mother and son together. Isn’t it too much? Today, Ziling came over to celebrate the old man’s birthday and gave him treatment. After his treatment, the old man has improved a lot. He After the treatment for the old man, so many of you actually united to bully him, so many people beat one person, do you have the shame? You scolded him wildly and wanted to kill him. Do you just want to give up the hope of the old man's recovery? If he is driven away or beaten to death, who will come to treat the old man again?"

Xie Enhua's words changed the expressions of everyone present.

Xie Enhua actually connected Luo Ziling's stay and life and death with whether the old man's body can recover. The nature of this matter is quite different.

No one dared to show disrespect to the old man, even Ling Mingrui, let alone other people.

No one dares to bear the charge of not wanting the old man to recover his health.

The old man can influence the fate of any heir in the Ling family with a single word. No one can replace this authority, and so does Ling Mingrui.

Listening to her mother's words, Ling Ruonan was relieved. She was still witty and actually connected Luo Ziling's stay and life and death with the health of the father. The nature of this connection is quite different.

Another point is that the old man saw Luo Ziling alone and accepted his gifts and treatment, meaning that the old man recognized her as the son of a granddaughter. When the old man had accepted Luo Ziling, these people would still call him a wild species, and they would unite to bully him. That was really too much.

Luo Ziling ran away after being provoked, and he did it regardless of the consequences. In fact, it is understandable. After all, young people are easily impulsive.

But she did not say anything wisely, knowing that whatever she said was inappropriate.

But Ling Mingrui was in trouble again. Being so disturbed by his wife, he couldn't make a decision.

As the owner of the family, he must have an even bowl of water, without any favoritism.

The heirs of the Ling family bullied Luo Ziling and called him "wild species", which must be punished.

And Luo Ziling wounded so many people, even Ling Zhengjun slapped course, he must be punished.

Xie Enhua's making such a fuss, linking Luo Ziling's life and death with the old man's health, can mitigate his crime, but still has to be punished.

Therefore, he still ordered the people in black to take Luo Ziling down and await punishment.

After listening to Ling Mingrui's order, the people in black surrounded them again.

"Mom, grandma, leave me alone," Luo Ziling has always been a soft-hearted character, so he is unwilling to fight with his hands. He has to fight these people in black.

He was totally spared today.

For the sake of his own face and to prevent Ling Ruonan from being humiliated, even if he didn't have everything, he would fight to the end.

The compound is still tense.

Thank you book friends for your reward

(End of this chapter)


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