The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 581: Ling Jinhua played

"What are you doing?" One was not loud, but a very majestic voice came from behind.

Everyone looked back, and they were surprised to see that today's birthday star, Ling Jinhua, who was still lying on the bed, was walking out tremblingly with the help of two special guards. After walking out, he leaned on the hands of two special guards and stood under the eaves.

Although the old man is very old, and his body is very thin, he can be blown away by the wind, and the voice is not loud, but the yard instantly becomes silent, even a needle can be heard on the ground. When the time comes, no one dares to say anything.

"You are not celebrating my birthday, you are trying to **** me off!" Ling Jinhua smashed the ground with the cane in his hand.

Hearing what Ling Jinhua said, except Luo Ziling, everyone else bowed their heads in shame.

Luo Ziling was originally tall, but after the others lowered their heads, they appeared to stand out from the crowd. He unavoidably looked at Ling Jinhua without any guilt.

"Ling’s old house hasn’t been fighting for decades. You actually broke this record today. In the days of my old man’s 90th birthday, a full martial arts tour was staged in the old house compound." Ling Jinhua looked very excited, with the sound of a crutches knocking on the ground. Very heavy.

With his appearance, even Ling Mingrui couldn't help being afraid. He hurried over and reached out to support his father: "Dad, it's cold outside, you go back."

"You are the head of the Ling family, you will handle today's affairs yourself," Ling Jinhua broke away Ling Mingrui's hand.

"Luo Ziling, Ling Haiyang, come to the front." Ling Mingrui knew that his old father was really angry, and also understood the meaning of Ling Jinhua's order, so he didn't hesitate to directly order the initiators Luo Ziling and Ling Haiyang to come forward.

Ling Haiyang, who was beaten with a blue nose and swollen face, in order to show that he was beaten badly, motioned to the other two people nearby who had been injured by Luo Ziling to support him. Luo Ziling stepped forward reluctantly, motioned by Ling Ruonan's eyes.

"Tell me about the cause of today's events," Ling Mingrui looked at the two young men with different expressions, frowning slightly, "Who said first?"

Luo Ziling was very arrogant and looked unsuccessful, while Ling Haiyang pretended to be pitiful, as listless as an eggplant hit by frost.

"Let me talk first," Luo Ziling originally wanted to wait for Ling Haiyang to state the situation. After seeing him for a while, he didn't speak, so he could only speak first.

He looked around and saw Ling Qingqing standing far away, and his eyes suddenly became enthusiastic when he looked over.

"I just came out of the room and wanted to say hello to them and get to know each other, but when I met him, he scolded the wild species," Luo Ziling said sadly, "I have never seen him before. Face, there was no conflict today, I still greeted him with a smile, and he just said that to me."

"Even if he called me an ugly or sissy, or even called me a pervert, bastard, I wouldn't be so angry. But he called me a wild breed, which not only insulted me, but also scolded my parents in. He scolded me. It's okay, but scolding my parents and my grandfather, this is something I won't bear to kill me. No matter who scolds me like this, I will fight them hard." Luo Ziling said very firmly.

Luo Ziling said this loudly, very loudly.

He didn't stop, but continued to point to Ling Haiyang and said, "My mother should be his aunt. He didn't take his aunt seriously and blatantly abused her, and other people followed me like this, even He scolded me like this.” When he said this, Luo Ziling pointed to Ling Zhengjun, “Although I don’t know who he is, I know that he must be the elder of the Ling family. Kind of. I just want to ask, if I scold you with the same words, can you bear it?"

Luo Ziling pointed to Ling Zhengjun, whose face was still red and swollen, "Even my family members scolded in such a humiliating tone. I thought that everyone has no education, no respect for the old and the young, and respect for the elders. Therefore, I also followed the same trend. Once. Whoever scolds me wild species, who insults our family, I will beat whoever."

Luo Ziling's words like this surprised everyone present.

Ling Mingrui was even more surprised, because Luo Ziling directly scolded everyone in the Ling family. Luo Ziling meant that the Ling family's family style was very poor. Those who did not understand respected the elders and loved the young, did not know how to care for their family members. As the younger generation dared to scold their elders, everyone in the Ling family taught nothing.

Another thing Ling Mingrui also felt was that when Luo Ziling was speaking, he did not call him grandfather, nor grandfather Ling Jinhua, nor did he call other people as cousins. In other words, he didn't regard himself as Ling's family now, and spoke in an outsider's tone.

If it was said that when Luo Zi Ling was rough just now, Ling Mingrui regarded him as a brave, brave and only talking with his fist, with no education. But after hearing what Luo Ziling said just now, he immediately changed his views.

This **** boy is not brave but rather flexible. However, Ling Mingrui didn't say anything, but looked at Ling Haiyang, "You also talk about it."

Looking at this situation, Ling Haining, who was standing behind and watching coldly, felt that something was wrong.

The two old men didn't seem to want to punish Luo Ziling, and what Luo Ziling said just now was very tricky, saying that he was irritated by their Ling family heirs and made reckless actions out of reason.

Ling Haiyang was obviously He knelt down on the steps with a plop, and said with a cry: "Grandpa, grandpa, things are not what he said, I did not provoke him, and He talked to us as if he looked down on us. We were irritated by him, so he scolded him wildly. He actually beat us and beat me to death. Even my dad came out to stop him. Fighting together, it's too unreasonable and bullying everyone in our Ling family. He doesn't take Ling family seriously, and doesn't pay attention to Grandpa and Grandpa."

"It's not like this," a crisp woman's voice rang.

Luo Ziling, who was angry in her heart and was about to scold Ling Haiyang, looked back, and it was actually the little girl Ling Qingqing who had treated him nicely just now stood up and spoke.

"Brother Haiyang, it’s just that you pick things first. Cousin Ziling greets you. When you reach out to you, you refuse to shake hands with him and scold him for wild species. Then all of you scold him for wild species. Prepare for a group fight. Cousin Ziling is forced to fight back.

Ling Qingqing's words shocked everyone in the yard again.

(End of this chapter)


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