The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 644: Solemn reminder

When Luo Ziling left Fang's villa, he declined Fang Qianqian's delivery.

He told Fang Qianqian and Fang Dongxun that he had to treat another person, and that this person's identity was a bit special, and the place where he was located was confidential, so Fang Qianqian was not asked to send it, but he passed. Fang Dongxun did not ask Fang Qianqian to send it, saying that he had important things to discuss with Fang Qianqian, and in the end Fang Qianqian reluctantly agreed not to send Luo Ziling.

After leaving Fang's house, Luo Ziling breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no class this afternoon. Because of school activities, the original two medical statistics classes were temporarily adjusted to self-study. Luo Ziling did not plan to go back to school and was going to treat Li Haiyang.

Originally, he was not going to treat Li Haiyang this afternoon, because tonight he would go to Ling's old house with Ling Ruonan to treat Ling Jinhua. Ling Ruonan also said that after the treatment for the old man, she took Luo Ziling to help Ling Mingrui and Xie Enhua to check body.

He was treated for Fang Dongxun, and there are two more sessions in the evening. If he treats Li Haiyang again, he is afraid that he will not be able to support it.

But in order to get rid of Fang Qianqian's harassment, Luo Ziling finally decided to go to Li Haiyang.

After leaving Fang's villa, he directly called Li Haiyang, saying that he was free this afternoon and was ready to come over for a good checkup and treatment. Li Haiyang did not refuse, but readily agreed.

It was a bit far to walk from Fang's villa to the sanatorium. Luo Ziling walked at a very fast speed for an hour, about ten kilometers before arriving. Walking at a speed of ten kilometers per hour is nothing to Luo Ziling, and can be regarded as a rest after heavy physical work.

When he arrived at the nursing home on foot, he felt that the physical strength he had consumed during the treatment of Fang Dongxun had been fully recovered.

When he was led into the nursing home, when he saw Li Haiyang, Luo Ziling was surprised to see that this old guy was walking slowly in the yard with a cane supported by two special nurses.

"Senior, are you able to move your feet?" Luo Ziling looked surprised and hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation.

However, he soon discovered that Li Haiyang's legs would not walk, but the strength of his arms was already a little bit. He was going to use the strength of his arms to drive crutches to walk.

"The hands seem to be able to move these two days. Let them test the strength of their legs. It still doesn't seem to work." Li Haiyang regretfully ordered the two special nurses to help him back into the wheelchair, but he was sitting back in the wheelchair. At that time, he was still in a good mood, "Ziling, look, all my ten fingers can already be moved. Haha, I didn't expect it!"

When speaking, he slowly moved his fingers to let Luo Ziling observe his movement clearly.

After moving his ten fingers slowly, Li Haiyang smiled and said to Luo Ziling: "When you first came to treat me, I did not hope that I could return to normal. But after you treated me for the first time, I I saw hope. Now, a miracle has appeared. My ten fingers have gone from being stiff to being able to move on their own. In the past two years, I have undergone many treatments, but none of them are effective. You have achieved it after about two months of treatment. This kind of effect made me see miracles with my own eyes. It seems that our own traditional Chinese medicine is even more miraculous."

"Senior, there must be even greater miracles in the future," Luo Ziling also smiled, "This has something to do with your physical fitness when you were young. The foundation of your body is still there, and I used acupuncture to stimulate your body's potential. You did not lose confidence in the treatment. My treatment measures were appropriate. We cooperated with each other to achieve such an effect. As long as the predecessors have more confidence in the treatment, the next effect will be better and miracles will definitely appear earlier. It’s just that you exercised like this today, a bit too eager for quick success."

"I just want to try how my strength recovers in my arm. It's okay to be idle anyway, and it's a big deal." Li Haiyang smiled and explained two sentences: "I hope that I can create miracles. The way to create miracles, we can only wait for you to come to rescue."

"Then I will check your body first to see how you are doing."

Of course, Li Haiyang would not object to Luo Ziling's proposal.

After returning to the small building where he lived, Luo Ziling checked Li Haiyang’s physical condition, and Luo Ziling told Li Haiyang of the examination: "Senior, your physical recovery has not been very good during this period. It should be because of the cold weather. I My suggestion is that this winter and the beginning of spring next year, that is, when the weather is cold, the treatment should be conservative, and the treatment should be strengthened when the weather gets warmer. When the weather gets warmer, the body function will definitely be better than the cold time, and the metabolism of organs and tissues will also increase , The treatment effect will be better. Of course, you can also go to the south, where the weather is warm. But I can’t go with you, and I think it’s better for you to let your body have a dormant period. Rehabilitation is the main thing, and treatment is supplemented. When the weather gets warm, and then strengthen the treatment, maybe a miracle will happen at that time."

"Okay, I accept your arrangement," Li Haiyang also agreed immediately, "Next, how to recuperate and how to treat, please give me a plan, and I will implement it according to your plan."

Luo Ziling naturally agreed.

After treating Li Haiyang, he also wrote down the arrangement he thought of during the treatment and handed it to Li Haiyang.

The next treatment for Li Haiyang will be reduced, which means that Li Haiyang is unlikely to have a miracle before the New Year, but Li Haiyang is not disappointed, but is full of hope for a complete recovery of health after the new year.

Li Haiyang didn't go to sleep immediately after receiving the but after the treatment was over, he asked Luo Ziling to support him and sit down. He wanted to talk to Luo Ziling. Luo Ziling knew that Li Haiyang had some important things to say, so he immediately followed Li Haiyang's instructions.

"How is Elder Ling's physical condition?" This is Li Haiyang's most concern, so he also asked Luo Ziling directly.

"The old man is in a good state of mind, and his mood is open-minded. This is a very important factor in physical recovery. The treatment effect is better than he expected and better than I expected. I plan to treat him for a few days and then reduce the frequency of treatment. I think Ah, as long as you take measures to keep warm and keep your body from freezing, there will be no problems this winter."

"Yes, older people are most afraid of getting cold," Li Haiyang nodded, and then solemnly instructed: "You have to be prepared for some things. In case Elder Ling gets sicker due to cold or other reasons. People from the Ling family may fall into trouble for you. Some people will even deliberately infect Old Man Ling in order to achieve ulterior motives."

Li Haiyang's low-voice reminder shocked Luo Ziling.

(End of this chapter)


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