The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 645: Thank you senior for reminding

(No changes will be added this weekend. Large-scale changes will be added on the last day of the end of the month on November 30. The guarantee will be updated for more than 10 chapters, and will continue to be updated in the next few days)


"I believe you have also heard your mother say that your grandfather and his brother have been fighting very hard," Li Haiyang ignored Luo Ziling's surprise and continued: "The next fight should be more intense. No matter who knows, if you lose the opportunity, It will be lost for a lifetime."

Speaking of this, Li Haiyang paused: "Old man Ling admires both sons, but now he prefers your grandfather. Next, it should not change. I believe your grandfather's brother also understands this, so he will definitely not Willing to do something. Most people in the Ling family don’t want to see you go back. Many of them think that your parents broke the union between the Ling family and the Yang family. They always felt that if the Yang family and the Ling family Marriage will make the Ling family more powerful, so they believe that your parents made mistakes. In addition, your mother has been relatively strong in recent years and controlled the northern group, which is the most powerful in the Ling family. Many people cannot bear it. , Especially Ling Mingqing and his family. Therefore, your appearance at the birthday banquet and the treatment to help Mr. Ling will definitely touch some people's nerves."

Luo Ziling did not interrupt, but quietly listened to Li Haiyang's narration.

After Li Haiyang coughed twice, he continued: "Ling Mingqing and his son, if they want to obtain resources but can't, plus you are loved by the father, and accepted by your grandpa and grandma, they will definitely anger you and say Maybe they will do something against you. What happened to you in the past period, maybe they have participated in it. In case the old man has an accident, I mean in case, he is seriously ill or there is other possibility, they may take it This slandered you and implicated your grandfather. Of course, this is just my guess. Just listen to it. Don't tell anyone, including your mother."

"Thank you senior for reminding me, I must keep it in my heart," Luo Ziling immediately agreed.

Li Haiyang's words still shocked him.

He knew that Li Haiyang was a cautious person. He would say something like this today, he must be aware of it, so he would remind him.

He didn't know whether this was Ling Mingrui's instruction or Li Haiyang's own thoughts, but it was not easy to inquire. He wanted to tell Li Haiyang what happened on Ling Jinhua's birthday that day, so that he could give him an opinion, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

In Luo Ziling's hesitation, Li Haiyang continued: "Your uncle is also a very scheming person, and of course your mother is not easy. The struggle between them has been going on for many years, and now your uncle has been sharp and sharp, just thinking Take back the control of the Northern Group from your mother. Recently, after you came back, he stepped up his actions. After obtaining your grandfather’s consent, he sent his son to the Northern Group. Your mother Of course, she understands the purpose of doing this. She has stayed in the Northern Group for more than ten years, and Ling Haining is so young that she can’t shake her position. But your grandfather and your uncle don’t want the Northern Group to continue to be controlled by your mother. Many people have already I know, your mother will definitely not have a good life in the future. I am not asking you to do anything, but I just hope you understand some of the situation and be psychologically prepared."

"Thank you very much for your advice," Luo Ziling thanked him very gratefully, "I will definitely come to ask the seniors for advice if I have anything in the future."

"You don't need to tell me some things, and I don't want to know, such as what happened on the birthday of the old man." When Li Haiyang said this, he glanced at Luo Ziling meaningfully, and then continued: "Many things, you know yourself. It’s fine, you can’t talk to others, even the closest person is the same, understand? From now on, talk less and do more things."

"Understood," Luo Ziling immediately thought of another thing after agreeing. He hesitated and asked Li Haiyang in a low voice, "Senior, two of my friends want to visit Longteng. They said that they had passed the selection of Longteng, but they didn't. At Longteng, they still want to see how powerful Longteng is. I didn't dare to agree to them, just want to help them ask."

"Oh?!" Listening to Luo Ziling's words, Li Haiyang's eyes lit up, "If I expected it to be good, it must be your father Luo Xusheng's subordinates, right? Several of his subordinates did pass the selection of Longteng, but in the end But he doesn't want to come to me."

After speaking, he laughed again, "Your father knows that you are often in danger, so he sent someone to protect you, right?"

Unexpectedly, Li Haiyang guessed the matter at once, and Luo Ziling didn't hide it anymore, and readily admitted.

After confessing, he asked curiously: "Senior, do you know my father?"

"In addition to knowing each other, there are a lot of contacts, and a lot of contests with him," Li Haiyang said, smiling again, and then said: "When your father came to Yanjing with your grandfather, I competed with him. A few times, at that time, our skills were similar. However, we were very hot-tempered at that time, we were not convinced with each other, and the relationship was not very good. Later, your father was sent to Tibet, but because of your grandfather’s care, we finally entered After finishing Wu, through his own efforts, he entered the'Xuehu' and eventually became the chief official of the'Xuehu'."

"In the past few years, there have been many elite special fighters trained by him. Every year Longteng's selection will also participate, but those who pass the selection just don't join Longteng. Your father should compete with me in this way." Here, Li Haiyang’s eyes filled with nostalgia, “Although the name of the snow fox led by your father is not as loud as the other special forces, it is more powerful and can even compete with Longteng. Fighting power on the snowy plateau. , Long Teng can’t compare with them at all. The players from Xuehu, no matter which combat effectiveness is not bad, your father sent to protect you must be strong."

Luo Ziling listened quietly without interrupting.

"If they want to visit then you find a suitable opportunity and ask Phoenix," Li Haiyang finally said his opinion, "If she agrees, you can take them to Longteng's base. Go, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a visit or a contest."

"I understand!"

"There is one more thing," Li Haiyang said, frowning, and solemnly reminding Luo Ziling: "Last time you promised Long Teng's supernumerary doctor, because Phoenix and Lin Lan were out, there has been no more information. Next time you see Phoenix, you can tell her about this again. With Longteng's identity and nameplate, some people want to move you, and they have to weigh it."

When Luo Ziling heard this, he was overjoyed: "Thank you so much for your predecessor's love."

"No matter from which angle I think about it, I will do this," Li Haiyang shook his head and signaled Luo Ziling to be polite, "Even if you only rely on your father and Xuehu, I will take special care of you, understand?"

"Understood!" Luo Ziling suddenly became proud and respected his father who had never met.

(End of this chapter)


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