Power and Love (3)

The Belmiard count’s mansion is located in the small town of Floren, which lies beyond the natural fortress of the Ratman Gorge and across the vast plains.

This small town, which is also the hometown of Lady Ellente, is a place that most of the southern trade routes leading into Ebelstein must pass through. Therefore, it was not difficult to see mercenaries setting up bases or middlemen coming out in droves to haggle along the main road.

Florence is a small city with great influence.

It takes less than half a day to reach from end to end, but this city was a place with such a tremendous volume of logistics distribution that it could be considered a miniature Ebelstein.

As the place with the highest tax revenue within the Count of Belmiard’s territory, this city could be considered the most precious treasure of the Belmiard Count’s family.

To see the mansion of the ruler of this region, the Marquis of Belmiard, one must cross the city and look up at the Rabir Hill that emerges again after passing through the plains.

The mansion, built as if to observe Florence from a high place, had now become a symbolic location of this region.

It was the Belmiard Count’s mansion.


Derek couldn’t help but shiver as soon as he got off the carriage.

“Baron Derek Lydorf Ravenclaw. It is an honor to have you. I heard you served as Lady Ellente’s tutor and provided much guidance.”

Of course, the scale was different from Ellente’s private mansion in Ebelstein.

The welcome Derek received was much grander than he had expected.

Derek thought he had become quite accustomed to seeing grand buildings as he frequented various noble families, but that thought vanished when he saw the main house of the three great families.

‘Well, the mansions I frequented were mostly the private mansions of the noble ladies in the Ebelstein noble district. I’ve only visited the main house of the Duplain family among the three great families. Other than that, maybe the Rochester Duke’s house on the outskirts.’

The Duplain Duke’s house and the Rochester Duke’s house are not of normal size either.

However, the Belmiard Count’s mansion did not fall short of the size of such powerful families. Although the title was one step lower, its influence and authority in the region were by no means inferior.

The palace-like main building, the annex that could be seen behind it, the guest buildings were separate, a church with a spire structure was built separately, and there were three gardens: the main garden, the garden for the servants, and the maze-shaped garden.

An armory, a training ground, and a small barracks were also built on the outskirts of the mansion, and when combined with the stables and artisan workshops, it was as if a small village was attached next to the city.

Seeing that there was even a large lake within the outer walls of the mansion, the scale of the mansion was beyond words.

At this point, it becomes real.

Lady Ellente, whom I saw in the Ebelstein noble district, was just one of the many noble ladies there, but in reality, her authority was entirely different.

All of this mansion was to become hers.


It is no longer surprising that Ellente has risen to the ranks of the real power holders in the Belmiard Count’s family.

She had been receiving the full support and affection of the Marquis of Belmiard, and it had already been several years since she stood out the most, surpassing the incompetent eldest son and the third son who had devoted himself to religion.

As the tutor who taught such Ellente, even Derek, who was merely a minor noble from the outskirts, could receive treatment akin to that of a distinguished guest in this Belmiard mansion.

The guest room that the servant guided him to was as large as the main hall of the Ravenclaw Baron’s mansion, and the tea he drank while waiting was a high-grade product more expensive than most fine dishes.

In fact, such treatment aside, the most shocking thing was that the Marquis of Belmiard himself came out to see Derek’s face.

“It’s been a while, haha. I once chased you all the way to the commercial district to hire you, and as expected, your value has increased several times since then.”

The Marquis of Belmiard was known as a generous person.

Dressed in a large armor and a luxurious cloak, he looked ready to go to the battlefield at any moment.

In fact, he often went out to inspect the barracks or the armory, so it was clear why the soldiers of this territory were rated higher than those of the other two families.

“It was a sudden visit, but I am honored that the lord himself is welcoming me.”

“Honored? Everyone knows that you are under the protection of the fierce Duke of Rochester in the north.”

“Yes, I owe a great debt to Sir Melverot.”

The Marquis of Belmiard, with his large arms crossed, laughed heartily again and then sat down on a chair in one corner of Derek’s private room.

“Ha ha ha. It seems like only a few years ago that I heard rumors that you were from the slums, and now you visit the Count’s mansion as a proper noble with the title of baron… I regret not catching you back then.”

“There were circumstances at the time. I apologize.”

“Well, anyone who knows how hard it is to find a decent magic teacher would understand. I wanted to keep you in my back pocket, but things don’t always go as planned.”

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Despite his rugged appearance, he had an intelligent look in his eyes.

It was an appearance that made one think, “This is what a seasoned veteran who has been through countless battles looks like.”

“Once you stash gold, silver, and jewels in your bosom, they rarely disappear, but no matter how much you try to keep talented people, they all vanish if you take your eyes off them. It’s frustrating.”

“There’s a reason they say talent is more precious than gold.”

“Indeed. Especially people like you who know their worth are the hardest to use. Anyway, you’re quick-witted, ha ha.”

The Marquis of Belmiard, who had made a joke, sighed deeply and said.

“Since my beloved daughter Ellente looks up to you as a teacher, I should treat you appropriately, but the situation is not favorable. I hope you understand if you feel somewhat neglected.”

Derek, who did not feel neglected at all, found this puzzling.

If this was neglect, he wondered how they would treat a true guest of honor.

“…It seems there is something going on in the mansion.”


When Derek spoke, the Marquis of Belmiard’s expression hardened for a moment.

He soon smiled heartily again, but Derek did not miss that brief moment.

“Well, you’ll find out eventually even if I don’t tell you. There are many servants who love to gossip, and those who need to know already do.”


“According to the letter, you are starting a new business? You want Ellente to show her face when you open the training center… that’s not a difficult request.”

The Marquis of Belmiard uncrossed his arms and stood up as he spoke.

“However, I’m not sure if that’s possible at this point.”

“…Why is that?”

“Ellente is currently under house arrest by my personal judgment.”


It was such a sudden story that Derek had no choice but to ask again.

Looking at the expression of the Marquis of Belmiard, it was a complex one. He spoke with a subtle expression that seemed to be both smiling and frowning.

“For the time being, Elente will be under surveillance, and within the mansion, she will only be able to go to the annex, the tower, the church, and the garden. Once the situation is resolved, she may be allowed to go outside the mansion, but at this point, it’s unlikely.”

“What happened that she is under house arrest?”

At those words, the Marquis of Belmiard was silent for a moment, as if contemplating.

The Marquis of Belmiard was known to be a doting father. There must have been a good reason for him to prevent his daughter from going out. It was clear that he had given an order he was not comfortable with.

He seemed to be contemplating whether to tell Derek the details.

Seeing this, Derek was convinced. The information that the Marquis of Belmiard was hesitating to reveal was probably a huge secret that could have a significant impact on the entire Belmiard estate.

If Elente trusted someone completely, the Marquis of Belmiard would generally trust them as well.

However, there seemed to be a reason for his hesitation.

While Derek was trying to guess what it could be, the Marquis of Belmiard finally spoke as if he was vomiting out the words.

At his words, even the always composed Derek couldn’t help but furrow his brows for a moment.

“There were traces of necromancy research found in Elente’s room.”

Derek straightened his posture.

It was not something that could be taken lightly.


The incident began when a maid, who had been asked by Leonard, the third son of the Belmiard family, entered Elente’s room.

Leonard had asked the maid to find a book on magic by the author Hamilton to train for a second-class magic spell.

Hamilton’s book was an obscure one, not even available in the library of the estate. When the maid reported this to Leonard, he said,

– “I’ve seen Elente reading Hamilton’s book. I’ll inform her separately by letter, so go ahead and take the book from her shelf.”

Elente was mostly residing in Ebelstein due to her work at the Rosea Salon.

Since Elente’s room was often empty, borrowing a book wouldn’t be a big problem.

Since Leonard said he would get permission from Elente himself, the maid started searching Elente’s bookshelf without any complaints.

And soon, when she pulled out one of the books, a strange space behind the bookshelf was revealed.

Unable to resist her curiosity, the maid reached in and found something like a handle and pulled it.

– Creak

Then the bookshelf moved, revealing a huge staircase leading directly underground.

The maid, horrified by the sight, immediately reported it to the butler of the Belmiard mansion, and the butler, along with two senior retainers, went down to the underground space… and a terrible sight was revealed.

A basement laboratory reeking of blood.

Human body parts were stored in a mutilated state, and various skulls were rolling on the floor.

In one corner of the room, under the candlestick on the desk… there were several necromancy books spread out, the kind carried by the necromancers of Rodentz Island.

Next to the desk, there were trinkets, writing instruments, and a frilled hat that seemed to belong to Ellente, scattered around.

After that, the mansion was turned upside down.

Ellente, who was out in Ebelstein, was also immediately summoned back to the Belmiord mansion.

‘So, you’re up to something interesting.’

Ellente, sitting in the garden of the Belmiord mansion’s annex, put down her teacup.

The sky was high and blue, and the mansion’s garden was a peaceful sight.

However, the servants passing by were all glancing sideways and swallowing dryly.

There was a woman standing behind Ellente, who was drinking tea in the late spring sun, with her hands clasped behind her back. Her name was Briana, the most trusted senior retainer of the Belmiord margrave.

It was not common for someone as capable as her, who handled all sorts of important tasks, to waste time just to monitor one person.

In that grim scene, the servants couldn’t help but whisper among themselves.

‘Even the servants seem to be approaching cautiously.’

First, they made sure that no word leaked outside the mansion, and then all the senior retainers gathered to start the investigation.

During that time, Ellente was thoroughly monitored, making it difficult for her to come into contact with anyone.

Although she wasn’t confined to her room due to her status, her physical freedom was still restricted.


Despite the urgent situation, Ellente appeared relaxed. She could still sit in the garden and enjoy a cup of tea in the sun.

She had witnessed all sorts of vile fights in the corridors of power. She was somewhat accustomed to dealing with such slander and intrigue. It was important to appear more dignified than anyone else.

Above all, the Belmiord mansion was practically Ellente’s kingdom.

Having reigned as the heir of the family for a long time, many servants had seen how genuinely and justly she fought for power.

The Belmiord margrave also trusted Ellente, and most of the senior retainers believed that Ellente wouldn’t have dabbled in such nefarious magic.

It was not easy to undermine her authority here.

Certainly, it would take something as significant as necromancy to have a meaningful impact.

Those who remembered the Duplain disaster knew well how dangerous necromancy could be.

‘You’ve finally drawn your sword, Leonard.’

To bring down Ellente, all her close aides, who were like her limbs, had to be cut off.

They had to make all her close aides suspicious, and drag her family and retainers into a swamp of doubt.

In the end, no one in this mansion should be able to trust Ellente.

Of course, trust built over many years doesn’t crumble easily.

Therefore, Ellente narrowed her eyes and quietly sipped her tea.


As Derek finished his conversation with the Marquess of Belmiard and stepped into the corridor, he encountered an unfamiliar face.

“Nice to meet you for the first time, Sir Derek. I sent you a letter. Since you mentioned being busy, I intended to visit you myself, but fortunately, you had a reason to visit the mansion.”

Judging by his familiarity, this man must be Leonard.

The younger brother of Ellente and the third son of the Belmiard family. Although a smile was on his face, his eyes gleamed coldly.

Most members of the Belmiard family had red hair, but Leonard’s hair was entirely white. It was a curious sight.

“Young Master Leonard.”

As Derek slightly bowed his head in greeting, Leonard looked around and spoke in a low voice.

“Sir Derek, renowned as the most famous magic teacher in Ebelstein, your reputation precedes you. It is truly an honor to meet you in person.”

“No, it is not.”

He smiled leisurely and then continued.

“Could you spare a moment? I have something important to tell you.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Despite your status, I have heard that you are sincerely dedicated to the achievement of magic, and your accomplishments are also remarkable. They say you reached a level at a young age that ordinary wizards of common birth could never attain.”

Leonard spoke politely, without erasing his smile.

“However, Sir Derek, you are not someone who will end at the level of a commoner.”

At those words, Derek furrowed his brows.

“You should aim for the level of a 4-star.”


“I will help you. Will you listen to what I have to say?”

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