Power and Love (4)

Born and raised in a wealthy family, one might think that there is nothing in the world to hinder their path as they proceed through life without hesitation.

If one were to draw the journey of life, it would surely be the ever-upward path of a hero.

Ellente had never changed that thought since childhood.

And, thinking that the scenery of other powerful families would be the same, sitting in the upper seat of the Rosea Salon, she sometimes felt a sense of kinship with the other two people.

Although Aiseline of Duplain and Denis of Beltus seemed to have completely different dispositions from Ellente at first glance, upon closer inspection, there were strangely similar aspects in their way of life.

They were all chosen people.

Blessed by everyone from birth, they would continue to reach for the sky, following the prestige of their families.

As they continued to rise, higher and higher, they would come to possess even greater power.

Living with such ambition until death could finally be said to be the reason for living.

However, something outside of Ellen’s way of thinking happened.

The Duplain family, which seemed to reign forever at the top of Ebelstein, faltered, and half of the family members died, were injured, or left, the territory was reduced to less than half, and the upper nobles despised or rejected them.

The times of walking above the clouds ended in an instant, and Iselin, who was considered a flower in the boudoir, was suddenly thrown to the ground and rolled in the mud.

Except for a few lower nobles who admired her character, everyone considered Iselin a has-been, and pitied or mocked her as she wandered around trying to earn even a penny more.

Ellen, who watched Iselin most closely, felt heartbroken and approached her to ask.

– “Lady Iselin. Are you okay?”

The place was the hallway of Elfontaine Hall.

Iselin, exhausted from searching for a place to borrow money all day, was resting in a corner of the hallway.

Her still beautiful appearance was like the reincarnation of an angel, and her arms, rolled up with a lively look, were as white and slender as before.

And the smile she gave Ellen as she looked up at her didn’t seem much different from when she walked among the clouds.

– “Oh, Lady Ellen. Okay, what do you mean?”

– “Just… everything, all of it.”

Ellen, who had watched the fall of Duplain most closely, couldn’t help but have mixed feelings about Iselin’s bold appearance.

The whole process was a shock to Ellen.

The fact that the Duplain family, which seemed to rule the world forever, collapsed so suddenly meant that there was no guarantee that Belmiard wouldn’t end up the same way someday.

– “Lady Ellen, your face is full of worry. Your rose-like appearance will be damaged. Don’t worry. Duplain just suffered great misfortune due to a series of bad events, but the Belmiard family will never be swept away by such a great disaster.”

– “…I’m not worried about the Belmiard family. What I’m worried about is you, Lady Iselin.”

– “Ahaha, don’t worry too much about me, Lady Ellen. Although Duplain suffered greatly from being consumed by necromancy, it still maintains its lineage. In a way, it served as a warning about how dangerous necromancy is, so it could have sounded an alarm to prevent similar things from happening in Beltus or Belmiard.”

Unbelievably, Iselin was worrying about the future of the Beltus and Belmiard families.

Even though her own family was on the verge of collapse, this heavenly girl had the heart to worry about others.

– “Thank you for worrying about me, Lady Ellen. When we first met in the Ebelstein social circle, we didn’t have a good relationship, but in the end, we became close enough to worry about each other like this. This is also a great gain.”

Iselin stretched out her arms and smiled brightly.

The traces of her hard work wandering around noble houses all day were evident.

– “I’m not wise enough to discuss life with Lady Ellen… but still, there are things you can only realize when you’re in such a situation.”

– “…”

– “Lady Ellen, you are a person who loves power more than anyone else and has a strong ambition to go higher, right? But my big brother always told me something. Life is long and full of ups and downs, and you can’t always get better and better forever.”

Watching Iselin, not only Ellen but also all the noble ladies walking around Elfontaine Hall with her couldn’t help but feel strange.

She faced a great ordeal that could plunge her life into the abyss, but she never erased the bold expression from her face as always.

Ellen suddenly wondered where that strength came from.

– “As you go through the journey of life, there will be times when you trip over a stone, or fall from a great cliff and crash to the ground. As you roll in the dirt and face the doubts and ridicule of everyone, it may seem like your life is over, but it is only then that you begin to see things clearly.”

– “…”

– “Lady Ellente, as you navigate the noble society and clash with various enemies, there will surely be times when you trip over a stone or face the doubts and ridicule of everyone. Even if it may not be a crisis that shakes your life to its core like mine, it could still corner your heart and mind.”

Aiseline clenched her delicate hand into a tight fist and thrust it in front of Ellente’s eyes.

– “That is the time to look around.”

– “What does that mean?”

– “When it feels like everything is mocking you, and the world has abandoned you. When your closest friend turns their back on you, and the most trusted retainer shakes their head. Even at the bottom, there will be at least one person who does not turn their back. Because Lady Ellente is a wonderful and valuable person.”

It might be advice born from experience.

This delicate girl, who bore the weight of a crumbling family on her shoulders, had gone through some experiences since the Duplain disaster.

However, this girl must have seen something in that thorny path.

And there must have been someone standing by her side.

When everyone else shook their heads and stepped back, there was a mercenary who tried to pull her up by the arm.

– “The journey of life is not just about constantly climbing upwards. Only by wandering through the thorny path once can you truly know who your real people are.”

– “…”

– “The value of that experience is more precious than gold. So, I have no reason to be sad.”

Duplain is collapsing miserably.

However, looking at this girl, it feels like even that ordeal has some meaning… Ellente couldn’t think of what to say in response.

Magic and academics can be learned as long as you meet a good teacher.

But where can one learn the strength of the heart?

The only one who teaches that is this vast world with its harsh winds.

“Hmm…! If we just fix the slightly crooked signboard, it’s a pretty decent building! Considering it was built in a hurry, it’s really good!”

The garden of Baron Ravenclaw’s estate.

In front of it, a girl wiping sweat with one arm on her waist always seemed to have starlight pouring from her eyes.

Looking at the first completed dormitory building, a refreshing smile spread across the face of the girl who had walked the thorny path.

She had been constantly educated since childhood.

Only by being able to walk even the thorny path like a flower path could one truly be called a flower of the inner chambers.


“Sister Ellente is someone who will do anything for power. There is probably no one in this Belmiard mansion who doesn’t know that.”

When Derek was guided into Leonard’s private room, the sturdy boy personally brought tea instead of having a servant do it.

After placing the tea in front of Derek, Derek looked at the tea for a moment but did not bother to bring it to his lips.

“Thank you.”

“No, it is I who should be grateful. For someone like me, still learning about the world, it is of great value to build a connection with a distinguished magic teacher like Sir Derek. I appreciate your visit. Hehe.”

Leonard, with his white hair flowing down, sat opposite Derek.

“You said you taught Lady Elente, right? How was she?”

“What do you mean by ‘how’? I’m not sure what you’re asking. The Lady Elente I taught was diligent and earnest in all matters.”

“I see. But… you shouldn’t be easily swayed by such appearances.”

There seemed to be some intent behind Leonard’s words.

As a guest of the Belmiard family, Derek didn’t need to get too involved in this matter. However, Leonard seemed eager to convey something to Derek.

“I have known Lady Elente since childhood. She spent every day acquiring all the skills necessary to seize power. Sometimes she was diligent in her studies, sometimes she immersed herself in magic training… and sometimes she tried to master the art of deceiving or winning people over.”


“I’m not sure what side of Lady Elente you saw, but I can’t be certain that it revealed her true nature. Ask any servant of Belmiard. No one in the world can match Lady Elente’s endless greed for power.”

Derek quietly listened to Leonard’s words.

At times like this, Derek always maintained a critical perspective, filtering the words he heard. Leonard seemed to notice this, as he smiled and lightened the heavy atmosphere.

“I’ve been badmouthing my sister too much. I’m worried that Sir Derek might have a very poor impression of me.”

– ‘Leonard is sly, skilled at winning people over, and excels in schemes and tricks. Don’t believe a single word he says. Hehe, hiccup.’

It seemed like Derek remembered Linus’s drunken words, lying on the bar table, shedding tears of Veldern.

Derek finally let out a small laugh and responded.

“Don’t worry too much about that. I’ve heard that you, Young Master Leonard, abandoned the family’s prestige at a young age to go on a pilgrimage, showing your deep faith.”

“My faith is merely a gift from the god Ruelon. It’s not something to be praised.”

With that, Derek and Leonard exchanged knowing smiles.

“Before we get to the main point, let me tell you why I wanted to meet you like this. As I mentioned in my letter, I firmly believe that you, Sir Derek, are an outstanding and promising individual who will make a mark in the history of magic.”

Leonard continued speaking without stopping his sly smile.

“It would be a great loss for such a promising magician’s path to be obstructed. Therefore, I hope that you do not get entangled in the affairs happening within the Belmiard family and suffer great harm.”

“What exactly are you trying to say?”

“You are Lady Elente’s teacher and have shared a special bond with her. So, it is natural that you would want to defend her in the current situation.”

Leonard spoke to Derek with a genuinely concerned expression.

At this point, it was clear that Leonard had called Derek to persuade him.

“However, you must not hastily defend Lady Elente. If my prediction is correct, Lady Elente will soon face a great downfall.”


“Listen carefully to my words, Sir Derek. The beautiful image of her reigning over the social world like a noble rose is nothing but a mask. Once you know Lady Elente’s true nature, you will quickly realize that you have taken in the wrong disciple.”

Leonard stood up from his seat, lowered his voice, and began to speak with a serious expression.

“Do you know my older brother, Linus, who was once the heir to Belmiard?”


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“One day, Linus suddenly abandoned all his rights as the heir and began to wander the world. It’s truly a strange thing. What kind of position is the heir to Belmiard? It’s a position that makes you feel like the whole world is at your feet, along with this vast mansion.”

Linus, who abandoned such a position to wander, was truly an oddity.

Watching him drink heavily, roam gambling dens, and live as he pleased, one couldn’t help but wonder if he was really a noble.

The eldest son, who was supposed to be responsible for the future of the family, was such a wastrel that the Duke of Belmiard and the high-ranking retainers were all deeply worried.

So, why did Linus give up his position as heir and wander the world?

“It was Ellen, our sister, who slandered Linus and drove him out of his position as head of the family.”

Leonard’s expression grew even more serious.

“Ellen threatened and manipulated Linus by exploiting his weaknesses, drove him out, and usurped the position of heir to study necromancy. The evidence… is now coming to light. I can explain the details.”


“I know how hard it is to believe my words. Sir Derek, who has taught Ellen and seen her masked face, would only see her as a naive person doing her best. But… as someone closest to her, I know well. You must not be deceived by that power-mad fox.”

Looking at Leonard’s desperate face, he truly seemed like a gentle lamb.

His history of turning to religion and living a virtuous life didn’t seem like empty words.

“I’ve heard from the high-ranking retainers. They found traces of necromancy in Ellen’s room. Not only that, but they are also investigating the Ebelstein mansion, and I’ve heard reports that they found traces of what appears to be human corpses in the basement.”

“Is that true?”

“It’s the result of an investigation not only by our family members but also by the famous magic trace tracker, Consultant Revilton. It must be true.”

Leonard spread his arms wide and spoke as if declaring.

“You must make a wise decision, Sir Derek. Please take my hand. I… am willing to give my full support to help you reach the level of a four-star mage. I promise to establish a closer relationship with the Ravenclaw barony and ensure that nothing hinders your path to achievement.”

“Why would you go to such lengths?”

“I told you, didn’t I? I firmly believe that you, Sir Derek, will become an even greater magic teacher. I’ve heard of your achievements and was amazed at how outstanding you are.”


“My father often says, ‘Gold and silver stay still, but excellent talent disappears quickly.’ I know how to recognize the value of talent. If I can help you remain a part of Belmiard, you will surely become a great asset.”

Leonard’s words flowed so smoothly that Derek could hardly find a moment to interject.

The way he inserted interjections and adjusted his tone made it easy for the listener to digest and accept his words. Regardless of the content, he was a masterful speaker.

“So please, do not act rashly, and do not easily defend Ellen and put yourself in a difficult position. I won’t ask you to believe my words entirely. However, I urge you not to draw conclusions too hastily in your judgment. From your perspective, even I must be someone to be wary of.”


“Your suspicion is natural, Sir Derek. I won’t hastily impose my opinion. However, you must be cautious.”

He didn’t recklessly try to draw the other person in but respected their freedom of choice. Yet, he gently planted seeds of doubt in a smooth and natural process.

Derek stroked his chin and fell into deep thought.

Leonard sat and waited for Derek, who was lost in such deep thought.

Looking at those kind eyes, Leonard felt as if he had already half-won, seeing Derek deeply considering his words.

Derek thought and thought again.

The blood flow in his head accelerated, and new air was pushed into his spinning mind.

Derek did not trust this boy at all.

However, it was not easy to immediately see through what kind of person this boy named Leonard was, and what kind of schemes and tricks he was playing.

Therefore, there was only one decision to make.

“So, Young Master Leonard was thinking the same thing.”

Derek finally smiled brightly.

That smile looked similar to the way one would plunge a dagger into the neck of a monster facing death.

Everyone who had any contact with Derek knew that he did not usually smile like this.

However, there was no way Leonard could know that.

“Sir Derek…?”

“It is truly a strange thing. While teaching Miss Ellente, there were times when I felt chills or when everything seemed like a lie. There were quite a few things I dismissed as mere discomfort, but it turns out there was a reason for them.”

“Indeed… Sir Derek, you have such keen insight!”

“Now that Young Master Leonard has said so, it seems to give meaning to all those things. Certainly, Miss Ellente had… many strangely suspicious aspects.”

Derek stood up and extended his arm to Leonard with eyes full of distrust.

“If Young Master Leonard had not called me, I would have been in great trouble. I owe you a great debt.”

“No, Sir Derek. But… I did not expect you to trust me so easily.”

“Aren’t you the lamb of the god Rellon? I am also a devout believer. A person devout enough to go on a pilgrimage at this age would not easily slander others.”

Derek grasped Leonard’s arm tightly with a bright smile.

“Young Master Leonard is a messenger sent by the god to save me. It is truly fortunate.”


– Click

Ellente, who was sitting in the garden of the annex, put down her teacup.

The senior retainers who had come to investigate the traces of necromancy magic from Ellente’s private room had returned.

Their expressions were quite heavy. Since there was no one among the retainers of the Belmiard mansion who did not trust Ellente, their strangely troubled expressions were rather unusual.

They seemed to have brought heavy news.

“Miss Ellente.”

“Is the investigation over?”

“Yes. With the help of Sir Loteil, a 4-star mage from the outskirts of the territory, and Advisor Revilton, an expert in tracking magical traces, we have completed the investigation.”

The retainers gathered in front of Ellente and spoke quietly.

“From now on, it seems that house arrest will be further strengthened. Please, Lady Ellente, do not leave your private room in the annex. This report will soon be delivered to Count Belmiord.”

At those words, Ellente’s expression momentarily hardened.

– Thud, thud.

‘…They don’t give me a single hint about the investigation results.’

Soon, Ellente was crossing the corridor under escort.

Though it was called an escort, it was practically no different from surveillance. In this oppressive atmosphere, Ellente was racking her brain.

She was pondering how to punish her youngest sibling’s tricks and schemes.

As she was crossing the corridor under silent pressure, Ellente encountered a completely unexpected scene.

– Creak

“Then I will contact you separately.”

She was not easily shaken.

However, the person who appeared from Leonard’s room with a satisfied smile was… none other than Baron Derek Lydof Ravenclaw, whom she trusted more than anyone.

The two people coming out of the room seemed to have already formed some kind of trust relationship.

“What, what is this….”

When Ellente suddenly stopped in her tracks, the retainers escorting her also stopped.

The words of the retainer politely telling her to keep moving forward did not reach her ears. Leonard was walking towards Ellente from beyond the corridor.

As Leonard quietly crossed the corridor, he eventually met Ellente’s eyes.

A faint smile that was hard to notice.

Leaving only that reaction, Leonard passed by Ellente and walked briskly down the corridor.

And following behind Leonard, Derek, dressed in a mage’s attire, passed by.

In that brief moment, Ellente held her breath. It felt as if time was flowing slowly.

Why on earth was Derek at the Belmiord mansion?

And why were he and Leonard having a special conversation and walking together?

Those questions rose to her throat, making it difficult to breathe.

Ellente, suppressing her trembling voice, called out to Derek, who was about to pass by her.

“De, Derek…! Why… are you here…”

Since the time he taught Ellente magic, Derek had always answered whenever she called.

With his reliable appearance and consistent reactions, it could be said that this man’s unwavering nature was his most precious value.

However, despite Elente’s call, Derek passed by her without any reaction.

Following Leonard, he didn’t even show a response.

“Derek…! Why are you at the Belmiard family…?”

Elente called out to Derek once more as he passed by.

However, when Derek briefly turned around and glanced at Elente, his eyes were filled with a coldness that she had never seen before.

She couldn’t tell what Leonard had said to him, but the chill in his eyes made Elente feel as if her breath was being choked.

Leonard had persuaded Derek.

That heavy fact weighed down on Elente’s chest like a lead weight.

It was truly a bolt from the blue.

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