Chapter 631 Become the Vice City Lord of the East? Once again dominate the world of grudge!

Just at the moment of high spirits.

Suddenly the voice of the old slave came from outside the door:

“Enlighten General! Dongcheng Lord calls on you to go to the City Lord’s Mansion.”

Hearing that, Wang Mang only recovered from it, feeling somewhat surprised.

He was ready to go back to the earth world to take a look, and then he went to refine the vindictive world.

But at this time, what did Dongcheng Lord look for him for?

Although puzzled, Wang Mang got up and opened the door of the room, looked at the old slave in front of him and asked:

“Old slave, what is the city lord looking for?”

After thinking about it, the old slave looked at Wang Mang and whispered:

“General Kai, I think it should be related to the selection of the master of Beicheng.”

“In addition, if the East Vice City Lord competes for the position of the North City Lord, then the position of the East Vice City Lord will be vacant.”

“Maybe, Lord Dongcheng, you are letting you take the role of deputy city lord, General.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang’s eyes lit up immediately. If he could become the Deputy City Lord, this would be a good choice.

Although the deputy city lord also needs Tier 5 strength, Wang Mang is not empty at all.

Because Wang Mang just didn’t want to expose, it was all about the fact that he got the Immortal Emperor mask.

Otherwise, if Wang Mang puts on the mask, he is a real immortal emperor-level powerhouse!

In addition, he is close to the fifth-order breakthrough.

Therefore, this Qingmu City is the deputy city lord of the east.

Wang Mang felt that he was still competent enough.

At this point, Wang Mang nodded slightly and said, “Would you like to take a trip to this seat!”

After speaking, Wang Mang walked out of the mansion with his hands in his hand and walked towards the main mansion of the East City.

After half an hour.

Wang Mang successfully arrived in front of the main residence of the East City.

After seeing Wang Mang, the two immortal door guards who were in charge of guarding the door respectfully said:

“General Dongchengmen, the city lord has been waiting for a long time, please come in!”

Wang Mang nodded indifferently, stepped into the city lord mansion, and soon came to the hall of the city lord mansion.

At this moment, the lord of the east city, who is in the first place, is drinking tea, is chatting with the deputy city lord of the east.

After hearing the sound of footsteps, the two stopped talking.

After seeing Wang Mang, the old man of Dongcheng Lord suddenly smiled and said:

“Come on! Find a place to sit!”

“Thank you City Lord!” Wang Mang nodded respectfully, and sat down beside Dong City Lord.

“I am looking for you, mainly to ask you, do you have any thoughts about the Eastern Vice City Lord?”

“Although your strength is a bit weak, I can feel that you are very close to the fifth level of breakthrough.”

At this time, a gray-haired old man of the East City Lord looked at Wang Mang and asked with a smile.

Wang Mang pretended to be suspicious and asked: “Sir, Lord, isn’t the vice-lord Lord Holy Lord?”

Upon hearing this, Holy Lord and Yan Yueshen smiled at the corners of their mouths: “I am going to be the North City Lord soon.”

Wang Mang suddenly smiled and cupped hands and said, “Congratulations, Vice City Lord Dong, no, it should be City Lord Bei!”

Holy Lord was obviously in a good mood, and nodded at Wang Mang with a smile.

The old man of Dongcheng Lord smiled and said:

“How is it? Are you confident to be the Vice-City Lord of the East?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately vowed and said: “Thanks to the fancy of Dongcheng Master, his subordinates will definitely live up to the trust of the city owner!”

The old man of the East City Lord was very satisfied, patted Wang Mang on the shoulder and smiled: “Okay! You will be the Deputy Lord of the East City from now on!”

“In addition, the old man will also tell you that the power of the deputy city lord of the east is to administer the maintenance of public order in the east city.”

“However, you have not yet reached the fifth level of strength, and you are probably busy preparing for breakthrough Realm now!”

“Let’s do it! When you reach Tier 5, you will be the Vice City Lord of the East again, and the old man will keep this position for you!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was even more in a good mood, and after bragging with the old man of the East City Lord for a while, he left the East City Lord’s Mansion.

After leaving the East City Lord’s Mansion, Wang Mang gave another explanation, and summoned An Lan to tell him.

After all, he was leaving the Saint Emperor Continent, so he had to tell them and explain what should be good.

Wait until the matter is almost finished.

Wang Mangcai took out the colorful world stone in the Closed Door Training area of ​​the general’s mansion, and muttered in his heart: “Teleport!”

The next moment, Wang Mang completely disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, Wang Mang had already returned to the earth, in the cave near the reservoir.

After stepping out of the cave, Wang Mang couldn’t help being a little surprised looking at the towering mountains in front of him.

He could clearly feel that the Spiritual Qi on the earth nowadays is more intense.

It was much richer than before he left.

More importantly, Wang Mang did not know how many years had passed since then.

After all, the flow rate of each world is different.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang eagerly wanted to see his parents.

With this thought, Wang Mang suddenly rose into the sky and flew towards the distance.

Now Wang Mang has reached the pinnacle of Tier 4 and is within easy reach of Immortal Emperor Realm.

So, how fast is Wang Mang’s speed?

It can be said that in the earth world, Wang Mang can already cross space.

However, for Wang Mang at this little distance, there is no need to cross the space at all.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Mang quickly arrived in the city with his Qi lock.

It was just that Wang Mang was very surprised.

The face of the city in front of us has been completely renewed.

The prefecture and Guizhou province have completely become extremely prosperous again.

On the city streets, there are a lot of people and cultivators everywhere.

Soon, Wang Mang found the armed base where the old man was located by relying on the locked air machine.

It is worth mentioning that this magnificent armed base has already been built into a huge city.

Moreover, the number of people with strong human and immortal breath is no longer a small number.

The next moment, Wang Mang turned into a mosquito and flew into the castle.

When he saw his parents, Wang Mang almost didn’t recognize it.

There is no other reason. Today’s parents and grandma have become too young.

Even if you say that you are a young man, someone definitely believes it!

This also made Wang Mang couldn’t help showing a relieved smile.

He can feel that Dad’s Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the immortal Realm.

And, after Wang Mang scanned it through Divine Sense,

He found that all the subordinates who stayed behind to guard the old man had a lot of strength.

This also made Wang Mang nod secretly before leaving the fortress.

He came here mainly to see how his family is doing.

Now the family is all well.

Wang Mang naturally felt relieved.

After leaving the military castle.

Wang Mang looked for a cave and went in.

After entering the cave, Wang Mang took out the teleportation stone and said silently in his heart: “Teleport! Enter the world of vindictive energy!”

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Mang disappeared again.

When he reappeared, the scene in front of Wang Mang’s eyes had been completely renewed.

Obviously, Wang Mang has come to the world of fighting spirit!

Only this time Wang Mang came to the world of fighting spirit.

He doesn’t need to fear anyone anymore.

Because, his Realm at the pinnacle of Tier 4 Immortal Venerable.


Wang Mang is the so-called pinnacle of fighting emperors!


He is absolutely invincible in this world!

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