Chapter 632: The Ancient Emperor Tuo She Appears? Stop Wang Mang’s refining

Shenma Doudi is also good.

In other words, the eight ancient tribes in this world.

In Wang Mang’s eyes, all of them are clowns.

Do not! It should be said to be ants!

When Wang Mang released his breath unreservedly.

Even this world space is trembling!

What was visible to the naked eye was that the space around Wang Mang was slightly distorted.

Because the world of fighting spirit is too small for the current Wang Mang.

You can even break the space barrier of this world at will!

Moreover, as Wang Mang freely released the terrifying coercion he carried.

Even more so, the sky and the earth began to change, and the dark clouds were overwhelming.

What only made Wang Mang frowned slightly was that this world had a vague sense of exclusion towards him.

Wang Mang had never experienced this feeling before, but this time he did.

“Is it because I am too strong now?”

Wang Mang couldn’t help muttering to himself.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Warm reminder host! The world consciousness has felt the malice from the host you! 】

[Therefore, the world consciousness will be subtly affected, and the creatures in the entire world and the host are your enemies! 】

【Ding! The host is requested to refine the world of fighting spirit as soon as possible, otherwise the world consciousness of fighting spirit will resist at all costs! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was stunned immediately.

No wonder it feels unusual for him to enter this world this time.

The world consciousness of feeling has already felt his malice!

Although he was surprised, Wang Mang didn’t think much about it.

On the contrary, Wang Mang was very curious.

Where is the origin of this world?

Or what is it referring to?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but ask in his heart:

“System! What is the origin of this vindictive world?”

“Or, where is this source?”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Warm Ascension host! The origin of the world may refer to people or things, and the origins of many worlds are different. 】

【Ding! If the host wants to know the answer, he can spend 10 million energy points to buy the exact message answer! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

The corners of Wang Mang’s mouth twitched.

This dog system really does not let go of a chance to slaughter him!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang nodded silently despite helplessness:

“Okay! Buy the exact news!”

Because he really doesn’t want to waste too much time now.

Although the energy value of 10 million is much.

But in order to save some time.

Wang Mang was still willing to spend.

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted! 10 million energy value! 】

【Ding! Warm reminder host! The origin of the vindictive world is a different fire! 】

[When the host collects and refines all the different fires, it is the source of the successful refining of the fighting spirit world. 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was dumbfounded again.

He didn’t expect that the origin of this vindictive world turned out to be the special flames of this world.

But when Wang Mang remembered correctly when he was reading novels in his previous life, there were a lot of strange fires!

Moreover, it seems that everything in this world revolves around strange fires.

In the end, the strange fire of this vindictive world made Xiao Yan the Yan Emperor!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly became a little speechless.

It seems that he has to take away by the way, Xiao Yan, the son of luck, has a chance!

But just when Wang Mang was about to use Divine Sense, scanning the entire world of vindictiveness, looking for all the different fire locations.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw not far ahead, the space was completely torn apart in the twisted void.

Afterwards, a golden figure walked out of the space domineeringly.

When he saw this figure, Wang Mang was stunned.

Because, he remembers that there is no such person in the grudge world!

Moreover, the breath of this mysterious guy is very powerful!

His whole body was filled with aura, and he had completely surpassed the world of fighting spirit, the so-called nine-star fighting sage, had surpassed the fighting emperor.

On the contrary, his breath gave Wang Mang a familiar feeling.

This feeling is the fifth order!


The breath of this guy is also an immortal emperor-level existence!

Of course, there can only be one immortal emperor early stage!

Just as Wang Mang was puzzled.

This golden and stalwart figure looked at Wang Mang with an indifferent expression:

“Outsider, you really shouldn’t have come here.”

“It shouldn’t be malicious to the world of fighting spirit!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang slowly narrowed his eyes and said indifferently:

“In the history that I am familiar with, there is no you!”

Hearing this, this majestic figure in the golden robe smiled slightly and said:

“Fifth Tier, it has been able to erase the footprints that once existed.”

“Although your strength is strong, you haven’t reached Tier 5 after all!”

“Invader, leave here immediately, this emperor can forget the blame!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang’s expression was always indifferent, and he used information detection.

Although the opponent’s strength is not enough to make him retreat in fear.

But what Wang Mang didn’t understand was.

Where did this guy come from?

The next moment, this guy’s message appeared before his eyes.

Target: Tuoshe ancient emperor.

HP: 5100, energy: 5100.

Realm: The fifth stage early stage.

Origin: One of the strongest beings born in the world of fighting spirit!

After reading this guy’s information.

Wang Mang finally realized it suddenly.

This guy turned out to be the ancient Emperor Tuoshe in the legend of the Dou Qi world!

What made Wang Mang puzzled was that.

Didn’t this guy leave the world of grudge?

Why is it now appearing in the world of vindictiveness again?

Just when Wang Mang was puzzled.

Then the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Warm reminder host! The other party was born from the origin of the world and belongs to the origin of the world. 】

【Ding! Every world hopes to grow stronger and advance to a stronger world! 】

[Therefore, the world consciousness will create a powerful person and let them go out of the world. 】

[Finally let them go to conquer the heavens and all worlds, and strive to bring back the origin of the rest of the world. 】

After listening to the explanation of the system.

Wang Mang understood roughly.

This ancient Emperor Tuoshe was cultivated by the world consciousness of fighting spirit.

But this also caused the ancient Emperor Tuoshe to produce a huge Karma with the world of fighting spirit.

Therefore, when facing his own invader, Tuoshe ancient emperor must appear.

This is different from Wang Mang.

The earth didn’t hold him up.

He rose by the system.

So it has nothing to do with the system Karma.

At most, the home planet is the earth world.

So, the day the earth gets cold, it doesn’t have much to do with him.

But in Wang Mang’s view, it is really difficult to get cool.

Because, there have been many strong people in the earth world!

At this time, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor looked at Wang Mang indifferently and said:

“I know you want to advance to Tier 5, but you want to refine the world of fighting energy, unless you step on the emperor’s corpse!”

“Leave here! I love this world deeply, every piece of land here, my love is deep.”

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