Big Brother, I know you are interested in me, but please don't get so close, I'm a little scared!

Of course, this sentence was only hidden in his heart, and Nie Wushuang didn't say it out loud.

Although, he probably knew that there would be no problem with complaining.

For the sake of caution, he still didn't do it.

In Nie Wushuang's view, verbal disputes are meaningless, even if you have the upper hand in your mouth, so what? Unless you can strike your opponent and make a profit for yourself, if not, why bother to talk too much?

Waste of lips and lips!

Retracting fists and regulating breathing, the blood and qi remain full.

On the side, the immune clone stood solemnly, with a red glow on his body.

The data on the sea of ​​consciousness panel changed from time to time.




At such a close distance, the uncontrolled breath emitted by the gray-robed Taoist priest would cause damage to Nie Wushuang, and the damage would jump up one level every ten breaths. If it continues like this, the blood volume of 100 will probably not last long.

Even so, Nie Wushuang did not retreat.

Tried it yesterday, retreating was useless.

At a distance of three feet, the other party is a maggot attached to the bone, and there is no way to get rid of it.

Nie Wushuang did not avoid his sight, but stared closely at the gray-robed Taoist. Although the face with blurred features was terrifying and difficult to look at directly, he still suppressed his inner fear and looked carefully.

Then, he found that the other party's face was slightly clearer than the previous two times.

What's the situation?

Could it be that the true face will eventually be revealed?

"Very good!"

"Keep it up!"

A voice echoed in the void.

Faintly, the voice was no longer straightforward, but had emotional changes.


This was the emotion that Nie Wushuang sensed.

How could it be?

After that, the red light dissipated, and the gray-robed Taoist also escaped into the void.

The purple light dimmed, the evil spirit left, and darkness fell again.

Nie Wushuang exhaled a long breath.

He hurriedly swallowed a blood-nourishing pill to provide energy for the recovery of the immune clone.

After that, he just thought.

Is that guy slowly regaining his humanity?

Is this still weird?

Why is this happening?

Is it because I performed too well?

Blame me for being too good?

Nie Wushuang has a guess.

In the era of the Sun and the Crow Sect, there were only three realms in the Qi and Blood Realm: entry, mastery, and perfection.

There was no threshold for great success.

In this era, there is a realm of great success.

Will great success be perfection in that era?

After all, this chapter of nourishing blood is so profound and difficult to practice, just for the entry-level foundation-building exercises.

Even with special means to assist, resources are piled up for free, it is not easy to practice to the perfection of this era.

It takes a lot of time.

In the past, resources were abundant, so the exercises were grand and profound, and the practice did not need to be refined and pure, unlike now, which requires careful carving.

Therefore, perfection is great success.

What about me?

With a martial arts clone, there is no obstacle to practice. As long as there is enough energy, the exercises can be pushed all the way to the highest level of great perfection.

This is true for the superficial Tiger Roaring in the Forest, and the profound Great Sun Golden Crow Blood Nourishing Chapter!

For a Dharma Master, the most exciting thing is to find a genius seedling for the sect.

Perhaps, he performed too well.

It brought a huge shock to the gray-robed Taoist.

In this way, emotions were generated.

Slowly regaining human nature.

Demons and monsters!

The reason why weird is called weird is because weirdness is changeable and difficult to guess.

The so-called rules are not immutable. If you think that you can control weirdness by mastering the rules, you may also be backfired by it.

What really follows the rules completely and is born because of the rules is weird.

Of course, the above is just Nie Wushuang's guess.

Perhaps, it is not true.

In any case, the decision has been made to follow this path, so he will never change.

However, there is a problem with doing this.

That is, the blood nourishing pills may not be enough.

Each round of boxing stances must be pushed to the state of great perfection. Now it is okay, after all, it is the first boxing stance. The problem is that the boxing stances become more and more difficult as they go back.

Although both are twelve moves, the latter ones must require more energy than the former ones. Moreover, they have to deal with strange pollution. Three per day is barely enough now.

The second round!

The third round!

The more you go, the more you will need!

Nie Wushuang came to the door of the hall and dragged Ding Yi's body out.


Very light!

If someone familiar with Ding Yi was here, he would definitely not recognize him.

The flesh and blood on his body had withered, the water evaporated, leaving only the skin and bones, and the vitality was completely drained.

It looked extremely terrifying.

He lay there, staring at Nie Wushuang with his eye sockets without eyeballs.

Nie Wushuang looked calm and ignored it.

This kind of harmless horror was nothing to him. He was afraid of the kind of horror that caused substantial harm.

Next, he leaned over and stretched out his hand to feel around Ding Yi's body.

Yes, he was searching the body.

When a person dies, it is like blowing out a candle. You cannot take away your wealth.

In this case, why waste it?

It is better to leave it to yourself as a contribution.

After all, I once asked the other party to leave a will, which was a good deed, but the other party did not have time to say it, or there was no need to say it.

Since no one will inherit the estate.

Then, is it reasonable for me to deal with it myself?

A treasure bag, bulging, seems to contain a lot of things.

Nie Wushuang picked up the tinder, lit the oil lamp he brought in, and poured out all the things in the treasure bag in the dim light.

There are not many things in it.

A few taels of loose silver, a few porcelain bottles containing pills, a tinder, a small pair of scissors, a small gadget for unlocking...

Silver must be useful.


Nie Wushuang didn't recognize any of these pills.

I don't know if they are tonics or poisons.

If it is poison, it's fine, what if it is a pill that can assist in cultivation?

Judging from the speed of this person's body, it is impossible to be in the Qi and Blood Realm. If it is a pill that assists in cultivation, it will be more powerful than the blood-nourishing pill.

Perhaps, one pill can be used as several pills.

Might as well give it a try.

I'm afraid it's poison.

But I have an immune clone, so I'm not afraid without a guinea pig.

However, I have to wait until the next day for the immune clone to return to normal.

Tonight, let's leave it at that for now!

As for the corpse in front of me.

What should I do?

Logically, I should burn the corpse with fire.

Ashes to ashes, earth to earth, clean and tidy.

However, there is not enough firewood. If I use it to burn the corpse, I can only eat cold food and dry food in the following days, which is not good for my health.

Besides, if I go out in the future, what will happen if people outside ask about this guy?

I said I burned it.

Others will probably ask why I burned it?

Could it be that I want to destroy the corpse?

So, I have to keep it.

Anyway, the corpse is only left with skin and bones, and the flesh, internal organs and water have evaporated, so it must rot and stink.

Stretching and yawning, Nie Wushuang felt a little sleepy after tossing all night.

He turned and walked back to the hall, got into the quilt, and soon fell asleep.

On the side, the immune clone looked at him dimly, with a red light flickering.

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