The villa was noisy all night.

As dawn approached, Wanxing finally figured out the situation.

First, a few thieves broke into the front yard of the villa and were discovered by the guards. They lit fires everywhere in an attempt to rob them. After the robbery failed, they fled in all directions. Some escaped, some were killed, and some were caught.

The prisoners were captured, executed immediately, and interrogated separately. After half a stick of incense, they got the answer.

This group of thieves came from Changping, a neighboring county. They used to be refugees and later became robbers. Some time ago, they were suppressed and gathered by some people.

Two days ago, someone organized them to sneak into Wei County and lurk in a mountain col not far away.

Then, tonight, under the orders of some people, he broke into the villa under the dark moon and high wind.

They don't know who owns the villa, they just collect money and do things.

In addition, any property stolen or robbed belongs to you.

They are just some tool people, used to confuse the public.

There is someone else who really cares.

It was probably the thief who sneaked into the backyard of the villa and is now probably dead in the Taoist temple.

If he hadn't heard the secret and was so shaken that he lost his breath, Wanxing wouldn't have been able to find him.

If that guy takes the news out, things will get out of hand.

Fortunately, the guy panicked and fled into the Taoist temple. He should have died in Wei's hands and the secret was not leaked.

Wanxing comforted himself like this.

However, he still felt uneasy in his heart.

This was reflected in his hurried footsteps in the underground mine.

After all, the thief was not alone. He belonged to an organization. Since that organization could mobilize people, could it be that he was the only one sent to infiltrate the villa? Could there be others lurking secretly?

Could it be that someone has already passed on the secret?

His mind was full of distracting thoughts, and Wanxing felt that he could not control the situation.

So, he came here, Xu Yue's self-imposed mine.

When in doubt, ask the boss!

The mine is located deep underground. Although it is just below the villa, the movement from above cannot be transmitted to the bottom. Xu Yue knows nothing about what happened in the villa. That is, now, Fang is at Wanxing's place. Heard about this.

After clarifying the matter in a few words, Wan Xing shut up and looked worried.

Behind the door, there was silence.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang from behind the door.

Dust and soil fell from the cracks in the wooden boards overhead.

Wan Xing hurriedly lowered his head and raised his hands to brush away the dirt and dust on his head.

"Wanxing, go and do something for me..."

Behind the door, Xu Yue's voice was slightly hoarse.

Although the emotions were suppressed well, there was still a bit of anger in the deep and hoarse voice, which made Wan Xing feel scared.

"Brother, please tell me."

Wan Xing nodded hurriedly.

"Ask the blacksmith to build me an iron house. It should be square and square. No windows should be opened. The four walls and doors of the house must be covered with gold foil. No omissions are allowed. The same goes for the gaps on the door. They must be sealed with gold foil. There must be no omissions. A ray of light comes in..."

After hearing what Xu Yue said, Wan Xing asked.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Yes, I want to go out!"

Xu Yue's voice was a little harsh.

"The iron house is placed in front of the gate of the Taoist temple. I will personally guard it. The gold foil can isolate the pollution of the strange air. You don't have to worry about me losing control. If someone really breaks in, I need to take action. At that point, , so I can’t care about anything else..."


Wan Xing nodded.

"As soon as possible!"

"I'll go right away and try to get it done today..."

After that, Wan Xing turned around and left in a hurry.

Hearing the footsteps disappearing, Xu Yue stared at the iron door in front of him, raised his hand, clenched his fist, his beard and hair flew flying, and he stared angrily.

Inside the body, the inner energy surges.

I wish I could punch open the iron door and rush out.

In the end, reason prevailed and he did not do this.

When he first discovered the Taoist temple, he was the first to lead people into the Taoist temple, and he was the only one among the group who was a Nei Jin martial artist.

In this way, only he is sensitive to the visualization picture.

To be precise, he activated the visualization map and awakened the divine will of the Dharma transmitter in the map, which had turned into a strange divine will.

At the same time, the inheritance array was activated.

The magic circle was activated, and Xu Yue was attacked.

He did not practice the techniques of the Great Sun Golden Crow Sect, but he tried to obtain the Divine Will of the Great Sun Golden Crow through visualization diagrams, and he was attacked by the Divine Will that turned into a strange dharma transmitter. As an inner strength martial artist who had not cultivated the Divine Will, he was facing Therefore, he had no power to resist.

He could only flee in panic.

He escaped with his life, but his soul was polluted.

Fear of light, sound, wind...

And, every day there is a time when control is out of control.

This is why he sealed himself in the mine.

Is there any solution?


Having had direct contact with the visualization diagrams and direct confrontation with the divine will of the Dharma transmitter, Xu Yue knew far more than Wan Xing and the other martial arts masters. He told them part of it and hid part of it.

To get a visualization picture.

You can choose to pass the inheritance level.

In other words, Qi and Blood Realm disciples under the age of seventeen need to be sent to Taoist temples.

If the disciple can be recognized by the inheritance circle, the strange divine will contained in the visualization map will disappear.

What if there is no way to obtain the approval of the inheritance circle?

Then, as long as enough people die, the divine will that becomes weird can be worn away little by little.

After all, that thing has been around for so long.

Without energy replenishment, it is like water without a source, and every bit you use is one less bit.

You can completely use human lives to consume it.

After the weirdness disappears, these internal force martial artists can visualize that big sun, and finally, forge the divine will of the big sun and golden crow.

At the beginning, the martial arts hall sent elite disciples to enter.

Unexpectedly, this assessment is so difficult that the most talented disciples only persisted for six days, and could not persist for a month and pass it smoothly.

So, change your course.

Use human lives to pile up.

However, that weird divine will is strong enough.

So many people died, and it seems that the opponent’s consumption is not much, the rules are still running, and the magic circle is still running.

Even so, everyone is persisting.

No matter how many people die.

Anyway, it’s not you who died.

It doesn’t matter!

However, what Wanxing and others didn't know was that Xu Yue also concealed a fact, that is, if the strange divine will dissipated, the energy in the visualization map could only provide one person with divine will, and then it would disappear.

In order to make everyone united, he had to do this.

Now, the secret might be leaked.

What to do?

We must speed up the progress.

We can't work in secret like this anymore.

Originally, Xu Yue had an idea, but that method was a bit vicious and inhumane. After thinking it over again and again, he didn't want to do it.

Now, it has come to this point.

He had to do it!

So, he asked Wanxing to build an iron house and put it at the door of the Taoist temple. He hid in the iron house and made preparations. Once there was a change, he would enter the Taoist temple as soon as possible.

That visualization map can only belong to him.

No one can compete with him!

Kill gods if gods get in the way, kill Buddhas if Buddhas get in the way!

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