The next day.

The sky was gloomy, and gray clouds were coming from the Niutou Mountain, passing through the valley.

There was wind, strong wind, and the bamboo forest outside the temple rustled.

Nie Wushuang stared at the four porcelain bottles in front of him.

The bottles contained pills, some with seven or eight pills, and some with three or four pills.

Beside him, the immune clone leaned against the wall, silent and wooden.

The twelve boxing postures before the Earthly Evil Realm in the Great Sun Golden Crow Blood Nourishing Chapter have been practiced to the state of great perfection, and there is no need to practice them anymore. The martial arts clone is also hidden in the shadows. In this way, only energy needs to be provided to the immune clone.

Today, swallow two blood nourishing pills.

Unfortunately, it is rare for a day to be like this.

At night, the weird appeared, and energy is needed to resist pollution.

He has to practice a new boxing posture again.

I don’t know how many blood nourishing pills are needed to push the new twelve-way boxing posture to great perfection.

In any case, it will not be less than the previous one.

Ninety blood nourishing pills, eleven of which have been used.

It will be used more in the future, and the stock is obviously insufficient.

I have to take the risk to test the medicine!

Taking a deep breath, Nie Wushuang opened the first porcelain bottle. This porcelain bottle contained the least pills, only three.

The pills were brown-yellow and looked similar to the blood-nourishing pills.

However, its fragrance was completely different from the blood-nourishing pills. It was slightly irritating, similar to pepper and prickly ash, and quite pungent.

Among all the pills, this thing was the largest.

It was as thick as an adult's thumb, no wonder a porcelain bottle could only hold three pills.

Nie Wushuang poured out one, stretched out his finger to touch the pill, and instantly retracted it.

Turning his head to look at the immune clone that had returned to normal, there was no abnormality, and the panel floating in front of him did not show the damage column on it.

At least, it was non-toxic to touch.

Next, Nie Wushuang took out the little dwarf, held it in his right hand, and pinched the pill in his left hand. The dwarf gently rubbed the pill, and a little powder fell on the white cloth below.

The finger was stained with powder and stopped moving.

The damage column still did not appear on the panel in front of him.

On one side, the immune clone looked at him with a dim gaze.

After a few breaths, Nie Wushuang raised his finger, put it in his mouth, sipped the powder in his mouth, and mixed it with saliva.

Everything was normal.

The panel did not change.

The immune clone did not show any abnormality.

In this way, he swallowed the thing.

After waiting for a while, there was no change.

Literally, not only did the immune clone not change, the panel did not change, and the body did not react at all. The blood did not boil, and similarly, no energy was transmitted to the immune clone.

Gold wound medicine!

Something for external application!

Therefore, the pill can be easily crushed into powder.

The reason why it is not in powder form is that it is convenient to carry.

This thing is of no help to me now, but it may come in handy in the future.

After that, Nie Wushuang did not relax, but did the same with the remaining two pills.

Don't underestimate the bottle.

What if the dead guy is more sinister?

He deliberately hid a similar-looking poison inside. If you are not careful and think it is the same thing, you may lose your life if you are not careful.

So, this is not groundless worry.

It is not that there are always villains who want to harm me.

It's just being cautious!

There is no harm in being cautious!

After checking everything, Nie Wushuang put the pills into the porcelain bottle and put it in his treasure bag.

Then, he picked up the porcelain bottle with the most pills.

There are seven pills in this porcelain bottle.

The smallest one is the size of a longan seed and is vermilion.

He sniffed it closely and there was no smell, fragrance, stink, or irritating smell.

He also reached out and touched it first.

There was no change in the panel and the clone.

Then he took out the little dwarf, crushed a little powder, and repeated the first operation.

There was no change when it merged with the saliva in the mouth, but there was a reaction after swallowing it.

On the panel, the damage column still did not appear.

The immune clone next to him had some green light flashing, flickering like a signal light.

The dantian and lower abdomen were like a volcanic eruption.

The blood and qi in the meridians of the whole body surged like magma.

It was just a little powder, but it had the effect of a blood-nourishing pill. Even if the energy produced was not as good, it was not much different.

Maybe he didn't take much, and the harm caused by the drug poison to the body was not enough to make the damage column appear on the panel.

However, it was not completely without harm.

It's just that the immune clone took it all.

What kind of medicine is this?

So strong?

Nie Wushuang had a question in his heart.

What he didn't know was that this was a pill commonly used by martial artists in the refining realm, a nourishing heart pill specifically for the heart. Among the five internal organs, the heart is the most important place, and it is often cultivated last. Before he died, Ding Yi was tempering his heart.

So, he carried the nourishing heart pill with him just now.

Although this pill is far less valuable than the Qi-inducing Powder, it is not something that can be found everywhere. The value of Nie Wushuang's ninety Blood-Nourishing Pills is not as good as one Heart-Nourishing Pill, which is worth a hundred taels.

The pills in this porcelain bottle are worth seven hundred taels of silver.

In Shangyang Martial Arts Hall, the monthly salary of an internal force martial artist is one hundred taels, and it takes seven months of work to buy this bottle of Heart-Nourishing Pill. In the entire Wei County, there are only sixty or seventy internal force martial artists, and at most there are no more than a hundred.

This is the pinnacle of Wei County.

Yangxin Pill is a medicine that can only be taken by warriors in the Refining Zang Realm. If it is taken by warriors in the Qi and Blood Realm, there is only one outcome.

That is death by blood spurting out of the whole body.

The power of the medicine is too great, and the body simply cannot bear it.

If Nie Wushuang had taken the whole Yangxin Pill instead of swallowing that little powder, the damage column would appear on the panel in front of him, and the data would be even more than the damage caused by the weird close contact.

Of course, Nie Wushuang didn't know all this.

However, he had made up his mind that if the Yangxue Pill ran out, he would use the thing in front of him to replenish it. Depending on the situation, he would only take a quarter or an eighth at a time.

As before, all the pills were tried.

No problem.

It seems that the dead guy is still of good character.

However, he made this adjective a little early.

Not long after, he bent over and kept spitting on the ground, his face was ugly, and he almost swore.

The two porcelain bottles at the back were filled with poison.

One was fine when touched, but it became highly toxic after being fused with saliva. Even if it was just a little bit of powder, it made the immune clone glow red, and the damage column on the panel data appeared, with a point of 12.

He spitted out the stuff hastily.

Fortunately, he didn't swallow it, which would have been even worse.

Thanks to the immune clone for bearing the damage, the main body was safe.

The second poison was even more outrageous. Just a light touch of the finger, the damage data jumped up to 17, and the immune clone's finger turned black, which was very conspicuous.


Pure shit!

However, overall, the risk was not in vain.

With the seven unknown pills, Nie Wushuang was confident that he could pass the level successfully if there was no sudden accident.

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