The fog permeated the willow forest.

The courtyard here is close to the river. When the fog in other courtyards has almost dissipated, the willow forest in front of this courtyard is still filled with fog.

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded in the forest.

Yang Chong, Wei Lao Hu and other martial arts disciples were wearing leather armor and holding weapons. They all had fierce eyes and ferocious faces, mixed with the excitement of being bloodthirsty and the complacency of having everything under control.

It's impossible not to be proud!

There were a total of twenty people, only one or two of whom were apprentices who had just entered the Qi and Blood Realm, such as Zhou Qiang who was temporarily pulled in, a dozen Qi and Blood Realm disciples who were about to enter the Bone Forging Realm, and seven or eight real Bone Forging Realm disciples.

Not only that, the leader was also a teacher in the Refining Organ Realm.

In addition, everyone was wearing leather armor and holding weapons.

What they have to deal with are just a dozen martial arts apprentices who have just entered the Qi and Blood Realm. They don't know how to fight and have no armor or weapons. To some extent, using so many people can actually be said to be killing a chicken with a butcher knife.

This time, the advantage is mine!

Some people may ask, why do they have to deal with some martial arts apprentices who have just entered the Qi and Blood Realm?

In fact, those apprentices are just fish in the pond that were affected by the fire at the city gate.

The person these people really want to deal with is Nie Wushuang.


The reason is very simple.

First of all, so many powerful internal force martial artists died in the strange change, but Nie Wushuang survived. In addition to being lucky enough, he must have obtained some treasure in the Taoist temple, otherwise, he would not have survived.

Of course, this treasure may have been given to the Demon Suppression Division.

Otherwise, Nie Wushuang would not have been able to get away so easily, and those guys from the Demon Suppression Division would not have been able to leave easily.

But what if this guy has reservations?

Moreover, even if he had not obtained treasures in the Taoist temple, so many internal force martial artists died, where were their things?

When people die, things cannot disappear.

However, most of the dead bodies were empty, and the treasure bags they usually carried were also missing. Where did these things go?

Only one person was alive, and the result was obvious.

It was just touching the corpse, basic operation.

If it were me, I would do the same.

Anyway, they have made a decision to rebel against Shangyang Martial Arts School and join the Forging Weapon Shop Alliance. Since they can even betray, what is the point of killing a martial arts apprentice?

No one will stand up for him.

There is no trouble even if he dies.

So, these people are here!

There is benefit, don't miss it!

Passing through this willow forest is the small courtyard where the apprentices live, which is only a few dozen steps away and can be reached in a few dozen breaths.

Following the leading Lianzangjing martial arts instructor, Zhou Qiang pursed his dry lips, adjusted his breathing, and his eyes became brighter and brighter. In his mind, all he could see were scenes of catching Nie Wushuang and then trampling, humiliating and torturing him.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

At this time, the martial arts instructor who was walking at the front of the team stopped.

Zhou Qiang looked up.

His eyes blurred.

Suddenly, the figure of the martial arts instructor who was four or five steps away from him suddenly swelled up, no! Not swelled, but exploded...

Blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Blood hit Zhou Qiang's face.

He couldn't help but screamed in shock, like a little girl who was scared by a mouse while walking at night.

In a trance, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, like a ghost.


A strong wind swept in, hitting him so hard that he couldn't help but close his eyes.


Suddenly, a sonic boom caused by a fist quickly passing through the air sounded in his ears.

What's going on?

What happened?

Zhou Qiang's legs went limp and he collapsed to the ground.


At that time, Zhou Qiang had only this thought in his mind.

After all, a strange change had just occurred that killed more than a dozen internal force martial artists. Although the people from the Demon Suppression Division said that the strange change had disappeared and would not occur again in a short time, if you believe the government, even a sow can climb a tree.

Yang Chong was not as unbearable as Zhou Qiang.

He could see clearly that it was a person.

A black-clothed masked man who came out from behind a willow tree ten feet away.

However, his speed was so fast that it seemed like he could teleport. Yang Chong only felt his eyes blurred, and the next moment, he appeared in front of the instructor, overlapped with the instructor, and flashed to the side.

Then, the martial arts instructor in the Refining Zang Realm exploded.

Blood and flesh flew everywhere, turning into powder.

No defense, no counterattack.

Before death, there might not even be time to think about why.

Standing under a willow tree, Nie Wushuang, wearing a mask, looked at the group of people in front of him calmly, as if he was looking at a group of chickens and dogs.

Yes, it was Nie Wushuang who blew up the warrior in the Refining Organ Realm with one punch.


At the beginning, Xu Yue, who had cultivated two kinds of internal energy, only blocked three punches, and that was in a head-on confrontation.

Now, it was a sudden attack.

A distance of ten feet away was equivalent to nothing.

The warrior in the Refining Organ Realm was naturally difficult to resist, and was blown up by Nie Wushuang's punch before he even had this thought.

The panel appeared, and the damage data was displayed.


Compared with the past, the backlash caused by a punch was a little weaker.


A warrior in the Forging Bone Realm waved a horizontal sword and rushed towards Nie Wushuang. There were more than a dozen people, not all of them were rats, but also people with strong blood.

However, if the strength is too different, what is the use of blood?

Nie Wushuang slightly turned sideways and took a fist stance. The next moment, everyone felt their eyes blurred. Nie Wushuang rushed over to the Bone Forging Realm warrior. He originally had two empty hands, but now he had a horizontal sword in his hand.

As for the original owner of the horizontal sword.

He stood shakily, followed the footsteps of his companions, and exploded like a firecracker.

Blood and flesh flew everywhere, turning into powder.

This is too terrifying!

Among these people, even if some people are not afraid of death, they are terrified to see such a miserable death. No one wants to be turned into powder without a body.

Fighting spirit collapsed like a sand tower swept away by the waves.

Became extremely low.

At this time, saving life is naturally the first priority.

So, everyone fled in all directions.

Besiege together?

Do you think I'm stupid?

There is no need to race with the enemy, as long as you run faster than your companions.

In this way, some people managed to escape by chance. Of course, some people on Nie Wushuang's blacklist could not escape. Neither Yang Chong nor Wei Lao Hu could escape. One was beheaded by Nie Wushuang, and the other was cut in half.

Finally, he stood in front of Zhou Qiang, who was limp on the ground and kept kowtowing.

"Spare my life!"

"Please, spare my life!"

Zhou Qiang's face was covered with blood, snot and tears mixed together. He looked up at the masked man in black, his eyes full of fear and anxiety.

Nie Wushuang slowly took off the mask.

A handsome face appeared in front of him.

Nie Wushuang?

How could it be Nie Wushuang?

Zhou Qiang's eyes widened.



His lips trembled and his whole body trembled.

At this moment, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Nie Wushuang curled his lips and said.


The knife was thrown down horizontally, and the tip of the knife penetrated Zhou Qiang's back and pierced half a foot deep into the ground, leaving only the handle of the knife exposed on his back.

Zhou Qiang was like an eel pierced by an iron nail, struggling and squirming.

There was a gurgling sound in his mouth, but no sound came out.

Finally, he was motionless.

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