There is a willow tree in Gu Baiyun's courtyard.

The sun is scorching, the willow branches are drooping, the willow leaves are no longer green, and the cicadas are calling tirelessly on the tree, adding a bit of irritability.

Gu Baiyun picked up the teacup, put it to his lips, and sipped it gently.

Opposite him, Nie Wushuang sat upright, with a smile on his face and a calm expression.

Gu Baiyun put down the teacup and wanted to get angry, but in the end he just sighed and said in a more tactful tone.

"Wushuang, is it a bit too harsh?"

Nie Wushuang kept smiling and answered softly.

"Master Gu, I have shown mercy. That guy just has a broken bone. The pharmacy has black jade intermittent ointment. Use the ointment and tie a splint. As long as he lies in bed, he will recover after a few dozen days of recuperation..."

Gu Baiyun frowned.

Outside the window, the cicada's cry hovered in his ears, extremely harsh, making him feel even more depressed, and he wanted to throw his hands away.

In recent days, I feel more and more powerless.

I wanted to tolerate each other for the sake of the country. In this critical moment, everyone united to tide over the difficulties.

So, most of the time, when he encountered opposition, he chose to give in.

I never thought that if you give in, others will take a step forward.

Now, even the manager of the pharmacy doesn't take him seriously.

To be honest, Nie Wushuang's approach is very satisfying, and he is also happy. By the way, he also grabbed the pharmacy.

But, what should I do next?

Some people will definitely not give up.

This makes Gu Baiyun feel a little tricky.

At this time, Nie Wushuang spoke.

"Master Gu, in the current situation of the martial arts hall, if you want to turn the tide and preserve your foundation, you need to work together, but blindly giving in is not advisable. You must know that unity will survive if you fight for unity, and unity will die if you compromise for unity..."

After hearing this, Gu Baiyun's eyes lit up.

The latter sentence is very well said.

Yes, in the past few days, I have been giving in and compromising, but the situation has become worse and worse.

I originally wanted to wait for Master Miao to return.

Now it seems that if I don't make changes or compromise, the foundation of the martial arts school may be destroyed before Master Miao returns.

If there is no order, collapse is imminent.

"Gu Baiyun!"

There was a roar outside the yard.

Then, the half-closed door was kicked open by someone, and the door panel hit the wall heavily with a loud noise.

Gu Baiyun's face sank.

He stood up and said to Nie Wushuang.

"Wushuang, come, follow me to greet this guest..."

When he said the word guest, he gritted his teeth, and the sound seemed to be squeezed out from his teeth.

The guest is a bad guest.

The bad guest is Xu Ge.

The instructor of the East Court, a martial artist in the Refining Zang Realm, claims to be the successor of the martial arts school, but there are only a few kittens around him, just a jumping clown, but this jumping clown is very destructive and opposes Gu Baiyun in everything.

These days, Gu Baiyun often chooses to give in.

His arrogance became higher and higher.

At this time, he actually came to the door.

"Gu Baiyun, how can you manage people? An apprentice of a martial arts school, an ant who signed a ten-year contract, dared to beat up the manager?"

"You need to explain this to me!"

"If you can't manage your people, let me manage them!"

Xu Ge was wearing a brocade robe, in his thirties, with a white face and no beard. He seemed to have a layer of powder on his face, which was very clean. He didn't look like a warrior who went through wind and rain, but more like a second-generation wealthy businessman who did nothing.

A pair of peach blossom eyes, with big dark circles under his eyes, slightly swollen.

Just like last night's partying all night without sleep.

However, his expression was particularly angry at this time, as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and there was no sign of fatigue at all.

There were several people following him.

These people were his lackeys and followers.

Gu Baiyun stood on the eaves, staring at Xu Ge coldly.

Nie Wushuang stood beside him, two or three steps away, with a calm expression, as if it had nothing to do with me.

"Xu Ge, that's enough, don't go crazy!"

Gu Baiyun said in a deep voice.

"I'm crazy?"

Xu Ge's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief.

"Just tell me, did your people beat up the manager? Just tell me, did you commit a crime of insubordination?"

"Gu, am I wrong to come here to ask for an explanation?"

Xu Ge shouted with his neck stiff.

At this time, a follower stepped forward, glanced at Nie Wushuang, and whispered a few words in Xu Ge's ear.

Xu Ge laughed.

He pointed at Nie Wushuang and said to Gu Baiyun.

"Gu, that ungrateful kid is here. Do you want to hand him over to everyone for disposal? Or do you want to protect him out of selfishness?"

"You tell me, I'm waiting for you!"

Hand Nie Wushuang over?

If you do this, it is equivalent to giving up your base, and those who originally united around you will also leave you.

Moreover, he should have gained a lot of benefits in the Taoist temple.

Otherwise, although a tuft of hair is disgusting, he is still a warrior in the Bone Forging Realm, and it is impossible for him to be beaten up so easily by an apprentice.

Moreover, Nie Wushuang is also friendly with the people of the Demon Suppression Division.

Therefore, the option of handing over Nie Wushuang is not advisable.

Since you can't give in, then...

Gu Baiyun took a deep breath, took a step forward, stood on the edge of the eaves, and was about to speak.

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps came from outside the yard, and a person ran in from the open gate.

Panting and sweating.

His eyes were filled with despair and anxiety.

The atmosphere in the courtyard was tense, but the man ignored it completely.

He shouted to Gu Baiyun.

"Master Gu, the escort is back!"

"Outside the city, the escort team was attacked by the enemy, Master Miao... Master Miao died in the battle... The people from the escort agency brought his body back..."

"At this moment, he is outside the door!"



At that moment, everyone in the courtyard who heard the news, except Nie Wushuang, had the same expression, shocked and unbelievable.

It was like a bolt from the blue, echoing in the void.

It's over!

Gu Baiyun's lips trembled, muttering to himself.

Everything in front of him seemed to be collapsing.

His eyes went dark, his legs softened, and he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Without an internal force martial artist, there would be no pillars, no backing, just like a room without beams and columns.

Can the martial arts hall still exist?

Gu Baiyun could imagine the next scene. When the tree fell, the monkeys scattered. The little bit of people's hearts that could be gathered disappeared completely. People scattered and went away. Before leaving, they would grab a lot of money and rob each other.

Turn the tide?

How easy is it!

It can't be done!

Gu Baiyun's heart was full of pessimism.

Unlike Gu Baiyun, although Xu Ge was also shocked, he never despaired. In fact, he was a little happy.

Since the only internal force martial artist was gone.

Then, he had the final say here.

Gu Baiyun, an old man who didn't know the current situation.

Not worth worrying about.

"Little guys, go!"

Xu Ge said in a low voice, and turned to leave.

"That kid?"

Someone pointed at Nie Wushuang.

"It's important!"

Xu Ge glanced at the man, and walked towards the gate without stopping.


The followers and lackeys responded in unison and left with him.

Nie Wushuang watched those people leave with a calm expression, took two steps forward, and came to the side of Gu Baiyun who closed his eyes and shed tears.

He did not speak, and remained silent.

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