There are tens of millions of Dharma bodies, and you call this entry-level?

Chapter 80: Black or Black in Official Positions (Please Read!)

Chapter 80 Black is still Black as an official

Next to the warehouse, there is a small pavilion.

The pavilion is built on the pier. Although the pier is occupied by the blacksmith shop, it needs to be returned to the Luo family. Because the contract and lease are still in the Shangyang Martial Arts Hall and have not been delivered yet, the pier here is slightly deserted. Several cargo ships are moored.

Master Zhang is sitting in the pavilion, holding a dry pipe in his mouth.

One of the guards held a fire stick and carefully lit it for him.

He took a deep breath and blew it out. The smoke spurted out from his mouth and turned into white mist that curled up and filled the air before his eyes. However, it was blown away by the river wind that suddenly passed through the pavilion.

Master Zhang smacked his mouth with satisfaction.

"Master, we don't care anymore?"

On the side, the guard asked softly.

Master Zhang glanced at him.

This one is stupid.

However, this fool's surname is Guo, Guo County Magistrate. As the son of the Guo family, he has a big word "loyalty" on his forehead. Although he is stupid, he cannot be treated arbitrarily, even if he disturbs his peace. Master Zhang I still need to explain a few words to him.

"What does the eldest master want?"

Master Zhang asked.

"That sign?"

Guo Taizhong blinked his eyes.

"What's the use of it?"

Guo Taizhong hesitated for a moment and replied.

"My second young master is extremely talented and at the age of sixteen. The eldest master would like to recommend the second young master to enter the Shangjing Palace..."

Having said this, Guo Taizhong became excited, and his eyes were no longer as stupid as before.


Master Zhang sighed.

"Back then, the eldest master supported the Shangyang Martial Arts School and had a deal with Xu Yue. In this year's Shangjing Washington Mansion Entrance Ceremony, he had to recommend the second young master as a martial arts seed. Unexpectedly, Xu Yue would cause a shock and create a Tan trouble comes..."

Guo Taizhong raised his hand and scratched his scalp.

Almond's large brain capacity confused him.

Since the Shangyang Martial Arts Hall is already in such a bad state, all we can do is ask Gu Baiyun for the Twelve-layer Tower Order. Why lure this guy here, let the Luo family do it, and then take the order from the Luo family? Card.

Isn’t it like taking off your pants and farting!

What a waste!

Master Zhang took another puff of cigarette.

"Taizhong, this matter is very complicated. Even if you tell me, you don't understand..."

It's not complicated at all, it's just an exchange of interests.

So many internal martial arts masters died in Wei County, and the foundation of the county magistrate who did not deal with the eldest master was also damaged. If guys like the Luo family and the black dragon gang of the blacksmith shop want to annex the foundation of Shangyang martial arts hall in an open and honest manner, they will go around. But the big boss.


As for Shangyang Martial Arts School?

All we have left is a group of old, weak, women and children with no use value.

If it’s sold, it’s sold!

What else could he do?

In fact, the man named Gu was smarter and sent the order of the Twelfth Floor to the elder early in the morning. Maybe he could get an errand at the Yamen.

You have to stay on that broken ship.

Ignorant of current affairs!

People are stupid enough!

It’s not a pity to die!

At this time, several guards gathered together, one person acted as the banker, and began to place bets.

They bet on when those people named Luo would get Gu Baiyun to open the door and come out.

For a while, it was very lively.

"You little bastard..."

Master Zhang smiled and ignored these guys. He smoked his pipe and estimated the time secretly in his mind.

It takes half a pack of cigarettes, right?

Gu Baiyun has nothing to worry about.

It was the mysterious black-armored masked warrior.

I don’t know how to cultivate?

It might be possible to create a little surprise.

However, there are a total of three inner strength martial arts masters in the warehouse, as well as more than a dozen followers, including many Zang Zang refining realm warriors.

The disparity in strength is too great and there are not many variables.

Half a pack of cigarettes!

That's enough!

Inside the warehouse.

Time goes back half an hour.

"Luo Yong, what are you going to do?"

Gu Baiyun stood up, pointed at Luo Yong and shouted loudly.

Although he probably understood that he was betrayed by Master Zhang, or to be precise by the County Lord, and at this moment, he was like a sheep trapped in a pack of wolves, with almost no life left, however, Gu Baiyun did not give up completely.

No matter what, even if it means death, one or two people must be supported.

"What should I do?"

Luo Yong turned to look at his companions and laughed.

"Guys, he asked me what I was going to do?"

After saying that, his expression darkened.

"What am I going to do? Gu, you still don't understand?"

"We want the foundation of the martial arts hall, we also want the Twelve Layer Tower Order, and we also want the Shangyang Martial Arts Hall..."

"After today, Shangyang Martial Arts Hall will be completely removed from the list!"

Gu Baiyun took half a step back. From the corner of his eye, the black-armored masked warrior was still standing there, his breathing soft and inaudible, his eyes calm and indifferent, and he still couldn't feel the slightest emotional fluctuation inside.

"Luo Yong, the Lord of the Demon Suppression Division is here, how dare you act so arrogantly!"

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Gu Baiyun shouted loudly.

"Devil-Suppressing Division?"

Luo Yong's eyes flashed.

"The Demon Suppressing Division of Qintian Prison?"

he asked rhetorically.

Gu Baiyun nodded hurriedly.

For a while, the scene was a little quiet.

Qin Tianjian, Suppressing Demon Division, it may be a bit exaggerated to say that it can stop children from crying at night, but as a warrior, he also knows that the people of Suppressing Demon Division are difficult to deal with, so don't offend him unless necessary.

"Are you bluffing me?"

Beside Luo Yong, Zhao Tianba jumped onto the long table with a large sword in hand.

As a mercenary, he doesn't have so many taboos.

If you really offend someone, why don't you just run away?

"Demon Suppressor? Can you take out the talisman and take a look?"

He stared at the black-armored and masked warrior like a vicious wolf.


Sorry, it seems that I really don’t have this thing!

"so troublesome……"

Under the mask, Nie Wushuang said softly.

Yes, this black-armored masked warrior is Nie Wushuang.

Yesterday, Gu Baiyun asked him to ask for help from the Suppressing Demon Division. Not to mention that he and the people from the Suppressing Demon Division only have a superficial relationship. Even if they have friendship, this favor cannot be owed casually. After all, asking for help will inevitably come with a price.

I wanted to dodge politely.

Later, I thought, I am idle anyway, so I might as well take this order and make some extra income.

If everything goes smoothly, of course everything will be fine.

There is gain without effort.

What if, this is a trap?


"Master Gu..."

Nie Wushuang turned to look at Gu Baiyun.

"Take those things out and put them on the table..."


Gu Baiyun looked confused.

However, he did not refute, but acted as he was told, placing the land deed, lease, and the gold box containing the twelve-layered tower order on the long table in front of him.

"I've given you all these things, can we leave?"

Nie Wushuang asked softly.


Luo Yong looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Want to leave?"

"I want to eat shit!"

Zhao Tianba, who was squatting on the long table like a bear, touched his shiny head, grinned, revealing his cold white teeth, and smiled ferociously.

"You actually...dare to...bluff me!"

"Go to hell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he held the long-handled Guan Dao with one hand and flicked it.


Mixed with a biting wind, the blade of the Guan Dao drew a white line and struck Nie Wushuang in the head under the long table.

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