Saint’s Awakening (2)

The Summer Ball is one of the Academy’s biggest events.

Originally, it was just meant to make friends. Of course, when young men and women gather, this kind of event changes as if it were natural.

To become partners in this prom and dance together means to become lovers.

Thanks to this, boys and girls who wanted romance were eager to find a partner.

After the day’s schedule was over, that kind of thing came to me, who was called an empty classroom.

“Maybe at the ball this summer… Would you like to go with me?”

The girl in front of me blushed and stammered. It seemed that it was very difficult to get every single word out of my mouth.

Thank you for the confession, but I smiled vaguely.

“sorry. This time I’m not going to the prom. I don’t like crowded places.”

“Oh, is that so?”

At my refusal, the nameless girl nodded with a complicated face.

Excuse me, the girl covered my cheeks and ran out of the classroom.

I think I shed tears at the end.

As the prom neared, this often happened.

Most of it was because of my popularity within the academy.

The excuse not to attend the prom at all worked pretty well in a way that didn’t hurt anyone.

“Ah, that’s exhausting.”

Still, it is difficult to say no.

I let out a long breath and shook my head.

At that moment, a tingling sensation ran through his body.

I felt a gaze staring at me from somewhere and frowned.

“Elin… ”

For several days, I already knew that Elin was watching me.

Yesterday, when I went back to my room with Nias in my arms, I could feel Elin’s gaze.

‘… no way.’

Elin, is he going to ask me to be his summer prom partner?

It’s kind of weird to do that, though.

… Well, considering Elin’s personality, this side might be the right one.

The original Elin had a sun-like side shining brightly, just like Elina of today.

Of course, she was not as pure as Elin now.

In her benevolent backside, she kept the backside of a saint of evil spirits.

It still remained like that to some extent.

If you limit yourself to what you see in front of others.

Although the bright and lively feeling that the original Elin showed is gone, she is more friendly and gentle with others.

It was as if he had given up his bright side to Elina.

Maybe because of that, sometimes there were times when I threw an excessively fastball, but there were times when I was shy like that.

Quite annoying, but I got used to it.

“I can’t help it.”

If that person doesn’t talk to you, I will.

Being chased by someone is also stressful.

I walked slowly to where Elin was hiding.

“hey. Elin.”

I stuck my head out.

The moonlight-like eyes shook as if in surprise.

For some reason, Elin was standing there hesitantly, with her hat on.

“Uh, yes.”

So far this is what I was expecting, but there was something unexpected.

He hid his long hair inside a hat, and added a magic trick to it that made him look short.

Only the appearance is the appearance of Elin. However, there’s no way I can’t differentiate between the two.

“… ”

For a moment, a much more awkward air flowed than expected.

Elina, hard as a stone, looked at me as if she had forgotten to breathe.

I hesitated for a moment what to say. Should I pretend to be cheated?

Why did you wear such obvious makeup? What are you doing by pretending to be Elin?

“What’s going on?”

I asked with a gentle smile to clear the air.

“Yeah, I can’t do that!”

It was then that Elina turned around and suddenly started running.

I couldn’t catch her because of the unexpected action and just watched her.

The next moment, I came to my senses and hurriedly shouted a word.


It was meant to be tricked once.

At my cry, Elina stopped and turned around.

As if relieved, she nodded vigorously with a bright expression on her face.


Elina hurriedly ran in front of me at once and let out a long breath.

“… why?”

Then he looked at me with a blunt expression and a haughty look in his eyes.

Look back on what you did a little while ago. Elina.

“Did you wait for me because you had something to say?”

In response to my question, Elina tried to brush her long hair as usual, but in vain in the empty air.

She put on a puzzled expression for a moment, then, as if realizing her mistake, her face flushed red and lowered her hand.

“that… Hey, just in case you have time.”

Dumbfounded, she opened her mouth.

Elina. You will never lie again

“I have time to write to you.”

I said with a smile.

“Then lend me some time.”

Elina turned her body around again.

Then, hesitatingly, he grabbed the hem of my sleeve with only his thumb and forefinger.

I watched for a moment the slender figure behind me as they walked away.

‘What’s going on?’

The place she led me to was her room.

The room is filled with a fragrance that gives off a sense of purity. The white-based furniture was mainly placed, giving it a graceful feel overall.

Come to think of it, it was the first time I came into the dorm room of the two saints.

While looking around for a while to see if Ellin was gone, Elina pulled my sleeve again.

“lie down.”

Tuk, Elina pushed me onto the bed.

I tried not to be pushed back, but Elina held on quite tenaciously.

I thought it would be better if I just lost. I just fell face down on the bed.

“what’s the matter?”

Lying on the bed, I looked at Elina.

It was then that Elina climbed onto the same bed as me.

She came up on top of me and looked down at me.

A tense air flowed through the room.

Body heat is transmitted to the place where her thighs are touching.

The sweet scent of her descending from above fills the room.

Under the small shadow Elina made, Elina’s eyes blinked slowly.

It was an expression of severe hesitation, and I could tell that he wasn’t doing this because he wanted to.


Elina imitated Ellin and opened her mouth.

“What do you think?”

What are you asking?

I managed to get the words I wanted to say down my throat, and spoke softly instead.

“I don’t know why you’re doing this all of a sudden, but let’s calm down and talk.”

“… Well.”

Elin, no, Elina looked at me with sad eyes.

You’re just amazingly good at that.

However, it seemed that Elina had no intention of getting out of the way.

Instead, he began to speak as if reciting something prepared.

“… That, that summer prom.”


“What are you going to do?”

I narrowed my eyebrows slightly.

“What does that mean?”

“green onion… ”

Elina said in a low voice as she crawled in.

“partner… I’m talking.”

“You were listening earlier. I’m not going to the summer ball, so I don’t have a partner.”

At my question, Elina’s eyes became desperate.

“Ha, can’t you just think about it once more? I really want to dance with Gongja-nim at the ball.”

Ah, now I’m starting to understand.

This is what Elina is doing for Elin.

I don’t know if Elin is aware of Elina’s actions.

Those eyes are desperate, and the heart is admirable.

If possible, I also want to attend the prom and hang out with them.

However, this side also had circumstances, so it was a situation where I couldn’t participate in the ball.

“Sorry. Elin, I have no complaints if you are my partner, but there are circumstances that day.”

“… It’s okay.”

Elina squeezed her hand tightly.

Elina’s hand, covered with white soft skin, was strong.

Maybe it’ll come off at this point? As she thought so, Elina’s eyes filled with tears.

“… You’ve already kissed the other kids.”

Elina’s voice came out thinly from her parted lips.


“You’ve already kissed the other kids! Confucius!”

Elina shouted in a voice like shattered glass.

“Take care of me too! How much I love Confucius, why are you ignoring it when you know everything?!”

Tears clung to Elina’s eyes as if they would fall at any moment.

It looked as beautiful as dewdrops about to break upon hitting the ground.

Seeing that dangerous situation, I felt a chilling feeling of bad foreboding spreading through me.

I put my hand up to calm Elina.

And he gently stroked her cheek.

The tears finally burst and landed on my hands.


Ever since I started doing unreasonable things, I thought it was strange.

something happened

No matter how earnest his heart is, he’s not the type to be this hot. The more you do, the more careful you become.

Even more so, the one in front of me is not Ellin, but Elina.

“What’s up? Say it right.”

At my question, Elina’s densely colored eyes were stained red.

Should I say something, Elina’s red lips trembled while hesitating.

“If I tell you, will something change?”

I chuckled.

Then, he gently wiped away the tears that had made his eyes transparent with his thumb, and held her by the shoulder.


In an instant, the position was reversed.

I looked down at her locked between my arms.

Her expression, coming into the shadow I cast, was more worth seeing than I thought.

But it wasn’t my intention to hurt her.

“Be different. Even if you don’t tell me, you should understand, but if you tell me, things will change faster.”

I put my finger on Elina’s lips. After holding the person’s finger and rubbing his soft lower lip, I smiled playfully.

And she lightly put her lips on my finger, which was teasing her lips.

With only the slightest gap left between my lips, I whispered to her.

“I can give you a kiss anytime. All you have to do is put this finger away.”

Heat rose to Elina’s lips and her fingers were hot. Her red face was pretty.

Still frozen completely, Elina breathed thinly.

She was stiff, her eyes wide open and her body moving slightly as if she was nervous. Each time, the rustling sound of cloth brushing tickled my ears.

A moment of silence was deliberately given, raising Elina’s tension.

Then, when I thought I had enough, I opened my mouth with a smile.

“But, this isn’t what you want.”

At my words, Elina moved her head nervously.


I smiled proudly at Elina.

As if in praise, I, who had tidied up Elina’s hair, which was tangled in a rough movement, turned around and opened my mouth.

“Tell me why.”

Elina straightened her clothes and stood up.

After tidying up to a certain extent, Elina spoke up with an awkward face.

“I got a letter recently.”


Elina nodded her head.

“In the church… He must have noticed that Elena lied. ”


At my question, Elina nodded.

“About the oracle, lie a little.”

Elina is not the type to lie… no, wait. Was that a lie

My head stood on end as I realized what lies were coming out of Elina’s mouth.

I didn’t know that I would end up with the church so quickly.

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