Saint’s Awakening (3)

The reason Ellin was able to travel with Elina was all because of an oracle Elina had received.

‘I will forgive the saintess of Yuan.’

With Elina’s insistence on receiving such an oracle, Ellin was able to avoid being captured by the Church and subjected to harsh treatment.

Afterwards, it was not strange that Elin was kicked out, but Elina strongly insisted that Elin be by her side. After careful consideration, the church accepted Elina’s request.

It was all thanks to that oracle that the young saintess’ foolishness was eaten by the Church. Because everyone thought there would be some meaning in Neftam’s forgiveness.

Of course, I thought it was strange.

If it was Yuan, that Neftam, whom he hated so much, would have forgiven Elin.

“My head hurts.”

And that lie has now been exposed to the church.


Elina said as she lowered her hat with both hands, as if she had no face.

“The circumstances of being caught… .”

“You heard the voices of the Constellations briefly during the last election. maybe then… ”

Neftam was usually able to contact believers only through a limited method called an oracle.

However, during the last election, Elina seemed to think that she had been in contact with the believers in some way, taking advantage of the broadcast.

“Hmm… ”

I pondered for a while.

It’s not that there aren’t things that aren’t clear, but let’s think about it that way for now.

“Give me a letter saying you’ve arrived.”

Elina’s silver eyes wavered with hesitation.

I held Elina’s hand lightly.

Then, he gently brushed the back of Elina’s hand with his thumb.

After some time, courage seeped into Elina’s eyes.

“I’ll bring it.”

Elina took out a piece of paper hidden between Neftam’s bibles and held it out to me.

her hands were shaking.

Upon receiving the letter, I quickly read its contents.

“I will send the Heretic Inquisitor this way. It means that I will take Ellin and Elina with me.”

Neftam’s heretic inquisitors, who revere nothing, were known for being particularly violent.

If they had to, they could torture people more brutally than any expert torturer.

Elina will be fine. No matter how religious it is, it can’t do any direct harm to Elina.

The problem is Elin. It was impossible to predict what would happen when Elin passed on to those who were waiting for it.

“It says they left a few weeks ago.”

“yes. maybe… It will arrive soon.”

Elina looked worried.

Pretending to be Elin and approaching her must have been because of this nervousness.

‘It would have been nice if you had trusted me a little more.’

I looked at Elina for a moment.

The disingenuousness might be on Elina’s side rather than Elin’s.

I could have prepared for this lie if Elina had consulted me earlier.

It’s a problem when you try to handle anything yourself.

Plus this name on the letter…

‘Blake Wright’

He is a man whom I have seen once in the original novel.

As a heretic inquisitor with great power, his faith itself is sincere and his character is usually noble. However, his faith was so excessive that he became like a fanatic.

They interrogate criminals in a very vicious way, and if there is anything suspicious, they tenaciously pursue them like a hunting dog ignoring the owner’s orders.

Because of that madness, it was a difficult opponent to fight against or to deceive.

Fortunately, it is not an insurmountable crisis because I knew it in advance.

It can be a bit cumbersome, but it’s a problem I can solve with a little help from Elina.

“I will help you.”

I spoke softly in front of the beautiful girl.

“don’t worry.”

Elina’s face, in the shape of Elin, slowly stiffened.

Rebellion against the Order did not seem to be easily pictured in her mind.

“Don’t think weird. It’s a church thing… ”

“If it’s the Church’s job.”

I glared at Elina coldly.

“Are you saying you can be arrested? Do you think Elina will be okay if you disappear?”

Elina’s shoulders shrank.

It’s your own story. You will know your own feelings better.

“I hate that. I want to stay with you If possible… If that is allowed.”

I laughed like a mocker.

“Who is giving permission?”

At my mocking tone, Elina put on an angry expression.

“Oh, God… ”

“God, do I have to allow it? But Elina has already lied in the name of God.”

He raised his hand and cupped Elina’s pale cheek. It was a cheek that was small enough to fit in one hand.

He gently pressed his cheek with his finger. Elina frowned as if in pain.

I lowered my hand to stroke her cheek. Then, I strongly lifted her resisting chin and made eye contact with me.

Their wet, wet eyes collided with their eyes, shining like the dim winter moonlight.

“Look closely.”

With the other hand, she wiped away the tears that were blocking her vision.

Only then did I enter into her eyes without anything else.

“All I need is your permission.”

I bent my knees toward Elina.

They got close enough to catch each other’s breath.

From the back of Elina’s hand to her fingertips, her flawless, beautiful hand gripped my arm tightly.

“However… ”

I didn’t like the look on her hesitant face as she was clumped together with frustrated emotions.

Even so, you can’t reject God and the church.

Although I thought that one day this would become a stumbling block.


Looking at Elina, I let out a small sigh.

If you act stuffy like this, you can’t be friendly forever.

“Are you really going to do this?”

I looked at her with a colder gaze.

As if she sensed something strange in my smile, there was a crack in Elina’s expression.

It was nice to see that frightened expression. It would be nice if it was an illusion.

“You have to help. You don’t want to be separated from Elina.”

What should I do to get the words of permission to come out of her mouth?

All confusion, hesitation, and her lofty religiosity need to be destroyed.

Even if they are called gods, in the end they are only exceptionally strong constellations.

“And you are Elin, right?”

Silence passed by. In that silence, Elina’s lips twitched nonstop.

own desires and beliefs. The mind that once lost to desire was colliding once again.

Elina was fiercely hesitating and pondering.

I felt the warmth of her warm hands and waited for her troubles to end.

The sound of light, clear breathing intersected with mine. Small sounds made by small movements mixed in between them, adding to the tension.


Finally, her hand holding me was stronger than before. it’s decided

“… Help me. Confucius. I don’t want to fall.”

Elina’s words, borrowed from Ellin’s mouth, flowed out through uneven breathing.

I gave her a small but firm smile to reassure her.

Elina is no fool. She knows better which one she will regret for the rest of her life if she loses it. With just a little help, even a little encouragement, she knows how to make a wise choice.

“okay. Well done.”

I rubbed her cheek playfully as a compliment.

Elina twisted her neck slightly as if it tickled her. It’s cute like a cat that doesn’t like to be touched.

Now all she has to do is cooperate.

Then this will end with a small happening.

“Now about the next thing.”

I sighed and spoke out.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened.

“Ugh… ?!”

Elina twisted her body in pain.

As if struck by lightning, Elina’s body fell backwards.

Stained in pain, she filled my arms with strength.

“Ouch… Whoa… ?!”

The struggle was not unusual.

As I held her in my arms, I looked at her, who was bursting with tears.

“zero… ruler..”

I held her tight as if supporting her thin waist with both arms.

Elina trembled dangerously at the pain that hit her incessantly.

As if running away from pain, she burrowed into my arms.

The cap fell off, and silver hair poured down like moonlight.

“… Neftam!”

I just realized This was Neftam’s work.

Using his authority as a god, he was punishing his followers.

“Go, Gongja… sir… ”

Elina gasped, not knowing what she was talking about.

I pressed my lips against her cheeks, which were damp with bursting tears.

“Something… disappear Inside me, it disappears.”

Elina’s eyes were going blank. Not because of the pain. It was the divine power at work.

This is one of the things that a powerful constellation with the name of a Neftam-sized god can do.

To force one’s faith on one’s followers. It doesn’t matter if it’s just that.

But worst case… Elina could have ceased to be the person Elina was.

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Just as Elin was brainwashed by Yuan in the past, Elina is also like that.

Of course, the situation was different from Elin’s time. As it weakens, the power of the weakened Yuan and the powerful Neftam.

It was obvious which one would be stronger.

“Huh… ”

Elina’s pain must be stopped.

I didn’t want to lose this girl I saved, who didn’t exist in the original story.

I eagerly hugged the silver girl and said.

“For now, just reject my words. Follow the words of Neftam.”

“still… that… ”

“For now, do as I say. Push me away, hate me do it.”

I ordered low.

But the stubbornness did not go anywhere. She shook her head, even though she was weak from pain.

“L… Help Elin. Elin… ”


Elena was held in my arms as if having a seizure.

I hugged her tightly.

Suddenly, her shaking stopped.

The pain seemed to have stopped.

And that means…

“… I’m sorry. I must have misunderstood something.”

Elina grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back.

Her slender body, which had been trembling just before, rejected me and pushed back.

The silver eyes filled with water droplets were looking at me with warm eyes that made me feel holy.

“I’m sorry. But I have to follow Neftam’s words.”

Elina put her hands together and said in a noble manner.

However, it didn’t feel like it was the same as before.

It may be sacred or noble, but the innocence like Elina did not exist.

“It’s very sad, but I won’t help Elin. I think it is definitely something the Lord will decide.”

Elina lowered her head and said with a melancholy expression.

“I’m sorry I lied to you. me too… I didn’t know what to do.”


I hope you will do something like this

I grinded my teeth.

The powers of the two gods, Neftam and Yuan, have kept each other in check until now. Since Elina and Ellin were close to each other, there was a risk that one side would be eaten.

Neftam’s power was a clear advantage, but it greatly limits the power it can unleash on the world below anyway. The forces were barely symmetrical.

The two gods were quite busy just keeping them in check. Thanks to that, he would not have thought of ruling his own warrior candidate.

But for some reason, Neftam seemed to be planning to punish the saintess of Yuan this time. Even though you don’t know when Yuan will release his powers, even while pushing himself quite a bit.

“… Elina.”

I put my hand on the back of Elina’s hand.


My hands worked slowly and lovingly through her tousled hair. I grabbed the hair that came into my grasp with my hand and fixed it so it wouldn’t flow.

The strands of silver disappeared, revealing the inner round forehead. I kissed her on the forehead and gave her strength as if to carve something into it.

“Confucius… sir… ?”

I whispered, feeling the heat rising to the tips of my lips.

“You weren’t the only one who didn’t want to lose Elin. I hate it to the point of death.”

Her silver eyes trembled aimlessly.

“But you can’t lose that much either.”

“that… ”

Elina caught her breath.

He kissed her lightly under her eyes. Then, on the cheek where the tears were flowing, I kissed the chin as if swearing.

She blinked blankly, as if she didn’t know what was happening to her.

Originally a beautiful girl like a doll, now that she is doing this, she looks like a doll even more.

The fact was so uncomfortable that it twisted my stomach.

“I have no intention of losing.”

I whispered in front of her lips.

My upper lip and her wet lower lip brushed against each other. As if it was itching, Elina made a small whimper.

“Gongja-nim… ?”

Elina tilted her head.

I was sure

she was still

And I know how to get her back.


He held her thin waist tightly with both arms.

“Ugh… ”

Elina, who was tightly held in my arms, sighed as if in agony.

“Gongja-nim, it hurts… It hurts.”


I whispered low.

I cast a sleep spell on her.

“So, sorry.”

“What do you mean… well… ”

Elina blinked several times as if her eyelids were heavy.

As if to make my mark on her back so that she could sleep comfortably, I stroked her from the wing bones to the spine several times like a child.

The tension was slowly released from her stiff body. The body that had been hardened became soft.

“I feel sleepy. Confucius.”

Elina slowly moved her long eyelashes up and down a few times.

Gongja-nim, I… The girl who muttered so slowly finally closed her eyes.

“You can get some sleep. It’s time to rest.”

I kissed the nape of her fine, smooth neck that was hidden beneath her silver hair.

As if to show off that it was mine to someone watching from above, I left a light mark on my delicate skin.

As if staining the white snow, a freshly made red spot appeared. I made a promise as I kissed the spot again.

Neftam can’t let Elina have her own way any longer.

If so, she just needs to stop being a follower of Neftam.

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Just like the time when Elin was able to get away from Yuan.

To do that, Elina’s priorities needed to change.

The place occupied by Neftam must be replaced by someone else.




I’m hugging.

two people.

Elin, who had just returned to the room, was shocked as she peeped into the room.

Leonhard and Elina were holding each other sadly.

Elina pretended not to be interested.

I felt a sense of betrayal twisting in my stomach to the extent that my whole body was shaking.

It was an instant that that sense of betrayal turned into burning jealousy.

[Constellation Yuan whispers to you that you don’t have to put up with it.]

It was then that the evil spirit whispered in Elin’s ears again.

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