To Baiyunlou's surprise, the soul-splitting dharma bodies of these two junior sisters who had just entered the fairy world were more adapted to the power of the rules of the fairy world, and there was no ghost image in their eyes.

But it's normal to think about it, one has a fairy weapon next to him, and he can see it through the fairy light, so there is no problem, and the other is tempered by the condensed fire of the gods, and he is born to be comparable to the creatures of the lower world.

After making some preparations, the three of them plunged into the pool, letting the immortal principles in the pool refine their souls.

This time when he re-entered the Immortal Gate, Baiyun Tower used the accompanying soul-splitting body to store a lot of innate energy, which should be enough for the immortal dog Xiaotian.

After some baptism, the soul of Baiyun Tower turned into the body of a fairy soul, with a seal of Fengling on the center of his eyebrows.

Xia Chaoyang beside him also gradually completed his training, and a dragon scale imprint gradually formed between his brows. It seemed that this fairy pond had already sensed Xia Chaoyang's blood.

After being baptized, Huo Ling'er's divine fire avatar was also contaminated with the aura of immortality. As the aura around her body stabilized, a imprint of immortal fire appeared between her eyebrows.

After refining their souls, the three of them jumped out of the Huafan Immortal Pond. Xia Zhaoyang looked curiously at the remaining souls of Senior Sister Ziyan.

Before entering Huafanxianchi, there were more than ten clones, and in the time it took to refine the immortal soul, several souls had disappeared without a trace.

"Junior Sister Ziyan is deriving the operation of the laws of the immortal way, and the consumption is a bit large..."

After saying that, Baiyun Tower took the two junior sisters to the side of Yinxian Terrace, looking down at the appearance of the round place in the world.

After a burst of amazement, Xia Chaoyang was concerned about the change in the fairy world, and then looked around. Although he could feel the tremor in the void, he couldn't see where the meteorite was.

Sensing the doubts in Junior Sister Chaoyang's mind, Baiyunlou explained casually: "This is the lowest level of the Nine-Layer Immortal Realm, and it is impossible to see the true appearance of the meteorite outside that day."

"Then let's set off now. Brother said before that it will take a while to go to Wusitian." With the Ruyi Immortal Sword in his hand, Xia Zhaoyang's thoughts were very clear after the soul merged.

After a short pause, Bai Yunlou said: "Chaoyang wait a moment, senior brother, I am waiting for an opportunity..."

As soon as the words fell, a black shadow appeared in front of the three of them. It was shaped like a dog, with a slender body and shiny black hair. It was the fairy dog ​​Xiaotian.

"This is that Xiaotian, he looks very energetic..." Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help admiring when he saw the extraordinary aura exuding from the fairy dog's body.

"Exactly, it was a great help this time." Bai Yunlou nodded and replied, and a lot of innate energy popped out and fell into the fairy dog's body.

The Xiaotian fairy dog ​​who had benefited from it whistled twice at the three of them, and turned around in a circle as if flattering them.

At this moment, a ray of fairy light fell, and the fairy dog ​​disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"This is the teleportation method of Reward and Punishment Immortal Pond. Brother, I have figured out some rules... Alright, let's prepare to teleport."

In the middle of the conversation, Baiyun Tower stopped talking, and pulled two junior sisters to wait in place.

A ray of fairy light fell, and with the power of spatial rules, moved the three of them together from Yinxiantai to a fairyland.

The place where the three of them reappeared happened to be on a fairy platform. Turning their heads and looking around, not far away was a gate of void where immortal light flickered.

Wusitian's Teleportation Immortal Gate.

This teleportation is extremely accurate. After countless attempts within two hours, Baiyun Tower has become more and more proficient in operating the teleportation method of Xianchi.

Perhaps due to the compatibility of the fairy pond, there will always be a huge deviation every ten times or so. No matter how much Baiyun Tower tries to adjust, there is no progress at all.

In desperation, Master Bai had no choice but to use a fairy dog ​​to cover this inexplicable chance.

The teleportation just now directly sent Xianyou Xiaotian to a space crack in the fifth heaven.

In such an encounter, Xiaotian Xiangou has experienced a lot in these two hours.

It is nothing more than the broken and reborn fairy body. A true spirit breaks through the air and escapes back to the reward and punishment pool in front of the fairy queen's palace, and can reappear in a moment.

With the footsteps of the fairy dog, the next few teleportations will be safe and correct, so the teleportation of the three of them is extremely accurate.

Worried that the long interval would affect the feel and chance of success of the teleportation again, Baiyunlou pulled the two junior sisters who were watching curiously to the fairy gate, and stepped into it without the slightest hesitation.

This kind of fairy gate condensed by the rules of the immortal way will not have any accidents, and the three of them were transported to the West Pole very smoothly.

Today's Xijitian is still the same as it used to be. The broken fragments outside the enchantment of the fairy gate are scattered everywhere.

Looking at this scene, Xia Chaoyang could truly see the collapse of the fairy world, and while feeling emotional in his mind, he inexplicably felt a little bit of empathy.

"That's the meteorite from beyond the sky?" Huo Ling'er faced the eastern glow, followed the direction of the shock wave, and vaguely saw a small group of black shadows.

"Exactly, let's go to the Fairy Queen's Palace, where you can see it more clearly..." Bai Yunlou nodded and replied.

Xia Chaoyang nodded repeatedly, took his senior brother's big hand, and scattered the fairy light from the Ruyi Immortal Sword to cover the figures of the three of them, obviously ready to teleport.

Followed by the fairy light falling from the Nine Heavens, the three of them flickered and followed the fairy light to the front of the main hall of the Fairy Queen's Palace.

The transmission was quite smooth, and it didn't take much effort to reach the ground.

As soon as Fang fell down, the accompanying soul of Baiyun Tower directly merged into the body of the fairy soul beside the fairy pond.

"Senior Brother..." Xia Zhaoyang subconsciously called out the familiar hall, but in an instant he saw Senior Sister Ziyan sitting cross-legged, concentrating on it, and immediately held back his words, and continued to turn his head to look around.

This is the place where the jade slip manifested. Although I heard from my senior brother before, I can't help feeling even more emotional after seeing it with my own eyes.

The glazed hall with curved The multi-colored rays of light that fall from the void, the fairy pool in front of the hall with extraordinary charm, and the slender black dog standing proudly in front of the hall, it seems that it has just woken up...

"It's okay, the voice of our conversation won't affect your Senior Sister Zi Yan, maybe this time the crisis in the fairy world depends on Chaoyang you to take action..." Bai Yunlou turned his head to look at the eastern sky, and said with a sigh.

"Ah..., the brothers and sisters are all here, how can it be my turn..." Following the eyes of the seniors, Xia Zhaoyang unconsciously lost a little bit of confidence when he saw the approaching meteorite.

The meteorite looked imposing, its whole body was in the shape of light blue, and it seemed to carry the true meaning of extreme cold. The void through which the hole passed seemed to be frozen, leaving a long trace of void behind it.

Two hours passed in the fairy world, and the meteorite had already escaped to the vicinity of the outermost light curtain of the fairy world.

While the three of them were watching, the meteorite seemed to hit a piece of glass, and the light curtain appeared to be broken, but it also slowed down the meteorite's escape speed.

But Baiyunlou knew that it wasn't that the meteorite slowed down that day, but that it fell into the first barrier of time and space in the fairy world.

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