The manifested light curtain cannot block the extremely powerful impact of the meteorite, but it can use the law of space to increase the void at the barrier countless times, thereby slowing it down in disguise.

A moment later, a powerful shock wave swept over. Although the Fairy Queen's Palace was protected by a magic circle, it was also affected by this shock wave, and the three people beside the fairy pond flew upside down in an instant.

The shock wave came so quickly that Baiyunlou didn't even react.

In an instant, a beam of sword light fled to Ziyan's side, forcibly propping up the protective sword field.

When he was thrown backwards by the shock, Baiyunlou was able to protect in front of the other two junior sisters in time, helping them to block the first impact.

Flying upside down by the shock is actually nothing, even if it flies for a few miles along the shock wave, it will not be a serious problem, but after being shaken out of the cover of the Great Hall of the Fairy Queen's Palace, Xia Zhaoyang and Huo Ling'er saw the power of the Immortal Lieyang for the first time.

Huo Ling'er was directly ignited, and the divine fire around her body churned.

Xia Chaoyang, who had just received the protection of the fairy light, was also just rightly illuminated by the scorching sun, and the powerful burning intent penetrated his body. blue smoke.

Sensing the anomaly of Junior Sister Chaoyang's fairy soul, Baiyunlou's imperial golden wheel turned into a big round shield to block the three of them, which relieved them somewhat.

After he regained his composure, the dragon scale imprint between Xia Zhaoyang's eyebrows lit up, and two delicate and small crystal dragon horns appeared on the top of his head, and a mysterious aura was revealed from the body of the immortal soul.

This energy mechanism is very miraculous, and the transformed fairy body that had already emitted blue smoke returned to normal in an instant.

Not only that, the celestial light of the Ruyi Immortal Sword was once again stimulated by Xia Chaoyang, shining down on the figures of the three of them in order to deal with emergencies.

Huo Ling'er on the other side also took the opportunity to retract the divine fire that came out through her body, and her figure also returned to its original shape.

The three of them retreated back to the Fairy Queen's Palace, covered by the hall, and the intense burning sensation disappeared completely.

Zi Yan was standing beside the Immortal Pond, obviously also affected by the shock wave just now, she woke up from the deduction of Shen Nian.

"Chaoyang, you came just in time, and I will leave this Immortal Pond to you..."

Hearing these words, Xia Zhaoyang replied in awe: "Senior sister, you also said the same thing, what can I do with this fairy pond, can I refine it?"

While speaking, he looked left and right inside and outside the Immortal Pond, but he couldn't find any core objects like arrays.

"Chaoyang, you don't need to look for it. This whole pond is the fairy token. If possible, let's refine this fairy pond." Zi Yan replied quite casually.

"That's definitely not possible..." Xia Chaoyang was not sure about such a wonderful fairy pond, but he still penetrated his divine sense into the fairy pond.

Following the penetration of this divine thought, the psychic liquid in Xianchi suddenly fluctuated, and then there was no change at all.

"Hey, it really doesn't work." Originally, he reported a glimmer of hope, but after this trial, Xia Chaoyang immediately sighed in disappointment.

"Huh..." Baiyunlou and Ziyan couldn't help being surprised at the same time, because this thought of Junior Sister Chaoyang can actually trigger changes in Xianchi, although it is extremely small.

After thinking for a while, Baiyunlou turned his head and said, "Chaoyang, you should put out some spiritual thoughts into the pool..."

"Oh..." Xia Zhaoyang didn't ask any further questions, and directly revealed his little half divine thoughts.

This time it was even more obvious, with this wave of divine thoughts entering the pool, there was no wind and waves in the center of the fairy pool, and a half-foot-high wave was actually set off, shaking up and down during it.

"At most, it seems like this is the only way... But it's really amazing that this pool of water can be attracted by divine thoughts..."

While speaking, Xia Chaoyang took two steps forward, bent slightly curiously, and swiped his hand twice in the pool water.

As the fingertips swiped across the pool, the water also rippled, and it seemed that there was nothing unusual about it.

But this scene made Baiyunlou and Ziyan very excited. They looked at each other, and then sat cross-legged on the stone platform beside the fairy pond at the same time.

You must know that this Immortal Pond is incomparably miraculous, and that the Immortal Liquid in it contains extremely mysterious spatial rules. Baiyunlou and Ziyan used all their strength to generate such waves. I didn't expect Chaoyang to have such an effect when he touched it at will. Not to mention the half-foot-high waves.

"Chaoyang, you continue to move the waves of this pool of water, or... just stir it with your hands to make this pool of water move." Bai Yunlou gestured to Junior Sister Chaoyang vividly.

"It's so simple, that's no problem, brothers and sisters, you continue to deduce, this is left to me..." While speaking, Xia Zhaoyang thought about turning the Ruyi Immortal Sword into a Ruyi bead, covering the four of them.

It seemed that the Immortal Pond seemed to wake up after coming into contact with the aura of Ruyi Pearl, and the glow from within it added a bit of fairy charm.

Sensing the changes in the Immortal Lake, Baiyunlou and Ziyan calmed down at the same time, using the power of their souls to fully promote the operation of the Immortal Lake.

This time, the two of them felt that most of the sense of blockage before had disappeared. Whether it was running the Immortal Pond teleportation or using it to watch the meteorites outside the sky, it was much easier.

It seems that what was expected before is not bad, Junior Sister Chaoyang has a deep relationship with this Immortal Lake of Rewards and Punishments, and can help the operation of the Immortal Lake.

Re-exploring into the pool, a very certain feeling rose from the mind of Baiyun Tower.

At this time, if the teleportation method is used again, the inexplicable extreme deviation should not appear again.

The same is true for watching meteorites outside the sky. In comparison, within the scope of the fairy world and the human world, the insight and observation ability of this fairy pool is much stronger than that of Celestial Eye.

After all, it was a top-grade immortal object refined by the Immortal Emperor himself. Now that there is no sense of blockage, it is already easy to see the power of rules on the meteorite outside that day.

This meteorite seems to be dozens of miles in size, but the light blue shape is not its body, but the ice crystals condensed by the extremely cold air outside the meteorite.

The body of the meteorite is hidden in the light blue ice crystal layer, and its true shape is unknown.

And the power of rules contained in the outer layer of ice crystals is very different from the Mysterious Ice Avenue in the fairy world...

The two of them were concentrating on watching, and suddenly felt their minds cleared, and what they saw became more transparent. In an instant, the power of rules inside and outside the meteorite outside the sky all manifested.

Xianchi actually regenerated and Could it be...

Gathering their thoughts back to their senses, the scene they saw couldn't help but make the two of them smile knowingly at the same time.

Xiao Chaoyang has already turned into a little white dragon, wandering in the fairy pond, looking extremely happy.

"Senior Brother and Sister, just now when I touched it with my hand, one of them transformed into the pool without holding back, so it didn't affect your deduction..." Xia Chaoyang swam to the edge of the pool, and the dragon's tail patted the water surface.

Bai Yunlou smiled and nodded in response: "This way the effect is better..."

Then he turned his head and said to Huo Ling'er: "Huo Ling, you should also concentrate on entering the pool, our souls are weak now, we can only rely on the power of the fairy pool..."

Huo Ling'er responded crisply, jumped to the edge of the pool, and sat cross-legged.

"Wang..." The fairy dog ​​Xiaotian, who was watching from the sidelines, let out a soft growl, and also dodged to the side of the fairy pond, looking like he also wanted to do his part.

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