"Xiaotian, can you enter the pond?" Baiyunlou asked curiously.

The fairy dog ​​nodded again and again, and then lay down beside them, and a bright spot of fairy light appeared on his forehead.

This is Xiaotian's true spirit, and it was directly forced out by it. Baiyunlou nodded slightly, and smoothly used the Qi machine left by the fairy queen to guide it into the fairy pond.

What the fairy dog ​​did immediately reminded Baiyunlou and Ziyan that they lacked compatibility with the fairy pond before, and the soul core could not be integrated into the fairy pond. Now that they have the help of junior sister Chaoyang, they can try again.

The two people in Baiyunlou looked at each other, then focused at the same time, pulled out the soul core between the eyebrows in the immortal soul body, and probed towards the immortal pond.

Sure enough, the fusion went very smoothly this time, and Xianchi completely accepted the soul core qi mechanism of the two.

Seeing this, Huo Ling'er also condensed a small group of divine fire, followed by her brother's aura and sank into the fairy pond.

"Soul core... It seems that I have it too..." Seeing that all the brothers and sisters stuck out their soul cores and entered the pool, Xia Zhaoyang also felt curious and muttered softly.

After swimming around in the fairy pond for several times, Xia Chaoyang finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and then he concentrated on his thoughts and escaped the soul core from the mouth of the transformation dragon.

Leaving an idea of ​​continuing to swim in the body of the shape-changing dragon, Xia Zhaoyang then escaped most of his original consciousness into the soul core and watched carefully.

After watching for a long time, he was overjoyed to see the shape-changing dragon walking obediently in the fairy pond.

After thinking for a while, Xia Chaoyang put the wishful pearl into the mouth of the white dragon avatar, and opened the protective barrier to protect Xianchi and his brothers and sisters.

Feeling that he was well prepared, Xia Chaoyang immediately ordered his soul core to be submerged into the Immortal Pond, and followed the aura of his senior brothers and sisters to escape.

The fairy pool is like a world in a mirror. When you probe into it, you can see all kinds of phantoms and phantoms in the fairy world and the human world.

The most mysterious thing about Xianchi is precisely these phantoms and phantoms. As long as there is enough strength to shake them, the true nature of these phantoms will also move accordingly.

This time, several people even directly escaped into the soul core and true spirit, and manifested their true colors among these phantoms and phantoms.

Just getting used to the avatar, Baiyunlou and Ziyan glanced at each other, and turned to look back at the same time.

I saw phantoms flashing behind me again and again, and when I got closer, the delicate figure of Junior Sister Chaoyang appeared.

"Senior brother, my white dragon dharma body is swimming by itself in the pool, but what effect will it have?" Xia Zhaoyang hurriedly asked Fang Yi standing upright.

"It doesn't have the slightest impact. Junior sister is really a good idea. Since we are all here, let's go to the meteorite together to find out."

After saying that, the Baiyun Tower circulated the air machine to wrap them around them, and when their thoughts moved, they directly pulled the phantom incarnations of the people and the fairy dog ​​to the side of the meteorite.

Attracted by Xia Chaoyang's aura, the Qi mechanism in the Immortal Pond was completely activated, and this virtual image escape method was much faster than before.

"Brother, this method of escape...wow, so beautiful..."

Halfway through the conversation, Xia Chaoyang was already shocked by the shape of the meteorite in front of him.

This frozen meteorite, whose body size is tens of kilometers in size, has a light blue ice crystal shell, and after breaking through the first barrier of time and space, it is still escaping in the void with a strong momentum.

On the crystal clear blue ice layer, curling mist rises, bringing out a long light blue tail smoke behind the meteorite.

This mist is extremely erosive and icy, and the power of rules in the void seems to be frozen by it, and the remaining mist does not appear to collapse in the slightest.

Through the faint mist and the crystal clear light blue ice layer, the inner body of the meteorite can be seen.

The body of this meteorite is not big, only about the size of Li Xu, dark and dense.

According to Xianchi's insight, there is a strange object several feet in size inside the meteorite body, which may be the core of the meteorite, but the power of rules revealed in it is extremely abnormal.

Dense! extremely cold!

It also has an extremely strange power of rules, which Baiyunlou has seen in a strange stone collected by the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and that strange stone can absorb iron objects.

Because the power of rules on it is quite peculiar, Baiyun Building also named it a magnet.

It is said that the magnet is also a meteorite that fell from the sky, but the strength of the rule force on it cannot be compared with the meteorite in front of me.

In order to verify the guess, Baiyun Tower used the power of the fairy pond to find a broken fairy mountain nearby, and moved it directly in front of the meteorite, intending to use it to hit the ice-blue meteorite.

It's just that as soon as this fairy mountain Fang appeared, he was directly torn to pieces by the powerful force of rules, and the broken fairy mountain collapsed directly.

It was clear to everyone watching that the reason why the fairy mountain collapsed ahead of time was because the gold blocks inside were forcibly torn out of the mountain.

Magnetic force, and extremely strong magnetic force.

Just as he was sighing, those broken fragments were hit by the light blue ice crystal layer outside the meteorite, shattered again in an instant, turned into dust, were engulfed by the light blue mist and passed over the surface of the ice layer, and finally turned into light blue ice smoke, stagnating in the sky. In the void.

The thick layer of light blue ice crystals was extremely hard, and when it collided with the broken fairy stone, it did not leave any impact marks.

On the contrary, the gold fragments pulled out by the polar magnetic force pierced through the thick light blue ice layer, and finally sank into the meteorite itself.

As the dozens of holes in the ice were filled with cold air, the entire meteorite returned to its original shape.

This impact also made everyone see another powerful part of the meteorite body, dense, extremely dense!

The gold fragments that were pulled into the body by the meteorite just now shrunk dozens of times under the suppression of the power of the internal rules.

From this we can see how dense the body of the meteorite is.

And that dense and dark meteorite layer...is it really the body of the meteorite...

Perhaps the core that is several feet in size is the real body, because that is the source of all powerful rules.

"Ziyan, are you sure?" Baiyunlou asked in a deep voice.

"If senior brother can calculate the timing~www.readwn.com~ together with the strength of the few of us, it should be no problem to push Guanghan Palace to block it..."

After a short pause, Ziyan continued: "Although the extreme cold true meaning on it is very corrosive, there is no way to do it, but the degree of density inside this meteorite is extraordinary, and its power is beyond immeasurable. Cause irreversible damage to Guanghan Palace."

"Calculate the timing... let's go and have a look together."

While speaking, the Baiyun Building operated the air mechanism, carrying the phantoms of everyone to Dongji Heaven, the eighth heaven of the Immortal Realm.

This fairyland has an excellent viewing angle, and you can clearly see the trajectory of the meteorite and the Guanghan Palace at the same time.

Although the magic weapon of the sundial is not by his side now, Baiyun Tower's basic knowledge has already broken to the extreme, and it is not too difficult to deduce such a way of operation.

There are nine layers of space-time barriers in the outer layer of the fairy world, and the Guanghan Palace operates outside the third layer and within the fourth layer.

Just now the outermost barrier has been penetrated, that is to say, the Guanghan Palace will have a chance to block it only after the outer space meteorite penetrates through the five layers of space-time barrier in a row.

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