After each layer of barriers is pierced, the extraterrestrial meteorites will fall into the space-time field and escape slowly for a while.

Although these layers of space-time barriers can temporarily block the momentum of the meteorite's escape, it is also a variable that cannot be ignored in the deduction...

Just thinking about this, the mutation happened again, and the light blue ice crystal meteorite broke through the void light curtain again, and broke into the second barrier of time and space.

This time, he was prepared, and the subsequent shock waves were all blocked by wishful beads, and Baiyun Tower used the virtual image manifested in the fairy pond to clearly understand the laws of this space-time field by the way.

The actual weight of the meteorite outside the sky, the speed of escape, the influence of the space-time field, and various factors gradually transformed into a trajectory in Baiyunlou's spiritual consciousness.

Guanghan Palace and Baiyun Building at the other end have already calculated several times, and the corresponding trajectory has also been deduced long ago.

This simultaneous deduction has really found a chance to meet, or the orbit of the Guanghan Palace has long been deduced clearly by Guanghan Xianjun and other ancient immortal world powers.

As long as meteorites or other catastrophic strange objects escape from the sky eye, they will meet the trajectory of Guanghan Immortal Palace along the trend of escape.

And what Guanghan Immortal Lord has to do is to control the speed of this Guanghan Palace's escape, so that he can accurately capture these foreign objects.

After careful deduction several times in the divine sense, Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and then evolved the final result to the three junior sisters through the virtual image.

"That is to say, Guanghan Palace needs to be pushed here on time..., Ziyan, based on the results of your current attempts, can we do it together?" Baiyunlou pointed to the place where the two trajectories meet, and asked Junior Sister Ziyan asked.

After pondering for a while, Zi Yan replied in a deep voice: "It's very difficult... Senior Brother, after some trials just now, Junior Sister, I have found two patterns."

"First, both the trajectory of the Guanghan Palace and the speed of escape have been limited by the rules of the Immortal Dao. We can use the power of the Immortal Pond to accelerate it, but once it stops, its speed will be forced to slow back to its original state.”

"We only have one chance, so it's important to be prepared."

"Secondly, after the Guanghan Palace is accelerated, it will slightly deviate outward from the established trajectory, and it will slowly recover after stopping the promotion..."

Immediately, Ziyan passed on the many changes in the previous attempts and deduction to her senior brother through her spiritual thoughts.

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, meditated, added these two variables, and re-deduced.

After some corrections and adjustments, the virtual image of the collision trajectory was evolved again.

After a while, several people were ready to stop, and then dodged to the front of Guanghan Palace.

The once bright and bright moon, I don't want to see today finally come to my eyes, although it is only a virtual image manifested through the fairy pond.

Only when you get close can you feel the hugeness of this moon palace. The human world where the creatures of the lower world depend for their survival is only ten thousand miles in size, and this moon palace is at least three thousand miles long.

The body of the meteorite, which was about the size of Lixu, seemed insignificant compared to it, and the ice on the moon palace was so thick that it should be able to withstand the impact.

"Chaoyang, use fairy light to protect the virtual image..."

Zi Yan gave a warning, and then dodged to fall on the moon palace.

"Does this phantom still need protection..." Xia Zhaoyang murmured softly, but obediently attracted the celestial light of Ruyi Pearl to protect his surroundings.

"Chaoyang, just protect yourself, it's very cold down here." Bai Yunlou raised his hand to reject the fairy light that his junior sister came to protrude, and the fiery breath of real fire radiated from his body, and then led the three of them down.

Arriving here, Baiyun Tower didn't dare to dodge down directly, the mysterious ice aura below was too icy, even with the protection of the Immortal Pond Qi Machine and the real fire, it was difficult to adapt instantly.

Huo Ling'er also turned on the breath of divine fire to accompany her, Xiaotian looked at the seemingly endless world of black ice below, his body was a little stagnant, and he didn't dare to move for a while.

"Good dog, what are you afraid of, come down for a walk together..." Huo Ling'er turned around and called out, and by the way, a cloud of fire condensed under his feet.

As if sensing the warmth of the fire cloud, Xiangou Xiaotian jumped into the fire cloud and followed him down.

The more you go down, the more you can feel that kind of chill, the bone-piercing extreme cold, as if it can penetrate all laws.

Zi Yan, who was the fastest escaped, was surrounded by mysterious ice, as if she had merged into the boundless chill, and a group of red lotus fireworks between her eyebrows protected her consciousness, allowing her to retain a bit of freshness.

It seemed that the fairy light could not completely block the invasion of the chill, Xia Zhaoyang felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and was immediately held by the little hand of his senior brother, endless pure yang energy was introduced, and he was relieved.

After a few breaths, everyone stood down in front of a mysterious ice hall.

Guanghan Palace, Guanghan Hall.

The roof of the Xuanbing tiles, the body of the Xuanbing Palace, and even the lotus platform inside are condensed from extremely cold Xuanbing.

The shape of this hall is somewhat similar to that of the former Hanguang Hall in Kunlun Cave, but the avenues contained in it are completely different.

The mysterious ice aura in the hall is even worse, almost without the slightest force of rules to operate.

It's not that there is no power of rules in it, but that these powers of rules seem to be frozen and stagnant in the void.

Even the mysterious ice breath itself stopped flowing.

Quiet and cold.

The hall seems to be empty, but it is actually full of dangers. With the current strength, if one step in, Baiyun Tower can foresee the result.

Even the phantom manifested through the Immortal Pond may be imprisoned within it.

After waiting for a few people to adapt to the extreme cold in front of the hall, Zi Yan said in a deep voice: "The Guanghan Order is in this hall, even if you use the Immortal Pond, you can't touch it, but there is still a way to speed up the Guanghan Palace. Run away."

"Brothers and sisters, you wait here for a while until the fairy tree breaks out of the ice, just send the power of the soul to it, the power of the rules it attracts, and the magical powers..."

While speaking, Zi Yan walked slowly, picked up the steps, and walked towards the Guanghan Hall.

"Sister Ziyan..." Xia Zhaoyang saw the crisis in the hall couldn't help calling out.

"It's okay, I can bear it outside the gate of the palace..."

The closer to the gate of the palace, the stronger the extreme cold air, and Zi Yan's words revealed a hint of extreme coldness.

"Kacha..." With a soft sound, he stepped up to the last step, and Zi Yan's transformed virtual image cracked a slanted ice pattern.

With a burst of energy fluctuations, the ice pattern gradually dissipated, and the virtual image returned to its original shape, and even solidified a little bit.

The breath was fixed, and a phantom flashed in the transformed fire lotus between Ziyan's eyebrows. The phantom flashed, with a trace of karmic fire, and fled into the hall.

The one who forcibly escaped was actually a part of Ziyan's soul, and it was also a fairy soul that had been refined by Huafan Immortal Pond.

This immortal soul escaped extremely fast, but still failed to rush too far into the hall.

After only three steps away, the moving figure of the fairy soul was already frozen in the void by the substantial Xuanbing true intention.

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