The face is beautiful and beautiful, and the clothes flutter like immortals.

It's just that he was frozen in the void by Xeon Xuanbing's true intention, and he couldn't even shake a breath.

The power of rules brought about when fleeing is like a river forbidden in time and space, which has the tendency to flow, but has no flow shape.

All of a sudden, Ziyan's immortal soul body flashed between her brows, and the true meaning of Karma ignited, winning a chance for the incarnation of the immortal soul, and forcibly used the supernatural power of broken thoughts, directly bursting the entire immortal soul.

The immortal soul turned into countless ice crystals and scattered, merging into the mysterious ice atmosphere in the hall.

With the melting of these fairy soul ice crystals, the hall became a little more agile, and the stagnant power of rules appeared to be revived.

At this moment, Zi Yan congealed a ray of immortal consciousness and sent it into the main hall. Although it was still unable to reach far, it made the main hall react.

An invisible shock wave emanated from the Xuanbing lotus platform, and instantly spread into the depths of the Xuanbing under the Great Highness.

The shock wave seemed to have aroused unknown things in the depths of the profound ice. The ice surface outside the hall began to tremble, and the sound of cracking ice came from under the feet of several people.

Xia Zhaoyang was dazzled by this movement, and felt very distressed for Senior Sister Ziyan's shattered immortal soul.

"Immortal tree..." Sensing the vibration under his feet, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

When Zi Yan shattered the immortal soul, Baiyun Tower was not idle either. Taking advantage of the cold air outside the hall, a phantom mist was condensed, re-evolving the virtual image and trajectory of the meteorite outside the sky and Guanghan Palace.

With this manifested phantom, there will be a reference for promoting the operation of Guanghan Palace later.

With a crisp sound of "click", the ice surface ten feet away from the front of the hall suddenly cracked, and a branch pierced out.

This branch seems to be unaffected by the extreme cold, stretching its body in the strong air of black ice.

At this moment, Ziyan once again released an immortal soul dharma body and shattered it in the Guanghan Hall.

Immediately received a response to the immortal consciousness that penetrated after the explosion.

The branches that just drilled out from under the ice layer grew rapidly, and in a short while it grew into a tall fairy tree tens of feet tall.

"Time is running out, let's pour it as you like..." While speaking, Baiyun Tower sent out a lot of innate energy and poured it into the fairy tree.

The innate qi seemed to be very popular with the immortal tree, and in an instant it sent these innate qi along the immortal roots deep into the ground.

Not only that, with the escape of these innate qi, a lot of celestial qi was sent into Xianchi immediately.

The immortal energy of the Reward and Punishment Immortal Pond penetrated into the depths of the ice layer, immediately activating an unknown immortal formation, and a strong wind gradually rose in Guanghan Palace.

The wind is blowing all over the sky, sweeping wildly all over the world.

On the other side, Xia Chaoyang used the evergreen technique to continuously pour down on the fairy tree, and more fairy energy was drawn into the depths of the ice layer by the fairy tree, and the wind became stronger and stronger.

Huo Ling'er was worried that the divine fire would damage the immortal tree, so she carefully probed into the fire cloud, but found that the immortal tree had no scruples at all when swallowing it.

Immediately, Huo Ling'er also started to get up casually, condensing out lines of fire and sending them into the immortal tree.

Immortal Dog Xiaotian hid in the fire cloud, and displayed the magic power of Fengxing Immortal Seal, and his aura was extraordinary, after all, he was an immortal with an immortal position.

The wind on the Guanghan Palace has already swept up the sky, the strong and cold wind even swept the mysterious ice on the surface into the air.

When these mysterious ice blocks collided with each other, they turned into ice chips and extremely cold air, and fled into the endless void along the wind.

The Guanghan Hall is protected by a mysterious ice barrier within a radius of tens of kilometers, and it has not been affected in the slightest. The people in the Baiyun Tower can use their supernatural powers with peace of mind.

With the infusion of magical powers, everyone also saw the true nature of this fairy tree.

This immortal tree was summoned by Zi Yan who spent her immortal soul body and probed into the Guanghan Palace for her immortal consciousness.

In order to maintain the stability of this fairy tree, Ziyan must integrate a fairy soul into the hall every once in a while.

Although immortal souls can be obtained by refining souls in the Huafan Immortal Pond, every time an immortal soul is lost, a certain amount of spiritual cultivation and a part of basic knowledge will be consumed.

However, Ziyan and Baiyunlou have deduced that with the moistness of the Immortal Pond in the Fairy Queen's Palace, they can last until the arrival of the meteorite that day.

The most important thing at present is to try to push Guanghan Palace to the established position.

With the weak strength of a few people, it is impossible to push the Moon Palace at all, and they can only rely on the huge fairy formation hidden deep under the ice layer.

The fairy tree that came out of the ice was the manifestation of the veins of the fairy formation, and everyone sent magical powers to it, just to induce the fairy power in the fairy pond.

Rewarding and punishing the celestial power in the celestial pond is what really drives the celestial formation to operate.

However, the spells and supernatural powers sent by everyone are also the key. The more powerful the supernatural powers are, the more spacious the passageway will be, and the more immortal power will be attracted.

This cooperation seems to have aroused extraordinary momentum. Judging from the appearance in front of the palace, Guanghan Palace's forward speed has indeed increased a bit.

Three points!

It turned out that the escape speed was only increased by three points, which was far from enough. According to the deduction, at least the Guanghan Palace must be accelerated to more than 20% of the original speed, in order to have a chance to reach the predetermined position.

It seems that ordinary methods are no longer enough, and several people unanimously displayed stronger supernatural powers.

Baiyunlou sits in the void, concentrating with all his strength, using the power of the fairy pond, to condense a steady stream of chaotic energy, and pour it into the fairy tree through the endless void.

Xia Zhaoyang took advantage of the fact that the meteorite was still some distance away from the third space-time barrier, so he directly summoned the Ruyi Pearl, turned it into a Yimu Immortal Gourd, and poured a large amount of Yimu Immortal Thunder into the immortal tree.

Huo Ling'er also took out the latest method of comprehension, forcibly separated the divine fire condensed in the avatar, and threw it into the fairy tree, which immediately widened the veins connecting the fairy tree a lot.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the speed of Guanghan Palace's escape was finally accelerated by a few points, but it still failed to break through 10%.

It was still too far away from accelerating to over 20%, Baiyun Tower pondered for a moment, then, concentrating on it, moved the Immortal Seal between the eyebrows, attracting a fairy soul over.

At this time, a strong wind blew outside the Xuanbing Barrier Ice shards filled the sky, as if there was an invisible big hand stirring the awe-inspiring air, pushing the Guanghan Palace to accelerate forward.

Seeing such a magnificent scene, the immortal soul attracted by the Baiyun Tower was shaken, and suddenly grew several times, and then stepped into the strong wind step by step, and his figure swelled by the wind.

In an instant, the fairy soul turned into a sky-reaching phantom, standing in the ice and snow storm.

"Senior Brother..." Xia Zhaoyang looked at the huge figure that manifested in midair, and there was a bit of worry in his colorful eyes.

"It doesn't matter, there is Xianchi to help..." Baiyunlou replied quite indifferently, and during the speech, he had already made the phantom escape into the body of the fairy tree protruding from the ice layer.

"Oh..." Xia Zhaoyang responded happily, and was about to cast the most powerful supernatural power, but suddenly realized that his most powerful thing should be the sleeping and nourishing soul...

Thinking of this, not only a little depressed.

At this moment, there was a crisp sound from the fairy tree.

With a "click", a huge crack burst out from the branch of the fairy tree.

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