A moment ago, the immortal soul incarnation of Baiyun Tower was crushed by a meteorite, and the original consciousness was crushed and shattered by the power of unknown rules through the void.

At that moment, Ziyan fixed the senior brother's original consciousness in the void by connecting the Qi machine, and Xia Chaoyang smoothly poured an evergreen spell into the shattered original consciousness.

The evergreen technique of the extreme realm forcibly reunited the fragmented original consciousness, and under the operation of the power of unknown rules, the original consciousness of Baiyun Tower was restored to its original state.

Of course, the Immortal Pond of Rewards and Punishments also played a big role, not only making the recovery of basic knowledge much faster, but also bringing the Evergreen Art of Extreme Realm to the extreme.

In fact, the shattering of the original consciousness did not dissipate, even without Chaoyang's powerful evergreen technique, it could be reassembled after ten breaths, but seeing the phantom image of the senior brother split apart, the two girls were quite frightened.

So Xia Chaoyang held the fairy sword and planned to cut the meteorite into pieces directly. As for whether he can cut it into pieces, it doesn't matter...

In contrast, Zi Yan had to be a little calmer, she didn't plan to confront the meteorite directly, but was going to escape the phantom of her original consciousness into the hall, so as to use the power of rules in the hall to deal with the meteorite from outside the sky.

The extremely cold and stagnant Xuanbing aura in the hall is extremely powerful, even if Zi Yan has practiced the Bing Xin Jue, it is estimated that it will be difficult to resist the rules and restrictions in the hall.

But Ziyan didn't hesitate at all, even though the meteorite outside was torn apart by Tianhe that day, Ziyan still had the intention of breaking into the hall.

Whether it was the incarnation of the immortal soul of the senior brother being crushed, or the explosion of the meteorite from the sky, Zi Yan felt a sense of powerlessness, and also gave birth to the idea of ​​becoming stronger.

The strength is weak, and in the face of these unknown existences, what can be done is sometimes too limited...

Previously, she had been sending the immortal soul dharma body into the hall, but this time Zi Yan directly entered the phantom of the soul core manifested and her original consciousness.

But Zi Yan is not reckless, she hides a fairy soul in the fairy seal between the brows of the phantom, to protect the complete ray of original consciousness left in the fairy seal.

Baiyunlou understood Ziyan's thoughts and knew that there was no way to stop her, so he immediately sent her a sword of pure yang condensed by the dharma body of the immortal soul.

Ziyan's Taoist heart is clear, and with the help of the sword gang sent by her senior brother, she runs the yin and yang energy mechanism at the immortal seal, and generates a Tai Chi phantom.

One step into the Guanghan Hall, the phantom phantom manifested by Xianchi was not too unexpected, and was frozen in the gate of the hall by the powerful force of rules.

The fairy seal between Ziyan's eyebrows shook instantly, and the incarnation of the original consciousness in the phantom phantom shattered first, and burst out in the hall with the mysterious ice breath of the same clan.

The incorporation of basic consciousness is indeed different from the immortal soul, and the energy of the whole hall immediately flows accordingly.

It was this moment that Ziyan was waiting for. Under the protection of the Tai Chi phantom, the small fiery lotus phantom left between Zi Yan's eyebrows fled towards a piece of amulet on the ice crystal lotus platform along the flow of energy in the hall.

The immeasurable light fell like a rain curtain, and the clear light reflected in the entire hall was transparent.

In the clear sky, the phantom of the fire lotus landed precisely on the ice crystal jade tablet.

The extremely cold aura emanating from the ice crystal jade tablet directly froze the Huolian phantom and Tai Chi phantom, but the wisp of basic knowledge hidden inside it was instantly submerged into the jade tablet.

Ziyan's intrusion into her consciousness seemed to awaken some unknown existence.

"Hey..." A soft sigh came out from the Guanghan Hall with the breath of endless years.

Time and space seem to have stopped, whether it is the air machine outside the hall or the meteorite fragments falling in mid-air, everything is frozen.

A clear phantom condensed above the main hall, with a beautiful appearance and a fairy charm.

The beautiful phantom first looked down at the main hall below, then swept across the profound ice that had been ravaged by the strong wind, and the phantom image of the two people in the Baiyun Tower in mid-air.

The cold eyes stayed on Xia Zhaoyang for a while, then raised his head to look at Tianhe, which was very far away.

Seems to have a sense, slightly nodded.

Immediately, the woman stepped out and came to the main hall of the Fairy Queen's Palace, and looked at Zi Yan beside the fairy pond.

This glance seemed to see through the location of Ziyan's original consciousness, and she walked directly along the connected air mechanism through the air, walking through Huafan Immortal Pool and Dengxiantai of Kunlun Immortal World.

In the end, following the invisible air mechanism, he passed through the Eastern Family in Jiangling City, and fled through the air to the Yunxiao Manor above the dome.

Standing at the end of the corridor, Xiao raised his hand to disperse the phantom in the quiet pool, turned around to look at the beautiful phantom that suddenly flashed, seemed a little surprised, and froze on the spot for a while.

"Xianjun, sit down." Instantly regaining consciousness, Xiao raised his hand to invite, and a set of tea sets from the human world appeared on the desk beside him, and the tea liquid in the crystal clear teacup exuded a faint fragrance.

"Sister Xiao, I haven't seen you for a while, but you are much smarter..."

The beautiful phantom spoke calmly, raised his hand to pinch the cup on the desk, and took a sip of it.

"Let's go..." With a voiceless sound of fairy rhyme, the phantom of the fairy king, together with the cup in his hand, turned into a piece of ice mist, and disappeared from Xiao's eyes in an instant.

Seeing where the phantom dissipated, Xiao paused slightly for the cup in his hand, and lifted it into the air.

"Guang Han..."

Immortal Guanghan's ray of immortality escaped back to Guanghan Palace through the air, and it took only a moment.

The beautiful phantom stood above the main hall, looked around for a while, and then floated back into the main hall.

Beside the ice crystal lotus platform, the woman suddenly shattered the incarnation of immortal consciousness and submerged all of them into the ice crystal jade tablet.

In an instant, the stagnant time and space returned to normal, and the meteorite fragments in midair fell down again.

Huo Ling'er and Xiao Tian rose from the sky, and came to the two senior brothers and sisters who were in mid-air, looking at the shocking scene in front of them.

Numerous pieces of blue ice and fragments of meteoric iron, exuding a cold air, fell towards the vast ice field below.

A fragmentation and a stagnation greatly weakened the aura of these meteorite fragments, among which dozens of fragments shining with faint blue light were particularly conspicuous.

The main body core of the meteorite outside the sky~www.readwn.com~ is still lingering with a powerful force of rules, and as the weak water and air mechanism left when the Tianhe sweeps away dissipates, these suppressed forces of rules become stronger again.

The Youlan fragments scattered in a radius of hundreds of miles began to resonate, and seemed to have the momentum to reunite.

Fortunately, these fragments were not far away from the endless ice field of Guanghan Palace, and all of them fell into the profound ice in an instant.

The light blue extraterrestrial ice fell rapidly, smashing huge pits on the mysterious ice layer below, causing waves of ice and snow storms.

Those black iron fragments penetrated directly into the depths of the black ice layer, and most of them could not penetrate the entire ice layer, and were finally sealed by the ten thousand zhang black ice.

What is more troublesome are those blue fragments, which are extremely dense and seem to be able to easily penetrate the black ice layer.

Moreover, the powerful polar magnetic force emanating from it directly attracted the meteorite fragments within a few miles nearby, and more than ten ice layers collapsed as a result.

The ten-thousand-foot layer of mysterious ice can't stop these blue fragments from falling. According to this momentum, the fairy formation under the mysterious ice will definitely be destroyed.

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