There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1010: mind mirror tracking

"Senior Brother..." Xia Zhaoyang, who woke up from his trance, couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he saw such a scene.

"It's okay, there is Ziyan..." Baiyunlou, who had a faint feeling in his mind, had great confidence in Ziyan.

Just now following Zi Yan's original knowledge to escape into the jade tablet, Bai Yunlou's mind was also absent-minded for a moment, but because of the connection with the energy mechanism of the human world, he had a faint feeling for that unknown existence.

After waking up, she immediately noticed the difference in Ziyan, her original consciousness increased several times, and she seemed to melt into the Guanghan Palace instantly.

An unknown presence has made a move...

And he assisted Zi Yan in refining the jade token, if nothing else happened, then the ice crystal jade token was Guanghan Immortal Token.

That being the case, there is no need to care about the falling meteorite fragments.

As Baiyunlou said, just as the voice fell, an invisible air mechanism in the Guanghan Great Hall radiated out, as if it had completely activated the fairy formation under the profound ice, and a clear glow came out from below.

The true meaning of extreme cold contained in this glow is like refining the entire mysterious ice layer, making it more crystal clear and transparent, and the rapid fall of the blue fragments gradually slowed down, and finally they were frozen deep in the ice layer .

Not only that, but the powerful Xuanbing true intention rushed towards these Youlan fragments like a sea tide, stripping off the power of rules on them bit by bit, and the body of Youlan fragments was gradually pulled under the big formation, becoming Part of Guanghan Palace.

This piece of extraterrestrial meteorite seems to be extraordinary. After integrating these fragments, Baiyun Tower clearly felt the change of Qi mechanism in front and back of Guanghan Palace.

There is no need to extraneously deduce the changes, and now Zi Yan, who has refined the Guanghan Immortal Token, must know about it, and at this time in the hall below, Zi Yan has recovered her original incarnation.

Immediately, Baiyun Tower pulled Junior Sister Chaoyang and dodged into the main hall below.

Huo Ling'er called to Xiaotian to follow, walked into the Guanghan Hall and looked around curiously.

At this time, the air mechanism in the hall is already normal, and those profound ice true intentions that are extremely rich have all been restrained. Zi Yan's phantom sits cross-legged on the ice crystal lotus platform, holding a jade talisman in both hands.

When the three of them approached, Zi Yan opened her eyes and nodded at each other.

"Senior brother, this meteorite is unusual. It should come from an unknown upper realm. The power of rules hidden in it is extremely powerful. Even the imperial emissary, the Guanghan Immortal Token, can barely suppress it..."

After a short pause, Ziyan said, "During this period of time, my little sister, I want to cultivate the immortal order in this hall, and at the same time refine the power of these foreign rules."

"In addition, those blue fragments are the real body of the meteorite outside the sky. Fortunately, it was crushed by Tianhe, otherwise, even with the help of the immortal order, it would be difficult to take it without damage."

"Although the fragments are sealed and stored now, it has already affected the Qi mechanism of the entire Guanghan Palace, and the Qi mechanism of the Guanghan Palace can trigger tidal changes in the human world..."

Hearing these words suddenly, Baiyunlou couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Brother, you don't need to worry too much. It will take half a stick of incense to transmit the energy to the human world. There should be time to prepare, but the younger sister needs to suppress the meteorite energy, so I can't take care of each other." Zi Yan replied calmly. .

"Since that's the case, then..., no..."

Halfway through the conversation, Baiyunlou suddenly felt something strange, and immediately raised his hand to release a watery mirror.

Mind mirror!

Just now when Zi Yan spoke of the human world, a warning sign came from Baiyunlou's mind immediately, but it still takes half a stick of incense for the energy mechanism that drives the tide to reach the human world, so there should be enough time to prepare.

According to common sense, after such abnormalities are known in advance, the warning signs will weaken a lot, or even disappear, but this is not the case at this time, the warning signs in the mind have not only not weakened, but have strengthened a lot.

Especially thinking about the meteorite, the warning signs became more and more intense.

It seems that there must have been negligence in the method of dealing with the meteorite just now, so Baiyun Tower immediately recruited Xin Jing to investigate carefully.

During this period of time in Liuhua Realm, Baiyun Tower has become accustomed to the existence of the mind mirror, not only storing the wonderful tree in it, but even storing all idle thoughts in it.

In this way, these distracting thoughts will have a home, and will no longer dissipate for nothing.

Don't underestimate these distracting thoughts, maybe there are a lot of clever thoughts hidden in them.

In addition, some key matters can also be called out to carefully investigate at any time, just like this.

While thinking about it, the streamer in the mind mirror flickered, instantly reappearing the meteorite that was falling from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a sky-reaching phantom appeared in the mind mirror, and was immediately crushed by the falling force of the meteorite and the force of the rules.

There is no problem with taking a picture of this mirror light, and there is no abnormality.

Then the picture disappeared for a while, and when it reappeared, it was the image of Xia Zhaoyang rushing into the air with the fairy sword in his hand.

Baiyunlou stopped the moving picture and looked at the two junior sisters.

Xia Chaoyang was taken aback for a moment, and then replied: "At that time, I was only thinking about chopping up that big ice ball, but I didn't pay attention..."

"There was no abnormality in those two breaths." Zi Yan replied affirmatively.

Hearing Junior Sister Zi Yan's words, Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and continued to check the images in the mirror.

The combined move in the picture cut out with a sword, directly attracting a phantom of a star-like river.

Ruoshui Tianhe swept across the meteorite first, and then filled the sky with light blue ice crystal fragments, dark meteorite fragments and faint blue star core fragments.

At that time, the eyes and minds of several people were all attracted by the phantom of the long river piercing the sky, and they didn't look carefully at these fragments of stars. Fortunately, they were all subconsciously stored in the mind mirror by Baiyun Tower.

The phantom of Tianhe has not yet dissipated, and a sword light flashed in it, as if it had hit a fragment of a star.

Sensing the abnormality, Baiyun Tower immediately zoomed in on the place where the sword light manifested and slowed down, and now everyone finally saw clearly that the sword light was directly cutting into a piece of dark blue with Tianhe On top of the fragments of the star core.

The fragment was not big, only half a foot in size, a crack was cut by the sword light, and then deviated from the original trajectory along the sword, deflected from the side of Guanghan Palace, and fled towards the vast void.

Seeing this meteorite, Baiyunlou's heart throbbed, but the sense of warning had faded a lot, and the problem really appeared here...

"Ziyan, take care of this place with peace of mind, leave the other side of the world to us..." After finding the root cause, Baiyunlou moved his mind and said to Ziyan.

"Little sister knows." Zi Yan replied softly.

"Well, Chaoyang, Huoling, let's go, and cut off the star fragments together with the senior brother..." While speaking, Baiyun Tower circulated the Qi machine to wrap the two junior sisters and the fairy dog ​​Xiaotian, and followed the thoughts in the mirror That breath flashed away.

The virtual image manifested by the fairy pond escaped extremely quickly in the fairyland, and caught up with the blue fragments that were fleeing in the void in an instant.

While watching intently, the escape speed of this fragment unexpectedly increased several times, piercing through several layers of fairy realms one after another, and fleeing through the air to the human world below.

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