After the broken mountain sword intent slashed through the star fragments, a little sword intent remained in the fragments, which actually made it easier to escape in the fairyland.

It is also because the current fairyland is dilapidated, not only the time and space barriers on the outer layer of the fairyland are much weaker, but the restraint between the fairylands is useless.

In the blink of an eye, Baiyun Tower has already dodged to catch up, and the sword light has laid down heavy sword fields on the route he is moving forward.

These sword domains were rushed by the blue star fragments, which only slowed down their falling speed by a few points.

It is really that the fragments are too dense, and the power of rules inside can easily penetrate the ordinary field, so the deceleration effect of the sword field has not seen much effect.

At the same time, a cyan sword light cut through the fragments from the front, instantly arousing a shock wave in the void, which immediately slowed down its extreme speed of escape.

The effect of this sword is obvious, at least more effective than the dozen or so epee swords just now.

The one who slashed this sword was Xia Chaoyang who had just adapted to the method of virtual image escape, and he dodged to the front and slashed this sword.

It's just because the broken pieces escaped too fast, Xia Zhaoyang was worried that he would miss the cut, so he stood upright, and he could only cut out this sword in a hurry, and he didn't have the extra mind to dodge.

Fortunately, Baiyun Tower has already understood this situation, and has been prepared for a long time. When Junior Sister Chaoyang slashes out with a sword, she will use the air mechanism to wrap her aside, otherwise she will be pierced by the core of the stars.

"Jianhe." Baiyunlou let out a soft drink, and then, with the power of the fairy pond, condensed countless true water magic swords and fled forward.

After being reminded by his senior brother, Xia Zhaoyang's heart was lifted, and countless Yimu sword lights emitted from the Imperial Envoy's Immortal Sword merged with his senior brother's true water sword energy, and he performed the combined move of the long river of sword energy.

Under the support of Xianchi, this sword move turned virtual into reality, twisted and turned, and met the faint blue star fragments.

A stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the heavy sword intentionally slashed on the fragment of the star, causing it to descend slowly at an escape speed.

Huo Ling'er also wrapped the fire wire around the broken piece, pulling it back forcibly.

The pulling power of this fire wire is quite limited, but it allows Huo Ling'er to see another role of Shenhuo.

The Youlan Meteorite seems to be quite resistant to the Nirvana Divine Fire. After being burned by the fire wire, it was washed by the real water breath in the Changhe Sword Intent, and a lot of debris broke out.

"Xiaotian, I swallowed the debris..." Worried that these debris would be more troublesome to clean up if they fell into the world, Baiyunlou simply called the fairy dog ​​to take care of the finishing.

As for the ability of this fairy dog, Master Bai still knows a thing or two.

Although the Immortal World is now broken, and its strength is also greatly reduced, but with the magical power of immortality, it is possible to test many unknown things in the Immortal World.

When Xiaotian heard the words, he immediately jumped up, and cast the fairy seal, and the fairy wind swept away, swallowing all the debris and dust scattered along the way.

It's just that although these crumbs were swallowed by him, it seemed difficult to take them for his own use, and after swallowing them for a while, Xiaotian's virtual image appeared to be shattered.

As expected by Baiyun Tower, if these scattered debris were ignored, the trouble would definitely be serious.

Fortunately, Xiaotian is quite spiritual, every time he swallows it for a while, he immediately flees to the nearest fairyland, puts the debris properly, and then flees back to continue to clean up.

Immediately, the three of them and one fairy dog ​​cooperated tacitly to peel off the star fragments layer by layer, but there was some progress, and Baiyun Tower's imperial envoy, Chang He Jianyi, gradually led it astray.

After some calculations, and with a cup of tea time, Ke Ke completely deviated him from the scope of the human world, and escaped into the vast unknown void from then on.

It's just that Baiyunlou accidentally caught a glimpse of the change in Xiangou Xiaotian's aura, and immediately changed his mind.

Just swallowing a little bit of breath from the dust and debris, Xiaotian's aura actually strengthened a bit, and the virtual image also solidified a lot.

Immediately, Baiyun Tower used the original consciousness of the extreme state to deduce it at the same time...

There is a lot to be done about this!

The regular power on this star fragment is extremely special, if it can be devoured and refined, it will definitely gain a lot.

Speaking of the ability to devour, the white wolf has powerful supernatural powers at his side, and the little fat man has a strong energy in his body, and his own devouring ability is also not weak...

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou immediately changed his sword intent slightly, no longer deliberately guiding the direction of the star fragments.

"Huo Ling, focus on taking care of that crack, mainly to slow it down..."

"Okay..., brother, let him escape into the world?" Huo Ling'er saw the change of Chang He's sword intent, and asked curiously after responding crisply.

"That's right, this fragment seems to be useful." While speaking, Baiyun Tower spun the Changhe Sword Intent, trying to block the fragment's forward momentum with all its strength.

Knowing the senior brother's intention, Xia Chaoyang didn't say much, holding the fairy sword, and tried his best to cooperate with the senior brother to display the sword intent to the extreme.

After a cup of tea, the fragments got closer and closer to the boundary wall between the two worlds, and the three of them had no choice but to stop and go back.

However, the escaping speed of the star fragment has dropped by more than half, and the cracks on it have also expanded several times, and the rest can only be returned to the human world to deal with it.

Something happened here, and the three of them flashed back to the fairy souls in the Fairy Queen's Palace. After a moment of calmness, without a moment's delay, they immediately withdrew their original consciousness from the fairy world and returned to their original bodies.

After regaining consciousness on the immortal platform, Baiyunlou did not rush back to the human world, but found two extremely hard fairy mountains in the Kunlun void, and the imperial envoy Kunlun ordered them to be included in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Then, with the help of the Immortal Pond, a large amount of immortal energy was stored.

Xia Chaoyang not only filled the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace with immortal energy, but also transformed into a big Yimu gourd, filling it up likewise, it seemed that he was ready.

Huo Ling'er went to the Fierce Sun Wonderland, and when she came out, her whole body was like a scorching sun, surrounded by mighty fireworks, and her body shone with dazzling light.

The three of them got ready, flames flashed in front of Huo Ling'er, and a gate of void appeared in front of him.

In between strides, they flashed back to Qing Yunmen together.

"Senior I'll go up there to guard..." After saying that, Huo Ling'er's figure flashed towards the top of the sky and fled away.

When they were in the Immortal World just now, the three of them had already locked the breath of the fragment of the star. At this time, the fragment was escaping between the barriers of the two worlds, as if entering the void of chaos, unable to sense it for a while.

But once it appears in the human world, you can instantly perceive its location.

Huo Ling'er's divine body is extremely powerful, even in Jiuchongtian, she can stay at will.

"Yunlou, what happened?" Xia Shigu asked curiously when she saw the three of them suddenly appearing, watching their expressions, she immediately noticed something unusual.

Hearing Aunt Master's question, Baiyun Tower suddenly realized that although Xiao Jing had entered the Liuhua Realm, Aunt Xia could still sit in command and order Kyushu.

Immediately, a Divine Sense was sent to the past, telling them all about the impending fall of the extraterrestrial star fragments and the abnormal change of the Moon Palace Qi.

Upon hearing this, Aunt Xia immediately knew that the matter was of great importance, so she immediately turned around and made arrangements.

Bai Yunlou and Xia Chaoyang looked at each other, and immediately dodged back to the Wenxin Pavilion, concentrated and calmed down, and retreated their original knowledge back to the Liuhua Realm.

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